Property Abroad
How to find a job in Turkey: instructions for Russian speakers

How to find a job in Turkey: instructions for Russian speakers

Turkey is a great place for both temporary and permanent employment. Here you can spend the summer not only having a rest, but also earning a decent income. Among the many offers from employers in the country, there are bound to be 1-2 vacancies to which Russian-speaking people can respond.

How to find a job in Turkey: instructions for Russian speakers

In a country as tourist-centered as Turkey, there is always a need for interpreters, hotel staff who can serve foreigners, including those who know only Russian. Whether you are an adult man, woman or teenager, lucrative employment opportunities are available to all.

Pros and cons of working in Turkey

As with any other decision, you should not approach employment with your sleeves up. It is important to assess all the pros and cons, to find the pitfalls, not to settle for the first place you come across just because the vacancy is labeled as a job in Turkey without language skills for Russians. Let's talk more about all the positive and negative consequences of looking for a vacancy (guide, hairdresser, driver, doctor, animator, masseur and so on) in the tourist paradise called Turkey and especially the city of Mersin.

Benefits of employment in Turkey

The undoubted pros of finding and getting a job in this particular country include:

  • an uncomplicated mechanism for obtaining a permit and visa, without which work will be considered illegal, regardless of whether you know only Russian or any other language;

  • It is not necessary to know Turkish (especially if you get a job in a hotel, agency for excursions as a guide, animator, driver);

  • the job pays well, without heavy fines, taxes, "black accounting", even if the job is not quite legal;

  • a wide range of employment opportunities;

  • the possibility of official employment with a convenient working schedule and above-average salary, even if you are a citizen of another country and have a Russian passport, as well as many other workers' rights are enshrined in legislation.

It is also a significant advantage that Turkey has a large number of online resources for finding vacant positions. They host a wide variety of options with all the requirements at once. Even if not only Russian is required, but also knowledge of Turkish, you will not waste time figuring out this factor and will immediately be able to screen out unsuitable offers.

Disadvantages of working in Turkey

On the other hand, labor legislation in Turkey is not without its less pleasant features. The natives may try to cheat you, pay you a lower than normal salary, especially if you only know Russian and cannot familiarize yourself with the relevant laws.

If you are a woman, you should be especially careful. It is advisable not to respond to suspicious offers in the style of “work in a club/hotel with a high salary, experience/knowledge of Turkish is not necessary” or to get a model in unproven agencies, no matter how favorable the job may be. There is another big disadvantage: maternity leave is paid at a very low rate.

What professions are in demand in Turkey (for which only Russian is required and knowledge of Turkish is not necessary)

Although Turkey is full of different vacancies, the most desired specialists are still service personnel, workers. The most popular jobs for foreigners here are doctor, masseur, animator, any job in a hotel.

Top occupations and vacancies in Turkey

The first in-demand position is a massage therapist. Usually this vacancy is occupied by girls, but also a male masseur may well find offers and arrange to do massage. The main requirements - the masseur must have a certificate or diploma, as well as have a work permit. It is also possible to get a job in such a position, for example, in a hotel.

An animator will also be in demand. They get a bunch of orders for holidays, serve the children of tourists, can advertise goods. To find offers and settle down as an animator, you only need desire and communication skills.

Among the more “serious” positions there is such a vacancy as a doctor. There are two options here - private clinics, where the doctor receives a higher rate, but also corresponding duties, or state polyclinics. In the latter, a doctor can find vacancies and get a job only after obtaining a residence permit.

In-demand fields and industries where only Russian is required and knowledge of Turkish is optional

Also highly demanded are various specialists for employment in the hotel, tourism, entertainment complexes - a very convenient option for the summer. The railway station is often looking for workers. This is especially noticeable in resort towns such as Mersin.

How to find a job in Turkey

Another frequent question is where to find hotel positions and other jobs that don't require Turkish?

Sites and resources for finding a job in Mersin, Turkey

If you need an official job, it is best to turn to such sites as Kariyer, YenibirIş, Indeed. If you are a specialist of a narrower profile, for example, a software engineer or a nuclear electrician at a nuclear power plant, LinkedIn will come in handy.

Search on popular web platforms for hotel vacancies, other specialties

The indigenous population favors the platforms and The employers there are not only Turks, and the choice is quite large. Each vacancy is described in detail: whether a man or woman is needed, whether knowledge of Turkish is important, whether Russian is suitable for them.

