Property Abroad
How did the new Borovaya become an example of neighborly friendship in the metropolis?

How did the new Borovaya become an example of neighborly friendship in the metropolis?

How did the new Borovaya become an example of neighborly friendship in the metropolis?
  • How to create a friendly community in a metropolis? Experience of Novaya Borovaya
  • How does the environment affect people's emotional state and social connections?
  • How to create a comfortable atmosphere for communication and happiness in a community?
  • How to create a comfortable and attractive living environment for residents?
  • How does architecture create a harmonious society and active public spaces?

Nova Borovoy Community

Concerts in residential complex spaces, cheerful gatherings with barbecues in the courtyards of high-rises, initiated holidays for children, and joint sports activities — all of this is quite possible. In Novo Borovo, life doesn't stop behind closed doors, and neighbors exchanged friendly smiles even before the summer of 2020. How did the residents of this area manage to overcome one of the main challenges of large cities and create a true community? In the concluding section of the special project, we will focus on how to create a comfortable psychological environment for living in a metropolis and what a true community of neighbors looks like.

Reasons for discussion

What prompted the discussion of this issue? Anyone who has visited Novy Borovoy at least once inevitably wonders, "Is this really Belarus?" Indeed, "A-100 Development" became the first developer to focus not only on living conditions but also on creating a friendly community. This decision turned out to be quite successful:

  • Places for communication have been organized.
  • Joint holidays and sporting events are held;
  • There is a dedicated service organization.
  • A set of rules for residents has been created.

Earlier, some might have considered such initiatives excessive, but in 2020, all doubts were dispelled. Against the backdrop of the pandemic, when we spent a lot of time at home, it became clear to everyone that an attractive view from the window and warm relationships with neighbors are just as important as comfortable living conditions. Today, we will take a detailed look at how this important aspect was achieved in Novaya Borovaya.

Unique life in Nova Borovaya

Living in Novaya Borovaya makes every moment meaningful. Talented artists such as singer Anna Shalyutina and standup comedian Andrei Makaenok, who have become apartment owners in this fascinating neighborhood, are quite familiar with this. They are aware of its unique features and emphasize that it has a special atmosphere, which is one of the key reasons why people like living here.

Anna notes that it is communication between people that brings true happiness.

— Is it possible to create real friendships between neighbors in apartment buildings? I’m sure many of you would answer negatively. People strive to escape the city noise, hide behind closed doors, and live for years next to their neighbors without ever recognizing them. It’s truly sad, and the situation is unacceptable. A person’s psychological state is heavily influenced by their environment. An attractive view outside the window, a cozy courtyard, greenery, and friendly smiles from neighbors—all of this fills our lives with joy. The era of technology is rapidly changing many aspects, and the requirements for housing are no longer limited to just prices or location.

Memories and friendship

Courtyard celebrations are vivid memories from our childhood that we seek and strive to bring back into our lives. So what do city dwellers really need? Is it possible to establish friendly connections with neighbors? In search of an answer to this question, we turned to professional psychologist Yanina Konovko from the "Center for Successful Relationships" for her opinion.

Environment and emotional state

Anna Shalyutina: Yanina, what environmental factors can influence a person's emotional state? How do location and surroundings affect the quality of our lives?

Yanina Konovko: The environment really has a significant impact on the overall quality of life. When choosing a new home, we always pay attention to these aspects. We all ask ourselves questions:

  • Who lives nearby?
  • What will the view from our window be like?
  • Where will my children be able to play and is their safety assured?
  • Is it convenient to walk in our neighborhood in the evening?

The environment not only influences us but also becomes an integral part of our lives. There are many examples where conflicts with neighbors lead to serious difficulties, for instance:

  • The fear of letting children play outside.
  • Boredom and depression from the monotonous view out the window.

I'm convinced that this problem can be solved, andNew Borovayaserves as a good example. The beauty of the world around us can change people, even their inner state: we smile more often, seek communication, and begin to appreciate what surrounds us.

Social connections in cities and villages

Anna Shalyutina: In villages, people know each other better, neighbors are eager to communicate, celebrate important events together, and share their sorrows. Unfortunately, such closeness between people is often lacking in cities.

Why do people who live near each other often end up so far apart?

Yarina Konovko: I also experienced this firsthand. My childhood was spent in a five-story building with 90 apartments. We knew all our neighbors, were friends, and gathered in the yard every evening — it was wonderful. However, when I grew up and moved to a different place, everything changed drastically. Eight years have passed since then, and I still don't know the names of most of my neighbors, even those who live one floor above me. I miss the communication we had in childhood. By nature, humans are social beings, and it's important for us to be able to establish and maintain connections with our neighbors.

Events and communication in Nova Borovaya

Exciting events are happening in Novaya Borovaya: backyard concerts, group runs, and celebrations that awaken pleasant childhood memories, and we strive to bring this back into our lives. If we succeed in achieving this, we will become happier.

