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The Republicans have gotten a MAGA hit and can't take it anymore

The Republicans have gotten a MAGA hit and can't take it anymore

Республиканцы получили МАГА-удар и больше не могут этого терпеть
> to Trump during the hearing. But what happens if Trump doesn't just call them "dishonorable," but starts revealing classified information or threatening them? What happens if he encourages his followers to engage in violence or attempt to overthrow the government? That would be a clear violation of the judge's order and would likely result in a criminal case against Trump. But the court system is slow, especially in such complex and politically charged cases. Trump can continue to violate the order from time to time until his case is reviewed and a determination of guilt is made. This can take months or even years. Between the violations and the case being heard, Trump can continue to spread his false claims and incite his followers to violence.
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This is very dangerous and could have serious security implications for the country.So what do we do? We can only hope that law enforcement will respond quickly and effectively to any violations of the court order. We can also continue to highlight and discuss these issues to raise public awareness and pressure on Trump. Ultimately, we must ensure that Trump is not only stopped from violating the court order, but also prevented from continuing his dangerous and destructive rhetoric. This is important not only for the security of our country, but also for the protection of democratic processes and values.In conclusion, we must recognize that the situation of a subverted democratic process in America demands our attention and action. We need to be aware of what is happening and ready to act to protect our democratic values and institutions. This is a testing time for our country, and we must remain united and determined to overcome these challenges and get back to strengthening our democracy.
