Property Abroad
Serbian PM's family real estate exceeds 1 million euros.

Serbian PM's family real estate exceeds 1 million euros.

Семейная недвижимость премьера Сербии превышает 1 миллион евро.

Serbian Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic and his family own seven properties worth more than €1 million in the Serbian capital Belgrade, and have recently sold another.

The two apartments he bought from the state in the 1990s, apparently at bargain prices. But Vucic's property declaration, published on the website of Serbia's anti-corruption agency, indicates that he is one of the poorest statesmen in the region.

The declaration states that he has only one studio of 30 square meters, and no other property - no cars, no companies, no savings in the bank. His monthly earnings are around €1,000, so even buying the studio must have been for him''no easy task.

The Vucic family nevertheless owns a significant number of assets in Belgrade. These are mostly large apartments in expensive neighborhoods, according to a survey by OCCRP/KRIK journalists.

Wife of the Prime Minister

The prime minister's wife owns an apartment of more than 100 square meters, which is next to his wife's studio in the Wellville residential complex.

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She bought it from a businessman the Opposition describes as close to the government.

It is unclear who owns the 118-square-meter apartment, located in the luxury commercial and residential complex JUBC, which Vucic bought from the state in the 1990s. Although Vucic gave it to his ex-wife, who still lives there, the contract was never''registered in the real estate cadastre, so Vučić is still the official owner.

Vucic's brother

Vucic's brother, meanwhile, owns a 108 square meter apartment in New Belgrade, a part of the Serbian capital built after the 1960s.

Vucic's parents

Vucic's parents own a 200 square meter family house in the Belgrade suburb of Jajinci, a 112 square meter apartment in Belgrade city center and an 80 square meter apartment in New Belgrade.

Vucic's mom had another apartment, but she sold it for about €75,000 during the OCCRP/KRIK investigation.

The family's most valuable apartment, valued at €239,000 (US$ 272,000), is on Krunska Street in the city center. Vucic's father''obtained it in the late 1990s in exchange for an apartment from the National Bank of Yugoslavia.

The total value of Vucic's real estate, not including the recently sold apartment, is about €1,160,000.


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