Property Abroad
How to buy property in Northern Cyprus: a step-by-step guide

How to buy property in Northern Cyprus: a step-by-step guide

How to buy property in Northern Cyprus: a step-by-step guide
  • How to buy property in Northern Cyprus: steps and recommendations?
  • What are the property rights and rules for purchasing real estate in Northern Cyprus?
  • How to properly buyreal estate in Cyprus: main steps and tips
  • How to properly register property ownership and obtain residency in Cyprus?

The process of acquiring real estate in Northern Cyprus

In this article, we will discuss in detail the process of acquiring real estate in Northern Cyprus, as well as highlight the steps to follow during the purchase. The entire process can be broken down into three key steps.

First step: choosing a property

The first step is to choose a suitable apartment or house, as well as to discuss all the terms of the deal. At this stage, it is important to consider many factors, including:

  • location
  • type of housing
  • price
  • conditions proposed by the seller

Second step: signing the contract

At the second step, the contract is signed and the funds are transferred, which is a crucial moment for the successful completion of the deal. At this stage, it is important to be attentive and carefully check all documents to avoid problems in the future.

Third step: obtaining the title

The third step involves the final legal procedures for obtaining the title to the property. This process also requires the payment of various fees and taxes, which must be taken into account when budgeting.

The political situation in Northern Cyprus

It should be noted that Northern Cyprus and its real estate market are in a unique position in the world due to its political situation. In 1974, Cyprus was divided into northern and southern parts: the south is controlled by the Greeks, while the north is controlled by the Turks. In 1983, the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC) was established, but most countries in the world have not recognized it, except for Turkey.

Economic development of Northern Cyprus

Despite such political complexity, Northern Cyprus is actively developing its economy and improving its infrastructure. This area is attracting more and more tourists and potential investors from various corners of the world. New residential complexes, hotels, and shopping centers are being built along the Mediterranean coast. Additionally, the mountainous regions are also developing, which adds to the region's appeal.

Popularity among foreigners

Many foreigners visit Northern Cyprus for a tourist trip, but many of them decide to stay and buy property. This allows them to enjoy life on this picturesque island throughout the year, rather than being limited to short vacation getaways. People choose cities and villages in Northern Cyprus for permanent residence, where they can find not onlywonderful climateandbeautiful nature, but alsodeveloped infrastructureincluding international schools, modern medical facilities, and universities. It is also worth emphasizing that the crime rate in Cyprus is quite low, which makes this place even more attractive for living.

Financial advantages of living in Northern Cyprus

Long-term stays in Northern Cyprus also have their financial advantages, as the cost of living here is lower than in most European countries. This explains why many retirees from the UK and other European countries choose Northern Cyprus for permanent relaxation and comfortable living.

Availability of real estate

The real estate prices in this region of Cyprus are quite affordable, significantly lower than in the southern part of the island or in other resort areas of Europe. Access to Northern Cyprus is through the southern part of the island. For tourists, this usually means arriving at Larnaca Airport and then crossing the border, either by car or on foot.

A trip to Northern Cyprus

As of today, there are no direct flights from Russia to Cyprus, so Russians most often choose a route through Turkey. From major cities like Istanbul and Antalya, there are direct flights to Erjan Airport, which serves the TRNC. This creates opportunities for Russians to explore new horizons on this picturesque island.

Restrictions on movement and property rights

It is worth noting that for Greek Cypriots, the route associated with moving to Northern Cyprus does not have official status, and as a result, crossing from the northern part of the island to the southern part becomes impossible. This introduces additional difficulties for residents wishing to restore their property rights.

Rules for buying real estate in Northern Cyprus

The process of purchasing real estate in Northern Cyprus, despite the complex political circumstances initiated by the existence of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, allows foreigners to legally acquire property. Such transactions are legally binding and recognized by other countries. Among the numerous consequences of the division of Cyprus, many Greek Cypriots were forced to leave their homes and move south. This situation raises an important question about whether they retain rights to their former lands.

Attempts to recover lost property

In the early 2010s, there were attempts by former owners to reclaim their property. However, according to the decisions of the European Court of Human Rights, it is extremely difficult to return land located in the northern part of the island. Greek Cypriots who wish to file a complaint should contact the property commission established by Turkey in 2006. All requests are reviewed, and if justified, former owners may receive financial compensation.

