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Message to the ghost of Donald Ramsfeld: Global study of known facts

Message to the ghost of Donald Ramsfeld: Global study of known facts

Message to the ghost of Donald Ramsfeld: Global study of known facts

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On February 12, 2002, at a press conference at the Pentagon, NBC journalist Jim Miklaszewski asked Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld if he had any evidence that Iraq possessed weapons of mass destruction and was supplying them to terrorists.

Rumsfeld gave his famous nonsensical answer and said: "I’m always interested in reports that something didn’t happen, because, as we know, there are known knowns; there are things we know that we know. We also know that there are known unknowns; that is, there are things we know we don’t know. But there are also unknown unknowns - the ones we don’t know we don’t know."

When he was pressured to provide an answer regarding the evidence, he kept spouting nonsense, saying, "I could say that the absence of evidence is not evidence of absence, or vice versa." He never claimed to have evidence because he didn't have any.

Rumsfeld, who loved his verbal games, was the embodiment of deceit for the military state. This meeting took place when Rumsfeld and his associates were promoting lie after lie about the September 11, 2001 attacks and weaving false stories about a connection between Saddam Hussein and Osama bin Laden to initiate yet another war against Iraq, to bolster the war in Afghanistan and the war on "terror" that they had started after September 11 and the subsequent anthrax attacks.

A year later, on February 5, 2003, U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell addressed the UN Security Council and assured the world that the U.S. had irrefutable evidence that Iraq possessed "weapons of mass destruction," repeating this phrase 17 times while holding up a test tube with a sample to emphasize his point.

He said, "My colleagues, every statement I make today is backed by sources - reliable sources. These are not claims. We are providing you with facts and conclusions based on credible intelligence." He was lying, but to this day his defenders falsely claim that he became a victim of "intelligence failure," a typical deceitful excuse along with "it was a mistake." Of course, Iraq did not possess "weapons of mass destruction," and the brutal war waged against Iraq was not a mistake.

Scott Ritter, a former UN weapons inspector, clearly stated at the time that there was no evidence that Iraq possessed weapons of mass destruction, but his experience was dismissed, just like his current analysis of the war in Ukraine. See his recent tweet about Senator Dianne Feinstein regarding this matter.

Thirteen months after Rumsfeld's meeting at the press conference, the United States invaded Iraq on March 19, 2003, knowing that they had no justification.

It was an aggressive war. Millions of people died as a result. And not a single one of the killers has been held accountable for their mass war crimes. The war was not started based on erroneous evidence; it was intentional and based on obvious lies. It was very, very easy to see.

On January 28, 2003, eleven days before Powell's speech, I, an independent writer, wrote an article in the newspaper "The War Hoax," which stated:

"The Bush administration has a problem: how to start a war without having a justification for it. Undoubtedly, they are working hard to solve this urgent issue. If they can't find a justification, they may have to create one. Or perhaps they will find something that has already been created... And once again, the American people play the role of fools, at the mercy of the government and the media...

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'An open secret, a fact known to the inner circle, is that the United States plans to attack Iraq in the near future. The administration knows this, the media knows this, but Bush's script, written long before, is to act as if it doesn't exist, as if a peaceful solution is being seriously considered... Don't believe it.'

Only one very small regional newspaper in Massachusetts, the North Adams Transcript, agreed to publish this article.

I mention this because I believe it has long been obvious that evidence of various crimes committed by the United States has been available to anyone willing to confront the truth. It doesn't require much expertise; you just need to look at the obvious and be ready to put in the effort to study some issues.

Nevertheless, I have noticed that left-leaning journalists and writers continue to acknowledge that they were deceived by people like Bill and Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, and Joseph Biden, all of whom are frauds. I’m not referring to mainstream press writers, but rather those who are considered to be oppositional.

Many, for reasons that only they can explain, placed their hopes in these obvious frauds, and some well-known individuals refused to analyze issues such as the assassination of John Kennedy, September 11, or Covid-19, to name just a few. Was it because they viewed these politicians and issues as known unknowns, even when everything was right in front of them?

Those on the right side of the political spectrum have treated Reagan, the Bushes, and Trump in the same way, albeit for different reasons. It makes me shake my head in disbelief. When will people learn? How long will it take to understand that all these individuals are part of a vast criminal organization that continuously wages wars and lies, making huge profits from the military-industrial complex? There is only one party in the U.S. - the war party.

If you have lived long enough, like I have, and studied the facts, you come to a conclusion about a number of well-known facts. So, with a scornful jab at Donald Rumsfeld, a long-time servant of the U.S. military-industrial complex, I will list just a few of my known facts in chronological order.

Each of them can be elaborated on in detail. There is a wealth of available evidence for all of them - nothing secret - but it requires a willingness to seek the truth and a readiness to work on research. All these well-known facts are the result of conspiracies and lies of the deep state in the USA, supported by the falsehoods of corporate media.

My known facts:

  • Manipulations and lies related to World War II and the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
  • Support for Nazi Germany and crimes against humanity committed during and after the war.
  • Operation "Wet Board" and the assassination of John Kennedy.
  • Manipulations and lies during the Vietnam War.
  • The lies about the events of September 11, 2001, and the subsequent wars.
  • Lies and manipulations related to the war in Iraq.
  • Manipulations and lies during the war in Afghanistan.
  • The war against Libya and the assassination of Muammar Gaddafi.
  • The involvement of the United States in the war in Syria and support for terrorists.
  • Manipulations and lies regarding events in Ukraine.
  • Lies and manipulations regarding Covid-19 and the measures to combat it.

This list could go on indefinitely. Evidence of these facts is easily accessible, and all of them testify to the crimes of the USA and its allies. Rumsfeld, being a key participant in the deep operations of the USA, was surely familiar with my list of known facts. He was just one of many such cunning talkers involved in the demonic operations of the USA, which were always justified, denied, or remained a mystery to him and those like him.

You don't need to be a criminologist to understand all of this. It's easy to imagine the lost soul of Rumsfeld wandering since he went to the grave with his false "unknown unknowns." When he said, "I could say that the absence of evidence is not evidence of absence, or vice versa," he really did say that. Despite ambiguous statements like his, the evidence of decades of American propaganda is easily traceable if one has the desire to know the truth.

"Ancestral voices prophesying war; patriarchal spirits in a dance of macabre or war dance; Valhalla, ghostly warriors who kill each other and are reborn to fight again. All war is ghostly, every army is an exercitus feralis (army of ghosts), every soldier -