Yanina Konovko: Moreover, trust between neighbors contributes not only to emotional comfort but also to practical aspects. When I talk about mutual assistance, I mean that it brings joy to all participants. I recommend to the mothers in the yard:

  • "Let's socialize!"
  • Today one of you will take care of the children, and tomorrow — another.

This way, more comfortable living conditions can be created. Especially during maternity leave, communication becomes essential. Shared interests bring people closer, useful advice is always relevant, and sharing difficulties is much easier when done together.

How did the new Borovaya become an example of neighborly friendship in the metropolis?

Family support in difficult times

Secondly, if you are unable to leave your child in your care (e.g. grandmothers are far away and relatives are busy at work), you can always rely on each other. It is much easier to cope with difficulties together!

Conflicts with neighbors

Anna Shalyutina is wondering what to do if a conflict with neighbors arises. Is it possible to restore good neighborly relations? Yanina Konovko emphasizes that about 90% of disagreements between people can be resolved through communication. The key is not to ignore the problems that arise, but to discuss them openly.

If you have any grievances towards your neighbor, it's best not to hold onto resentment; instead, try to find the strength within yourself to approach the other party and calmly discuss the situation. Most of the time, this is enough, as many people are unaware that they are causing discomfort to someone else.

Creating a friendly atmosphere

It's even more effective to make contact beforehand so that you don't turn introductions into conflicts. If you've just moved in, approach your neighbors, bake a cake for them, or invite them over for tea.

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This is a great way to create a friendly atmosphere in your new neighborhood. When children prefer to spend time outdoors rather than in front of a screen, it is already a significant achievement.

The necessity of communication for happiness

Anna Shalyutina also raises the question of what qualities the new generation possesses. Their happiness requires more than just a roof over their heads and a few square meters. Yanina Konovko notes that if we refer to Maslow's hierarchy, it becomes clear that for complete happiness, a person needs not only the satisfaction of basic needs such as food and shelter.

  • Communication
  • Good relationships
  • Recognition and respect

These elements are essential for a sense of comfort and satisfaction in life.

The influence of the environment on the quality of life

All the described aspects also apply to our environment. The atmosphere around us and comfort play a key role in forming habits and reducing anxiety levels. In well-maintained courtyards, residents are interested in maintaining order, as it creates a safe space for children, allowing them to spend time outdoors.

I often hear complaints from the children I work with, such as: "I have no one to play with in the yard. Everyone is at home and engrossed in online games." However, in Novaya Borovaya, the situation is completely different. Here, parents don't need to worry about letting their little ones play outside, as the area is fenced off, and the risk of a child getting hit by a car is minimal.

Playgrounds and physical activity

There are special play areas and sports equipment for children here. This gives them the opportunity to take a break from gadgets and engage in active communication, developing both physically and mentally. Raising children in an aesthetically pleasing environment is wonderful, and the infrastructure available here supports this process.

The role of a comfortable living environment

A comfortable living environment is the key to interaction. If people's desire to come together is quite obvious, what is the role of urbanism in fostering meaningful communication among neighbors? Why can identical benches in different courtyards function under completely different scenarios?

The question of how to make public spaces more attractive for residents was the subject of discussion with Anastasia Germatskaya, a professional architect, urbanist, and designer, as well as the project coordinator for the "Minsk Urban Platform." The conversation was conducted by Andrey Makaenok.

What is a comfortable living environment?

Andrey Makaenok: Nastya, what does the term "comfortable living environment" mean? Can this be observed in the new Borovaya district?

Anastasia Germatskaya: According to the concepts of the famous Danish architect Jan Gehl, a comfortable living space is characterized by12 criteria, divided into three main categories:

  • Safety- includes protection against criminal activity, controlling traffic flow, and protection against adverse weather conditions.
  • Comfort- covers free movement, the ability to communicate without interference, the opportunity to relax or spend time at the playground.
  • Pleasure- implies enjoying the surrounding beauty at any time of the year and the aesthetics of architecture, greenery, and small architectural forms.

When we talk about safety, it includes protection against criminal activities, managing traffic flow (which is a pressing issue), and protection from adverse weather conditions such as rain, strong winds, or high temperatures.

In terms of comfort, this covers free movement, the ability to communicate without interference, the ability to relax or spend time on the playground, and to play sports. In terms of pleasure, this includes enjoying the surrounding beauty at any time of the year, the aesthetics of architecture, greenery and small architectural forms, and a sense of tranquility surrounded by buildings that do not create an overwhelming effect with their size.

The Borovaya area as a model

Anastasia Hermatskaya: The new Borovaya district has become a true model for the entire real estate sector in the country, significantly contributing to the creation of a comfortable living environment in Belarus. Here, the following were implemented for the first time:

  • closed courtyard spaces,
  • car-free zones,
  • public places.

