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Is tap water safe in Nova Borova? Experiment results.

Is tap water safe in Nova Borova? Experiment results.

Is tap water safe in Nova Borova? Experiment results.
  • New Borovaya: Is the tap water safe for the residents of the area?
  • How to check water quality and avoid dangers?
  • Is tap water in Minsk safe to drink?


As part of a unique project called "Housing Ecology with New Borovaya," organized by the platform in collaboration with the company "A-100 Development," an extensive experiment was conducted, involving both local residents and a team of seven independent experts. Over the course of a week, a group of journalists and specialists from various fields thoroughly examined the new residential area for its sustainability and quality of life.

Preliminary results

The first results are already available, and now we are ready to reveal all the details regarding water quality. How safe is the water in the new Borovaya for consumption, and can residents drink it straight from the tap without concerns? We will analyze laboratory tests, gather opinions from residents and experts, to provide the most objective picture possible.

Critique and observations

For those who prefer video format, we invite you to check out the project at the link provided. Among the critics of the experiment are well-known residents of the new neighborhood: singer Anna Shalyutina and stand-up comedian Andrey Makaenok. These talented individuals have agreed to observe the experiment and share their thoughts on life in the trendy area, where many neighbors work in IT, business, and culture.

  • Active use of waste separation.
  • Promotion of a healthy lifestyle
  • Children grow up in an environmentally friendly environment.

What makes environmental issues particularly relevant? Local residents express a desire to understand whether the water from their taps is safe, which drives us to conduct further research.

Relevance of the research

Why is this topic so important? In June 2020, the residents of Minsk faced a serious problem related to the quality of water supply. In two major districts of the capital, drinking water was unavailable for several days, which led to the need for water delivery by tankers. Volunteers and concerned citizens actively supported this initiative.

This month was marked by long lines for water and displays of solidarity among the residents. The issue was resolved, but an important question remains: how safe is it to drink tap water, or should one opt for bottled water?

Water quality testing

How can I check the water quality at home? Personally, I have been living in Novaya Borovaya for several years and have never worried about drinking tap water, as far as I know, it comes from artesian sources. However, recent events have made me wonder: is it really safe? Visually, the water seems clean, but can I rely on that? – Anna is asking.

Testing methods

We decided to dive deeper into this topic and conduct water testing from the new Borovaya using various methods. As usual, we will start with traditional methods and choose the most common ones.

  • Boiling:For the experiment, we will need to follow a few simple steps: bring water to a boil in a clean container for 10-15 minutes. Then we drain the water and check for scale on the walls of the container. This straightforward procedure will help us get a general idea of the water's condition and its suitability for drinking.

Analyzing the results obtained, we will gather data and provide comprehensive information about the quality of the water supply, so that the residents of New Borovaya can make informed decisions regarding their health.

If a large amount of iron is found in the water, it can lead to the formation of scale with a dark gray hue. In contrast, when the water contains high levels of calcium compounds and various oxides, the sediment will have a light yellow color.

One of the simplest and most accessible methods for water analysis involves using soap. For this test, you need to grate a small amount of soap and dissolve it in hot water. If the soap completely disappears, it indicates that the water is clean.

The third, more visual method that demonstrates water conditions is the use of potassium permanganate. For this test, it is necessary to dissolve potassium permanganate in water and observe its color. If the liquid turns yellowish, it indicates that it is not safe for consumption.

The dangers and importance of water quality testing

Experiments in water analysis can be fascinating, but relying solely on their findings is not always safe. Water quality directly affects human health, which emphasizesAnnaShe carefully monitors her water intake, drinking between 2 to 3 liters of liquid daily, especially during hot weather. Therefore, she is interested in how safe tap water is. Anna decided to find out the answer to this question.

Water analysis process

To conduct the water analysis, we took samples from one of the apartments in the new neighborhood.Borealtogether with local residents.

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Anyone interested can test the water quality in their home. Several laboratories in Minsk offer drinking water analysis services. We choseState Institution "Minsk Regional Center for Hygiene, Epidemiology, and Public Health".

  • The prices for the analysis range from 60 to 185 Belarusian rubles.
  • The cost depends on which indicators will be studied.
  • The waiting time for the results is about one week.

Steps for sending a water sample for analysis

To send a water sample for analysis to the chosen laboratory, you need to follow several steps:

  1. Call the laboratory or submit a request online.
  2. Select specific parameters that are subject to study.
  3. Collect a water sample for analysis and deliver it to the laboratory.
  4. Waiting for the results of the laboratory test.

