Property Abroad
'Saudi company intends to acquire 77% stake in Shell Pakistan.'

'Saudi company intends to acquire 77% stake in Shell Pakistan.'


Саудовская компания намерена приобрести 77% долю в Shell Пакистан.
Саудовская компания намерена приобрести 77% долю в Shell Пакистан.

NEOM partners with Dive Butler International to improve aquatic experience in Sindalah

RIYADH: Saudi Arabia's giant $500 billion NEOM project is partnering with UK-registered Dive Butler International to improve the aquatic and diving experience on the luxury island of Sindalah. In a press release, NEOM notes that the partnership will provide visitors with a luxurious experience both above and below the water of the Red Sea. Under the agreement, Dive Butler will operate a five-star Professional Association of Diving Instructors dive center at Sindalah, offering a wide range of aquatic activities for visitors. Moreover, the company will also operate electric and hybrid vessels that''exclusively use eco-friendly moorings.

"We are proud to partner with Dive Butler International to enable our visitors to explore the wonders of Sindalah's waters and provide unique experiences in a multitude of marine activities," said Anthony Vives, NEOM's chief urban and island development officer. He added: "Sindalah, located on the northern coast of the Red Sea in Saudi Arabia, will offer the world a new destination for sustainable and cutting-edge underwater exploration activities all year round. "

Alexis Vincent, founder of Dive Butler International, said the company's partnership with NEOM will offer visitors a unique marine experience.

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"All Sindalah guests will be able to experience unique underwater excursions created by''their preferences, which will ultimately provide them with a better marine exploration experience,' Vincent added.

The opening of Sindalah

scheduled to open in 2024 and is expected to become NEOM's leading tourist destination. Making NEOM a world-class tourist destination is one of the key goals outlined in Saudi Arabia's Vision 2030, as the region gradually diversifies its economy away from oil. The Kingdom's national tourism strategy is to attract 100 million visitors by 2030, while increasing the sector's contribution to gross domestic product by more than 10 percent.

NEOM and BlueNalu join forces on sustainable food ecosystem

NEOM has signed a letter of intent with''by BlueNalu, a company known for its developments in seafood culturing. According to a press release, the partnership aims to advance the commercialization, marketing and distribution of BlueNalu's cell culture-based products, as well as develop sustainable solutions that ensure food security in the Kingdom. Under the agreement, the two companies will collaborate to build an ecosystem of incubation and food innovation in Saudi Arabia. They will also work with regulatory authorities to gain approval and sell these innovative products.

This partnership follows a $20 million investment by NEOM Investment Fund in BlueNalu to''Caged seafood cultivation and the myriad strategic partnerships we have already developed at BlueNalu, together with NEOM's incredible vision and resources, we can accelerate the development of innovative, renewable food products based on seafood cultivation,' he added.

