Property Abroad
Alanya - description and characterization.

Alanya - description and characterization.

Alanya - description and characterization.

Alanya is a tourist town located in the eastern half of the Antalya coastline. It is located on a small peninsula, washed on three sides by the waters of the Mediterranean Sea. On the continental side, the city is surrounded by the beautiful Taurus Mountains. Alanya is the second largest resort center in Turkey and one of the major Mediterranean ports. Geographically it belongs to the province of Antalya and is considered the center of the Alanya district, stretching from the water area of Inzekum to the edge of Antalya Bay.

Alanya - description and characterization.

The resort hasgood road transportationThe resort is well connected by road, and in 201035 kilometers away from it, in Gazipasa settlement, an international airport was built, receiving flights from Europe, Asia and America.America. From Alanya to Antalya is about 120 kilometers. It is possible to reach approximately2-3 hours by car and bus. Also in the city operatessea station, receiving cruise ships from Antalya, Kyrenia and other cities. Alanya is characterized as the most tender cozy resort on the Mediterranean Sea with aexcellent subtropical climate. Rest hereis possible even in winter, the air temperature at this time on average reaches +12 - 15 ° C. Winter in Alanyawarm and humid.

A brief look at the history of Alanya.

Alania wasfounded by the Greeks in the 4th centuryBC and for a long timeAlanya was founded by the Greeks in the 4th century BC. The presence of a comfortable sea harbor as well as an abundance of waterfront caves made it a haven for pirates. В 65BC, the citycame under the Roman Empire, and after its collapse.After its collapse, the city fell under the influence of the Byzantine Empire, the Kingdom of Cilicia, the Conian Sultanate and the Seljuks. The golden age in the historyof Alania's existence is considered to be the time of the reign of the main leader of the Seljuks - Sultan Aladdin Keykubad. It was during this period that all the main local sights were erected: mosques, fortresses and towers.In 1471 Alanya is conquered by the Ottoman Empire, under the Turkish flag, it passes under the Turkish flagunder the Turkish flag only in 1923.

Alanya sights.

Alanya - description and characterization.
  • The mainThe Byzantine fortress is considered to be the city's main symbol. Its high fortress wallsstretch for more than 8 kilometers and include 50 towers, the most famous of which is the octagonal Red Tower (Kizil Kule), 29 meters the octagonal Red Tower (Kizil Kule), 29 meters high. Itsits image can be seen on the flag of the city and on the banknote of 250 thousand liras. Nowadaysthere is a museum on the territory of the Red Tower.
  • One ofOne of the most majestic architectural monuments of Alanya is considered to be the Seljuk fortress.Seljuk fortress, built in the 13th century.
  • In AlanyaYou can visit one of the oldest shipyards in the Mediterranean - Tersan.
Alanya - description and characterization.
  • There areThere are many caves, the most famous of which is Damlatas Cave.
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It isis famous not only for the amazing beauty of its underground corridors, but also for the healing effect that the cave air has on people suffering from health problems.the cave air has a healing effect on people suffering from respiratory problems.with respiratory diseases.
  • Also not far from the Damlatash cavePirates' Cave (Asiklar Magarasi), Maiden Cave (Kizlar Magarasi), Phosphorite Cave (Fosforlu Magara).(Fosforlu Magara).

The beaches of Alanyastretch for more than 12 kilometers. On the eastern side are the beaches of Begonvil and Keikubat.Keikubat beaches, connected by the single name of East Beach. The length of thisis 5 kilometers long. East Beach is suitable for families with children. The beach isis a mixture of sand and small pebbles, the sea is shallow and the entrance is gentle. The westernbeach is called Cleopatra's Beach. Its length is 2 km. Not far from AlanyaTurkler, Avsallar, Oba, Karkichag and Kestel beaches are located not far from Alanya. On the territory ofbeaches have everything for a comfortable vacation: pubs, restaurants, cafeterias, water rides, amusement arcades, hammocks.attractions, hammocks, sun loungers and umbrellas. Many beaches are designatedBlue Flag for the ecological purity of the coast.

Alanya - description and characterization.

Real Estate in Alanya.

If you understandin the intricacies of Turkish real estate, you can easily understand why it is so quoted by foreigners. The fact is that it is an excellent property by the sea, whichdoes not become more, because the land for new development is not added, the prestigiousareas by the sea are built up and the more free areas are closer to the mountains. To this is addedhigh demand for apartments, especially on the first and second coast line. Closer to theto the sea housing is represented by “secondary”, more often small condominiums with not much infrastructure.not very developed infrastructure. For the most part, apartments near the seaare apartments in small cites, with their own territory with a swimming pool, often with their own parking lot, fitness center, fitness center, fitness center.own parking, fitness center, hammam, sauna and more. Advantagein buying such apartments is not only in comfortable living, but also in liquidity -ease of resale or renting.

Alanya - description and characterization.

Real estatein Alanya can be purchased from 40 000 USD, but the average cost of housing for a family is usually twice as muchhigher. According to the forecasts of experts, the prices of housing in this region willto grow exceptionally. The price is influenced not only by the demand for housing by the sea, but also by the level ofinflation, the rise in the value of the dollar and the political situation, so if you decide toto buy an apartment in Alanya, there is no better time than now.

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