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Trump in the audience and a challenge to the justices: A black day for our country

Trump in the audience and a challenge to the justices: A black day for our country

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In New York, another session in former President Donald Trump's long court saga has been held, where he has been called for questioning in a civil trial regarding his real estate empire.

The hearing lasted more than five hours and there will be no cross-examination. Trump argued the propriety of his actions and criticized witnesses at the trial, such as his former lawyer Michael Cohen, to whom he gave no credit.

His daughter Ivanka is scheduled to speak on Wednesday and both sides' motives will be heard on Thursday, before the final stage of the trial.

The atmosphere in court

Subsequently, they were excluded because New York is one of the states with the strictest''rules on filming during the trial: most courtrooms prohibit the use of video cameras.

The atmosphere was already heated in the very first session: during the questioning, Trump was constantly arguing with Judge Engoron, who, raising his voice, asked his lawyers to sit down and "calm down" his client, threatening to stop the questioning because of his attitude.

"This is not a political speech, this is a court hearing," the judge warned. Briefly before, the tycoon attacked Engoron, saying he was "sure he will rule against me because he always rules against me." "Mr. Trump, please just answer the questions. You can attack me, you can do whatever you want, but answer the questions," the judge warned.

Questions about the cost''assets

The former president grew increasingly angry in the wake of the prosecution's questions about inflating the value of his real estate assets. "Your case was that I had no money," Trump said.

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"You prosecuted me by claiming Trump had no money and you wrote false things and defrauded the banks....

When asked if he approved the valuation of his assets, Trump told State Attorney Kevin Wallace that he "did," but it's not clear if he approved the valuation or if he wanted it higher or lower.

Prosecutor Letitia James

New York Attorney General Letitia James has accused the Trump Organization of inflating the value of its assets by several billion dollars to obtain bank loans and favorable insurance terms.

Although''Trump and his children are not at risk of going to jail, $250 million in damages is being questioned, as well as possible removal from the leadership of the family company.

Trump and the polls

Trump may use "prosecution" to his advantage as he prepares for next year's campaign and presidential election.

The incumbent is voting in favor of Trump over incumbent President Joe Biden in five of six key states susceptible to next year's presidential election. That's according to a new poll conducted by the New York Times and Siena College.

According to the publication, the survey found widespread doubts among the U.S. voting corps about the president''regarding his advanced age, as well as growing discontent over economic management and a range of other issues, including international crises.

The poll shows Trump with a 4 to 10 percentage point lead in the states of Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada and Pennsylvania. Biden, on the other hand, shows a 2 percent lead in Wisconsin.

The poll surveyed 3,662 registered voters and was conducted from Oct. 22 to Nov. 3.

Dissatisfaction with Biden

A broad and overlapping dissatisfaction with the current president is also evident from the poll, with a majority of voters surveyed saying Biden's policies have hurt them personally.

Poll''also showed the breakdown of the multiracial and multigenerational coalition that supported the incumbent in the last election: support for Biden among voters under 30 outpaced him by one percent, the president's support among Hispanic voters fell to single digits, and his advantage in urban areas is half that of Trump in rural areas of the country.



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