Social networks and professional communities

Finding places can also be done through more informal social networks. The same Facebook or Twitter often helps followers to find a hotel or vacation home for tourists, especially in the city of Mersin.

Collaboration with recruiters and employment agencies in Mersin

As a last resort, you can pay for the services of employment specialists. Turkey is quite a big country and it can be a bit difficult to find a job without help. On the other hand, this method is quite expensive.

What other sites are the best places to find work (Turkey)?

Offers are also posted on other platforms if you are looking to find and settle into a part-time job. Consider all available options in detail.

Online platforms for freelancing and remote work

If you are not looking for direct employment and you are not interested in such jobs as a doctor, animator, masseur, any vacancy in a hotel, and are more attracted to employment at home, it is worth turning to well-known sites such as Jobs in Istanbul, Workflex. Searching on them is very easy, earnings per day and per task are high, and residence permit is not among the criteria to find and get a job.

Entrepreneurship and freelancing in Turkey

Not satisfied with the prospect of earning money as a doctor, masseur, animator? You can always start your own business. This is actively supported by the state itself and its programs. In particular, in the last couple of years, women's business has been stimulated.

What documents are required to work in Turkey

Finding offers and getting a job as a doctor, masseur, animator - all this requires legalization of your stay in the country, as well as obtaining certain certificates from state agencies.

Obtaining a work permit and residence permit

Both men and women should get a package of documents before finding offers and settling on them. These include residence permit, visa, some other forms.

Step 1: Permission to work in a hotel, in other occupations

The first step in obtaining a vacancy is to get permission from the consulate or directly from the government. To do this, you either need to have a residence permit for 6 months or more, or find an employer willing to vouch for you and do the paperwork yourself.

Where to get a work permit to work in a hotel, for other professions

The Turkish Ministry of Labor is your target.

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Fill out an application, collect original employment contract, copies of personal data and wait - that's how you will get your permit.

Step 2: Work visa and residence permit

This stage is a bit more difficult than obtaining a permit. In addition to the efforts you have already made, you will also have to apply to the consulate - there is a corresponding application form on their website. Fill it out completely according to the attached instructions, pay a fee of up to 200 dollars, cross the border of the country and only then pick up the documents at the police station.

Risks of illegal work

With the relative simplicity of the procedure for obtaining the necessary documents, unscrupulous recruiters may try to hire you without a work permit. This is not an exclusive option for applicants who know only Russian, some Turks (it can be both men and women) are employed without a proper contract as well. What are the dangers of this?

Consequences of illegal employment

If you are caught, you will lose your position and possibly your residence permit. You may also be banned from entering Turkey for up to five years. Your employer may be fined for employing you.

How to find only legal offers in Mersin, Turkey

It is very easy not to get into such an unpleasant situation: clarify in advance the legal employment and go to get only official positions.

Turkey and the financial side of work: salaries and taxes

Decided to try to get a job in this beautiful country, but don't know even the approximate salaries and how to find the best offers on this criterion? Here is a list of approximate rates for popular professions and all the bonuses available to you.

Salaries in Turkey

Whether it is a doctor, a masseur, an animator, their services are paid at certain rates common to the whole country.

Average salary by occupation in Mersin, Turkey, and nationally (before taxes)

As of 2023, work in the country is paid at an average rate of 10,000 liras per month ($650). They must be received through a card of one of the national bankings. At the same time, a man receives exactly the same amount as a woman.

By specialty, the numbers are roughly as follows:

  • doctor - $1600-2000 (both female and male);

  • massage therapist - 1500$ (if working in large companies, even more);

  • animator - $500-600 if there is no experience, and also understand only Russian (although knowledge of Turkish is not necessary);

  • any hotel job - $400-$700 + tips for the day (depending on which job, a man or woman may receive different payouts).

Keep in mind that the figures are exclusive of taxes.

Bonuses and benefits for foreign workers employed by the hotel in other occupations

In addition to a large average salary, other employment bonuses are sometimes available for those who only know Russian. If the job and the vacancy you have chosen relate to international corporations, it is likely that you will receive a small bonus. In other cases, you may be offered refresher courses, training in Turkish, or important job skills for free. Sometimes companies may also pay part of your living expenses.