Difficulties with land plots

The topic of disputed land plots is quite complex, but essentially, there are certain ways to regulate it, not taking into account unexpected situations. Currently, non-residents can purchase no more than one property in the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus. This can only be one apartment, a house with a plot of no more than 5 acres (approximately 2 hectares), or a land plot of up to 2.4 acres (approximately 1 hectare). If the purchase of multiple properties is planned, the transactions will be registered in the names of family members—children or spouses.

Future regulation of real estate purchases

According to experts' expectations, changes to the current legislation may be made in the foreseeable future, allowing foreigners to register up to four properties in their name.

Recommended real estate
Buy in Turkey for 165000€

Sale flat in Alanya 184 728,00 $

1 Bedroom

1 Bathroom

42 м²

Buy in Turkey for 850000£

Sale house in Bahceliewler 1 145 652,00 $

4 Bedrooms

4 Bathrooms

266 м²

Rent in Cyprus for 10500€

Rent villa in Limassol 11 755,00 $

5 Bedrooms

5 Bathrooms

394 м²

Buy in Turkey for 178885£

Sale flat in Avsallar 241 105,00 $

4 Bedrooms

2 Bathrooms

150 м²

Buy in Cyprus for 71190£

Sale flat in Gaziver with sea view 95 951,00 $

1 Bedroom

1 Bathroom

40 м²

Rent in Cyprus for 7000€

Rent villa in Limassol 7 836,00 $

7 Bedrooms

4 Bathrooms

479 м²

The acquired property in Northern Cyprus will belong to the buyer and can be inherited by their descendants.

Stages of purchasing real estate

The first stage in the process of buying real estate involves selecting an apartment and agreeing on all the necessary conditions. Depending on the goals — whether for permanent residence, summer vacation, or rental — one can choose housing that is as close to the coast as possible, or conversely, in mountainous areas, in small towns, or in the largest modern centers.

Prices and payment terms

Property prices in Northern Cyprus are usually quoted in British pounds, but transactions can also be conducted in other currencies such as Turkish lira, dollars, or euros. When you find a suitable apartment for yourself, you need to make a deposit of £5,000 to take the property off the market. Developers often offer buyers an installment plan until the construction is completed. This installment plan can be either interest-free or include interest. The minimum down payment is 35% of the apartment's price, which is an important point for potential buyers.

How to buy property in Northern Cyprus: a step-by-step guide

Key stages of purchasing real estate

If the construction project is completed or nearly finished, the buyer needs to make a payment of 70-80% of the total cost of the property. In this process, the client's interests are represented by licensed attorneys who provide legal protection and ensure compliance with all regulatory requirements.

Lawyers review the documentation, prepare the purchase agreement, register it with the land service, interact with tax authorities, and assist in transferring ownership rights to the new owner.Lawyer– He is a professional you can trust. He adheres to the current legislation and won't take risks that could damage his reputation.

Signing the contract and finances

After preparing the documents, they proceed to sign the contract and make financial settlements. Purchasing residential real estate often involves transferring funds to the account of the developer or the previous owner if it concerns the secondary market.

Due to the disconnection of several banks from international payment systems, the process of making payments for Russians has become more complicated. Nevertheless, financial transfers continue through those Russian banks that still have access to the SWIFT system, although they may take longer.

When purchasing property from private individuals, contracts are usually not executed through Russian banks; most often, international transfers or services of specialized intermediaries are used.

Signing the contract

When all financial obligations are fulfilled according to the previously agreed schedule, the contract is signed. It can be prepared in English or Turkish, as well as in the buyer's language if necessary.

Each party involved in the transaction — the buyer, the seller, or their representatives, as well as two witnesses — signs all pages of the document.

After that, the buyer needs to pay a state fee of 0.5% of the property value. This document is then sent for registration in the land department, and at least 35% of the apartment's value must be paid.

According to the law, the registration of the contract must be completed within 21 days after it is signed, which allows the buyer to become the legal owner.

Obtaining a title

The final stage is obtaining the title. In Cyprus, there is a special document that confirms full ownership rights, known as the title deed. Although having this document is not mandatory, it is recommended to have it, as it serves as a guarantee of the buyer's rights.