Nevertheless, even if the water has passed all the necessary tests, it is important to remember that consuming water that is currently under evaluation is not advisable. While the research was being conducted, a team arrived in the Borovaya area.Natalia Porechina— a specialist in sustainable water resource management from the "Center for Ecological Solutions." She agreed to answer current questions from local residents regarding the state of drinking water.

Center for Environmental Solutions

The Center for Environmental Solutions, located in Minsk, operates throughout the entire territory of Belarus. The team consists of volunteers, activists, and experts dedicated to environmental protection, which contributes to the effective resolution of issues related to the conservation of water resources in the country.

Is tap water safe in Nova Borova? Experiment results.


The institution known as the Center for Ecological Solutions (CES) was founded on February 5, 2009. Currently, there are 19 specialists working in this organization.

Experience in water purification

Natalia Porechina noted that she has never searched the internet for advice on water purification for home use. The only guide for her is the experience of previous generations, who used silicon and silver for their antimicrobial properties to filter water. According to her,artesian wateris considered safe for drinking.

Safety of the supplied water

Andrey Makaenok is interested in the question of how safe the water that comes into apartments is. In response, Natalia Porechina emphasized that residents of multi-story buildings connected to the "Minskvodokanal" system should not worry.

The water supplied to them is safe and clean. Almost all areas of Minsk receive water from artesian sources, including Kopishche, so the water that reaches Novaya Borovaya is considered completely safe for consumption.

She noticed that the water looked clear and had no taste, smell, or color, which is a positive sign. If characteristics such as color or an unpleasant odor had been detected, it could have raised her doubts about the quality of the water.

However, a final assessment requires laboratory tests. Color, taste, and aroma are the sensory characteristics that are primarily checked in laboratories. If drinking water has any shades or odors, this should raise concerns.

The problem of distilled water

Natalia also emphasizes that consuming completely purified (distilled) water is incorrect, as it is not only devoid of harmful impurities but also lacks important trace elements necessary for human health. This water is more suitable for household use.

She emphasizes that truly pure water is practically nonexistent in nature, except in cases of special treatment (such as distillation). Such water can be considered potentially harmful to health, as it lacks certain trace elements and metals that are important for the body's functioning.

Any water contains various minerals and substances, and the main thing is that their concentration does not exceed the maximum allowable level (MAL). This level should not negatively affect health when consumed over a long period.

The use of bottled water

The question requires attention: should one consume only bottled water? Many residents of Minsk have chosen bottled water since June, some prefer to purify it using filters, while others only drink boiled water.

Andrey Makaenok is asking the expert how necessary this is. Natalia Porechina assures that there is no urgent need for it, as the quality of tap water is generally good enough for consumption, and there is no reason to give it up in favor of bottled water.

Conclusion of the project "Housing Ecology with Nova Borovaya"

In concluding our special project "Housing Ecology with Nova Borovaya," I would like to emphasizeimportanceThe raised issues and the significance of the results obtained. Our initiative, which brings together the opinions of residents, experts, and journalists, has opened a new chapter in the discussion of ecology and quality of life in modern residential areas. We conducted a series of experiments and laboratory studies to determine how safe the water is in Nova Borovaya. As a result, we obtained evidence that allows residents to make an informed choice: whether to drink tap water or turn to alternative sources.

Throughout this week, I have particularly enjoyed seeing how people from different professions and interests come together to achieve a common goal: ensuring cleanliness and safety for themselves and their children. This solidarity and active stance of the citizens confirm that ecology is becoming an integral part of everyday life, and we cannot overlook its importance.

Experiment and its results

I also want to note that the experience of many residents who conducted home water quality tests demonstrates a desire to understand what their everyday life consists of. We do not seek easy solutions and do not overlook even the seemingly insignificant details. A comprehensive approach to water testing—from folk methods to laboratory research—allows us to obtain the most complete picture and dispel myths that could jeopardize people's health.

The importance of continuing work

Thus, our experiment showed thatthe topic of ecology and water supply qualityIt is truly important, and we must continue to work on its improvement. I hope that our efforts, as well as the conclusions and advice from experts, will help the residents of Nova Borova and the entire country feel more confident and safe, and that together we can make this world a little better.

General recommendations

  • Continue to take care of your surroundings.
  • Monitor water quality and choose reliable sources.
  • Actively participate in community initiatives to improve the environment.

It is important for each of us to continue caring for our environment, as our health and lives depend on our choices. I hope that this research will be a step towards a more conscious approach to ecology, and that together we can build a place where it is comfortable and safe for us to live.
