Property Abroad
OAE: A full review of the new IPRP rules.

OAE: A full review of the new IPRP rules.

OAE: A full review of the new IPRP rules.

The recent amendments to Federal Law No. 7/2019 have introduced significant changes in the UAE in the field of medical assistance in reproduction. These amendments expanded the scope of the law and gave each Emirate the right to regulate medical assistance in reproduction at the local level. In the absence of local legislation, the provisions of Federal Law No. 7/2019 apply. The purpose of the amended law is to organize and control the techniques of medical assistance in reproduction, restrict illegal practices and encourage the use of the latest scientific methods of assistance in reproduction.

One of the most significant changes was the revision of Article 8 of Federal Law No. 7/2019.

In accordance with''With the new changes, centers must comply with a number of requirements described in Article 8(1) when using any method of assisted reproduction.

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Importantly, under the amended Article 8(2), unmarried non-Muslim persons may also seek reproductive assistance even if they do not have a marriage certificate. However, unmarried couples must provide a statement indicating which of them will establish parentage to the child. Approval must be obtained from the competent authority in the country of the spouse's nationality and the intended nationality of the child.

The prohibited practices in the use of assisted reproduction methods are prescribed in Article 9 of the amended law, taking into account the provisions of Article 8(2) of the amended law.

K''prohibitions include: combining sperm taken from a husband with an egg taken from another woman; fertilizing an egg taken from a wife with sperm taken from another man; and any other practices as determined by a cabinet decision.

Article 19 of Federal Law No. 7/2019 regulates the transfer of frozen fertilized or unfertilized eggs and sperm between centers.

It emphasizes the importance of obtaining consent from the parties concerned and the need to follow appropriate procedures when transferring reproductive material, thus providing the necessary legal clarity in the field of assisted reproduction.

In conclusion, these amendments support the necessary standards for ethical and legal''IVF practices, and emphasize the importance of protecting patients' rights and maintaining the highest standards of care. The content of this article is intended to provide a general understanding of the subject. A specialist should be consulted about your specific situation.