All stages of purchasing real estate involve many nuances, and strict adherence to them will significantly simplify the process and protect the interests of the new owner in the future. It is very important to properly prepare all the documentation and work with a qualified lawyer to minimize risks and ensure a safe transaction.

  • Follow the necessary steps;
  • Follow the established rules;
  • Pay attention to the details;
  • Organize the process efficiently.

By following these recommendations, newcomers to the real estate market can avoid many troubles and happily enjoy their new property on the beautiful island.Attention to detailA well-organized process is the key to a successful real estate purchase in Cyprus.

Based on the purchase agreement you have signed, you are already the owner of the apartment and can manage it as you see fit – whether to live in it, rent it out, or pass it on as an inheritance.

However, if the ownership rights have not been properly formalized, you will definitely need to obtain prior consent from the developer in order to sell the property. This can significantly limit your options, which prompts most buyers to seek a quick registration of this document.

The procedure for issuing a title

It is important to note that a foreigner must apply for permission from the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the country to establish ownership rights. This process can take anywhere from three to twelve months and depends on the nationality of the applicant.

After the permit is obtained, the following fees will need to be paid to process the property ownership document:

  • Value Added Tax:5% of the total deal amount.
  • Fee for re-registration:3%.
  • Transformer assembly:from 1000 to 3000 British pounds.

Purchase on the secondary market

If you are purchasing an apartment on the secondary market, it is possible that the ownership has already been registered and all necessary taxes have been paid. In that case, the transfer of title to another owner can proceed without any issues.

Let's take a closer look at which taxes and fees will need to be paid:

  • Stamp duty:0.5% of the transaction amount, which is paid before submitting documents for registration with the land authorities.
  • VAT:5% that is paid upon title registration.
  • Tax on re-registration:3% is also paid after receiving the ownership permit.
  • Transformer assembly:ranges from 1000 to 3000 British pounds.

Annual tax liabilities

There are also annual property tax obligations, which are minor and amount to about 100 euros per year. Additional expenses should include legal services, which can cost you between 1000 and 1400 British pounds. Also, don't forget about the costs for connecting water and electricity services, which will require an additional 200-300 pounds sterling.

Visa regime in Northern Cyprus

As for the visa regime in Northern Cyprus, you are allowed to stay on the island without a visa for up to 90 days within a six-month period. If you plan to stay for a longer term, you will need to apply for a residence permit.

The application for obtaining this document is available for those who purchase real estate in Cyprus. A residence permit is issued for each apartment in the name of the buyer, their husband or wife, as well as for their minor children.

To obtain a residence permit, in addition to the registered purchase agreement, you will need to provide proof of having an amount in your bank account equal to 12 times the minimum monthly wage set in the country, which is approximately 8000 euros.

The process of obtaining residency allows one to stay on this part of the island for more than three months. Therefore, the process of preparing documents for real estate and residency requires careful attention and thorough preparation, taking into account all financial and time costs.


In conclusion, I would like to emphasize that the real estate market in Northern Cyprus presents a unique opportunity for foreign citizens looking to invest in their comfort and stability. Despite the complex political situation and lack of international recognition, this region continues to develop and attract attention from both tourists and potential homebuyers. Considering the favorable climate, relatively low cost of living, and developed infrastructure, purchasing property here becomes an enticing investment decision.

Stages of acquiring real estate

The process of acquiring real estate, consisting of clearly defined stages, also makes this path accessible and understandable for foreign investors:

  • Choosing an apartmentand the agreement of the terms.
  • Signing the contractand the transfer of funds.
  • Obtaining a titleand the preparation of the necessary documents.

As a resident of Northern Cyprus, I can confirm that buying property here is not just a simple transaction, but a step towards a new life with the opportunity to spend more time in this picturesque corner of the world.

Market prospects

It should be noted that this is one of the few places where the evolution of the real estate market runs parallel to cultural traditions and the desire for development. In the coming years, we can expect changes in legislation that may make the purchasing process even simpler and more accessible.


So, if you are considering settling in Northern Cyprus, follow these recommendations:

  • Explore your possibilities.
  • Don't be afraid to ask questions.
  • Be thorough in your choice of real estate.

Ultimately, this island can become not just a second home, but also a place where the foundations of new beginnings and dreams are laid. Considering the purchase of real estate in Northern Cyprus could be your first step towards turning your desires into reality.


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