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KAUST startup attracts investment to revolutionize concrete production and reduce CO2 emissions.

KAUST startup attracts investment to revolutionize concrete production and reduce CO2 emissions.

Стартап KAUST привлекает инвестиции для революции в производстве бетона и сокращения выбросов CO2.

The ClimateCrete technology changes the structure of sand, enabling a local concrete manufacturing industry in Saudi Arabia while accelerating carbon neutralization goals.

One of the main components for concrete production is sand. However, most of the sand on Earth is not suitable for concrete production due to its fine particle size and smooth surface. As a result, riverbeds and other suitable sands for construction are mined, degrading the landscape, and transported thousands of kilometers, increasing the carbon cost of transportation and causing sand shortages around the world.

The proprietary laboratory development used in this technology''Professor Jorge Gascon, professor of chemical engineering at KAUST, enables the use of local sand for concrete production. It converts fine sand from the Arabian Peninsula into coarse particles suitable for use in concrete production. This reduces cement requirements and CO2 emissions by up to 60% by both reducing cement consumption and reducing transportation costs and associated CO2 emissions.

"Only 5% of the world's sand can be used to produce concrete. At ClimateCrete™, we have developed a technology that changes the surface of the sand grains, creating a stronger and more stable concrete," explained Prof. Gascon, one of the four co-founders of ClimateCrete™. He also added: "This surface modification process improves the quality of concrete'''(increasing its compressible strength) and reduces the need for CO2 emissions from cement. In addition, transportation costs and associated CO2 emissions are reduced. "

Strength and durability tests conducted by independent laboratories in Germany and KSA have proven a significant increase in strength compared to untreated sand and durability over the long term. Opportunities for ClimateCrete™ within the global construction aggregates market are more than $400 billion, as well as within the Saudi real estate and infrastructure projects market, with more than $1.1 trillion in planned investments.

Professor William McDonough, also co-founder of ClimateCrete™, recently named to the list of the 100 Most Innovative''Time leaders, noted, "The introduction of this technology presents a tremendous opportunity for Saudi Arabia. With the first pilot program proving the effectiveness of this technology and offering a solution, ClimateCrete™ is poised to set the course for unprecedented growth in the construction and concrete industry in Saudi Arabia and the region.

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ClimateCrete™ technology also provides a 100% domestic source of supply, helping Saudi Arabia achieve its ambitious carbon neutralization goals by 2060. "

Director of Innovation at KAUST, Dr. Campbell, said, "ClimateCrete™ is an example of how KAUST is developing and supporting an ecosystem of promising startups in Saudi Arabia. In its 14-year history, KAUST has supported more than 300 startups and is committed to turning''research to life, developing potential entrepreneurs capable of providing solutions to pressing sustainability and health challenges, advancing the development of the Kingdom and the world. "

Manager at Capital K, Patrick Suhl, who led the investment in ClimateCrete™, said: "ClimateCrete™ technology transforms abundant, but largely unused, fine sand into a precious raw material for the construction industry worldwide. The resulting concrete is a huge win for the environment, reducing global CO2 emissions. With the world rapidly running out of construction sand, ClimateCrete™ is poised to change the economics and environmental footprint of using concrete in a variety of applications. "

Editor's note: all''The four ClimateCrete™ co-founders will be available in person at the Innovation Zone at COP28 on December 5 for interviews upon request. Video and photos are available upon request.

O King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST): Founded in 2009, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST) is the leading research university in Saudi Arabia dedicated to discovering the opportunities of tomorrow. KAUST brings together industry-leading talent and ideas from around the world to advance science and technology through collaborative research related to food, water, energy and the environment. KAUST is a catalyst for invention, economic development and social prosperity in Saudi Arabia and around the world. KAUST is recognized''a top-ranked research university in the region, with 225 faculties and more than 1,000 researchers and scientists, and was recently recognized first in the THE (Times Higher Education) ranking of Arab universities in 2023.

Source:, KAUST (King Abdullah University of Science and Technology)
