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Benefits of strawberry consumption for cardiovascular health

Benefits of strawberry consumption for cardiovascular health

Benefits of strawberry consumption for cardiovascular health

Functions of nutrient fragments include enhancing cardiovascular function, lowering cholesterol levels, and maintaining cognitive function.

Studies have shown that daily strawberry consumption helps improve heart and vascular health and reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Improves cholesterol levels

One study published in the journal Nutrients found that eating strawberries may improve cholesterol levels in overweight or obese adults.

Another study published in The Journal Nutrition found that strawberries may have positive effects on blood vessel health.

Risk reduction for cardiovascular disease

What's more, studies show that consuming strawberries may reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular disease.

One study at the American Nutrition Association found that consuming strawberry powder for 14 weeks led to lower cholesterol levels and improved overall heart function.

Positive effects on cognitive function

Strawberries may also have positive effects on cognitive function.

Some studies have shown that eating strawberries may help reduce the risk of developing cognitive decline and over

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