Property Abroad
Dual or second citizenship: is it legal in Russia and France?

Dual or second citizenship: is it legal in Russia and France?

Dual or second citizenship: is it legal in Russia and France?
  • Dual citizenship: advantages and differences
  • Obtaining French citizenship: methods and requirements

Dual citizenship in France

Dual citizenship means that a person has the right to citizenship in two or even several countries. Not all countries recognize this, but France, as well as several other European Union countries, allow dual citizenship. This means that Russians can obtain French citizenship without renouncing their native passport.

Advantages of dual citizenship

An important advantage of dual citizenship is the ability to cross borders freely. For example, a French passport allows access to 188 countries without a visa or with the option to obtain a visa upon arrival. A holder of this citizenship also has the right to work, study, and receive medical care in France. It is important to note that a person with dual citizenship is not actually considered a citizen of both countries.

Difference between dual and second citizenship

France legally allows dual citizenship, but only if there is a corresponding agreement between countries. So far, France has only signed such agreements with Tajikistan and South Ossetia. In other cases, it concerns a second citizenship. For example, Russian immigrants who obtain French citizenship are considered only Russian citizens in Russia and only French citizens in France. It is also important to notify the Ministry of Internal Affairs about obtaining another citizenship or residence permit. Since 2014, there has been criminal liability in Russia for failing to report a second citizenship or residence permit.


Overall, dual citizenship can offer a person a number of advantages and opportunities. However, it is important to be aware of all the nuances and obligations associated with this status to avoid any issues in the future.

Obtaining French citizenship for foreigners

There are many ways for foreigners to obtain French citizenship. One of the most common paths is to obtain a national visa type D for entry into France, which can then be converted into a French residence permit. The conditions for issuing the D visa and the residence permit are the same. A foreigner can come to France for study, work, business, or family reunification.

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The residence permit often lasts for 1 year but can be extended if the conditions for its issuance are maintained. After 5 years of living in France on a residence permit, a foreigner can obtain Permanent Residence (PR) and apply for citizenship. After 1.5 years of waiting, the immigrant receives a French passport and becomes a citizen of the country.

Citizenship through blood relation

In the case of a child, he or she automatically receives French citizenship if at least one of his or her parents is French. A foreigner can also apply for a French passport if he has close relatives living in France. For this purpose, he/she must reside permanently in the country for at least 5 years under a residence permit on the basis of family reunification.

Citizenship by birth in the country

Citizenship can also be obtained through birth in the country. A child born in France to foreign parents who have been living in the country for more than a year on a residence permit can acquire citizenship after living in France for at least 5 years, starting from the age of 11.

Citizenship through spouses

Spouses of French citizens can also obtain citizenship if the family has been living in France for at least 4 years. If living abroad, this period increases to 5 years.

Naturalization for obtaining citizenship

Naturalization after 5 years of legal residence in France is another way. A foreigner living in France for 5 years under a residence permit or permanent residence permit can apply for citizenship. An applicant for a French passport must have a stable job with a decent salary, buy or rent real estate in the country, pay taxes and pass the French language test at level B 1, as well as a test on knowledge of the history and culture of the country.

Citizenship through university education

Another way is through university education. Foreign students who studied at a French university for 5 years and continuously lived in the country for another 2 years after graduation can obtain a French passport. An important advantage when considering the application will be having a job.

Citizenship through work

Another way is through work. For immigration, a foreigner needs to sign a work contract with a French company for a minimum period of 12 months.

Dual or second citizenship: is it legal in Russia and France?

Important aspects of dual citizenship

Having dual citizenship of the Russian Federation and France is legal and provides many advantages for citizens of both countries. Dual citizenship provides:

  • Freedom of crossing borders
  • Opportunity to live, work and study in France
  • Obtaining the same rights as local residents
  • The opportunity to reunite with family

Difference between dual and second citizenship

It is necessary to distinguish between the concepts of dual citizenship and second citizenship, as they have different legal consequences. At the same time, it is important to take into account the following:

  • Dual citizenship is legally permitted in France.
  • Obtaining French citizenship is associated with bureaucratic complexities.

Ways to obtain citizenship in France

To obtain French citizenship, an immigrant must go through a long process, during which the following are important:

  • Knowledge of French
  • Work in France
  • Studying at French universities
  • Family reunification

With stable financial and work opportunities in France, you can try to obtain French citizenship through work or university studies.

It is important to remember that a French passport can also be obtained through blood relations or marriage to a French citizen.


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