Taxes and social contributions

Like any other job in any country, a vacancy is necessarily taxable if an official contract is signed with the employer. Let's take a closer look at the rates for Moscow residents (no difference whether male or female) and other foreign workers.

Principal tax liabilities

Having a job title taxes you from 15 to 40% of income tax. It depends on the average salary: for example, a doctor and a masseur (no matter whether male or female) will pay more than an animator.

Social security and health insurance provided by Turkey

There are also social security contributions - up to 37.5%, again depending on income. At the same time, a doctor, a masseur or an animator (regardless of whether male or female) - all employees will pay them upon employment.

At the expense of contributions, such jobs as doctor, masseur, animator (especially those where only Russian is needed and knowledge of Turkish is optional) are provided with paid vacation, maternity leave, sick leave.

Cultural adaptation and aspects of life in Turkey

Apart from the level of salary and taxes, there is another important factor in employment in a country - its culture. Different from Russian culture, it deserves respect and adherence to at least the most superficial traditions.

Cultural aspects of working in Mersin, Turkey

Hospitable Turks always welcome tourists. This also applies to foreigners wishing to take up a position: get ready for a lot of questions about yourself, invitations to tea, friendly get-togethers, friendly joking recruiters and superiors.

It may seem strange at first, but that's their mentality - to be open even to perfect strangers.

Teamwork and corporate culture

An interesting tradition of Turkish corporate communication is the great involvement in the team. It is customary to invite each other to big celebrations, weddings, anniversaries, to give gold and other valuables, to dine and even to pray together.

Many people speak not only Turkish, so your ignorance of it will not affect your communication with your colleagues. The only thing to keep in mind is respect for their religion, as many of the inhabitants are Muslim in one way or another.

Business etiquette and customer interaction

This point does not differ much from other developed European countries. Many companies adhere to a business style of communication in correspondence and personal conversations, and follow the tradition of respecting their elders by position and simply by age. The client is always right. He is treated politely, never being rude or disrespectful. Although in some sectors of the commercial sphere it is customary to “bargain” with the customer, this should be done carefully, without excessive panache.

Adaptation and life in Turkey

It is not difficult at all to get used to warm and hospitable Turkey. After a short adaptation period of 2-4 months, you yourself will be asking sales clerks about their affairs and relatives, wishing a good day to passers-by, smiling, chatting with everyone.

Housing and domestic issues

The Turkish way of life is not too different from that of Russians: their cuisine is somewhat similar to that of the peoples of the Middle East, familiar since childhood. Your daily routine will not change dramatically either - a couple of new eateries on the way to the office, the habit of counting everything in lira, haggling for everything, always and everywhere. At first you may be confused by the layout of the rooms in the apartments: bedrooms are very compact, so that more space is left for living rooms and guest rooms. Kitchens, on the contrary, are bright, designed for large families.

Education and health care

If you have moved with children, general educational establishments are also important. There is nothing to worry about here: there are Russian-language schools and kindergartens, free of charge even for stateless persons.

It is also possible to get cured without paying a penny, but you may need to buy insurance.

Language learning and local culture in Mersin

As stated earlier, knowledge of Turkish is not an obligatory requirement, especially if the vacancy is related to tourism. It is not too difficult to get a job in a hotel right near Mersin airport even with such a weighty restriction, and the number of Russian-speaking residents of the country is quite large. In most cases, you may not even need to know the minimum language base at all - just a small Russian-Turkish dictionary.

On the other hand, knowledge of the language opens up more opportunities for a person - increased salary, the ability to get a job and find vacant management positions. Gender does not play a special role: it does not matter whether you are a man or a woman.

But the cultural aspects of life and earnings in the city of Mersin and the whole country is better to know in advance - hot-blooded Turks and accidentally inflicted offense can spoil employment on one or two.

As a result, Turkey, especially the city of Mersin, is a country of great opportunities, no matter if you only know Russian. Any Russian-speaking person can look for and get a job in almost any position. Doctor, electrician, hairdresser, animator, masseur or masseuse, hotel attendant, model, nanny, nurse, electrician, waitress, tour guide for the summer season, master wood carver, sports consultant, even nuclear power plant specialist at a nuclear reactor (and it does not matter whether you are a man or a woman) - each of these jobs is available for foreigners from Russia or other CIS countries.


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