Property Abroad
'CNN and VI launch new program M² Meter Squared'

'CNN and VI launch new program M² Meter Squared'


СNN и VI запускают новую программу M² Метр квадратный

4 November, CNN will launch a new program "M² Metro Quadrado", created in partnership with Vida Imobiliária and dedicated to the real estate market. This program will present the various residential properties available on the market, and will offer tips on financing, managing residential complexes and home insurance, as well as other issues related to daily life in housing.

The presentation of the "M² Metro Quadrado" took place on Wednesday in Lisbon, at the offices of VICTORIA Seguros. During the presentation, the executive director of CNN Portugal, Frederico Roque de Pinho, said that "CNN Portugal is a news channel, but we need additional content.

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'M² Metro Quadrado' is exactly the program format we have been missing. It makes sense for''CNN'.

The director of Vida Imobiliária, Antonio Gil Machado, believes that "at a time like this, when the issue of housing is in the spotlight, it is even more relevant to launch such a program".

The producer of "M² Metro Quadrado", Paulo Ferreira, expressed the hope that this program can "promote awareness of such a central theme to our lives".

The program's first season will consist of 10 episodes and will air on November 4.