This has undoubtedly had a positive impact on the market. Major developers have been forced to adapt and rethink their projects, which in turn has brought significant changes to other new constructions over the past five years. Many have realized that outdated construction approaches no longer meet the expectations of modern buyers, who demand more than just simple square footage.

As of today, on one hand, not all buyers are willing to pay for additional amenities. For many, the price remains the main concern, which is quite natural in the current market conditions. Different target groups have varying preferences, and it's great that people have the option to choose.

Taking into account the needs of residents

Andrey Makaenok: How can we take into account the needs of different residents in one courtyard space? For example, one neighbor has a dog, while another does not. What are their priorities and how can we combine these interests?

In such a situation, it's important to plan the space in a way that allows everything to coexist comfortably. It may be necessary to create different zones that take into account everyone's preferences:

  • an area for walking dogs,
  • quiet corners for relaxation,
  • children's area.

Thus, the planning of public spaces should take into account the diverse interests and needs of residents. Only with this approach can we create a truly comfortable and appealing living environment for everyone, where each person can find their place and enjoy the time spent outdoors.

Proper distribution of functional areas and proper implementation of architectural solutions can help create an atmosphere of unity and understanding among residents, which is important for building a true community.

Architectural scenarios for life

The question that architects face requires deep and serious analysis — how to organize life scenarios for different groups of people. For example, it is necessary to determine in advance where playgrounds for children will be located, where adults can enjoy their time, and which areas will be suitable for active recreation for athletes and retirees.

For a space to be functional, it needs a variety of organization — from mini-gardens and barbecue areas to playgrounds for children of different ages and sports facilities. To minimize potential conflicts, it makes sense to separate noisy areas from quiet relaxation spots. This will allow everyone to engage in their activities without interference from others.

Dialogue in the community

It would be ideal if the developer at the design stage takes into account the need to create a dialog among the community. An example is the Novaya Borovaya residential complexes, where special areas for dog washing are provided, which significantly reduces the likelihood of contamination of common passageways and helps prevent conflicts between residents.

  • Enclosed areas for dog walking.
  • Rest areas with enclosures located near shops.
  • Pet waste collection systems.

All these measures contribute to the formation of a culture of respect for the interests of neighbors, which in turn creates conditions for the peaceful coexistence of people from different social strata in the same area. The foundation of a successful community is built on established rules, trustful relationships, and open communication among its members.

The question of living in public spaces

Andrey Makaenok poses an important question: how can we bring life to public spaces? The answer is not as simple as it may seem at first glance. An architect has the ability to create an appealing environment, but it is ultimately up to the residents of that space to determine how they will interact with one another.

In fact, architecture can have a significant impact on the development of social connections. Well-designed infrastructures, both for private and public spaces, promote the gathering of people. If a courtyard area is enclosed and well-maintained, such places begin to be perceived as part of personal space, unlike typical apartment buildings where the boundaries of ownership are limited to a closed door.

Active participation of residents

The residents of Nova Borovaya actively participate in community clean-up days, taking care of the cleanliness of their surroundings, which not only allows them to make friendly acquaintances but also helps address common issues. A community is formed here from people with shared values and interests, making communication more natural. It's especially easy to connect with neighbors in small courtyards, where opportunities for interaction are significantly higher.

Quality of public spaces

When it comes to the quality of public spaces, success lies in detailed design — such areas always attract local residents. A vivid example is the main square of Nova Borova, where life is always bustling.

  • The children are playing with enthusiasm.
  • Adults communicate with each other.
  • Various events and celebrations are being organized.

Skillful design and attentiveness to the needs of local residents become key factors contributing to social activity and successful interaction within the community. Friendly atmosphere and involvement of each participant play a crucial role in creating a harmonious life of people, which ultimately helps everyone to find their place in this common space.


The conclusion of this article draws important insights about how the creation of communities in residential complexes can significantly change the quality of life in a big city. Novaya Borovaya has become a vivid example of how relationships between neighbors can overcome the usual urban individualism and loneliness. I shared with you the experiences of those who not only live in their apartments but actively interact with each other, creating a friendly atmosphere.

Courtyard celebrations, joint sports activities, and simply socializing help people not only get to know each other better but also feel like part of a whole.

How does the environment affect the quality of life?

It's important to understand thatgreat viewandcozy living space— this is just a part of a comfortable life. True happiness comes from warm relationships, trust, and mutual support. Therefore, embracing the ideas discussed in interviews with psychologists, it becomes clear that our environment shapes not only our external world but also our internal experiences.

Steps to create a friendly community

If each of us takes a step towards our neighbors and joins efforts to create an active and friendly community, life in apartment buildings will improve. We will be able to bring back those precious childhood memories when events in the yard were an important part of our lives:

  • Backyard festivities
  • Joint sports activities
  • Simple communication

Each of these events helps strengthen connections and brings us closer together.

Why it's important.

Let's not hide behind closed doors: let's open them, say hello, and remember that we are not alone, that beyond the walls of our apartments are real people with their own stories and concerns.

What do you think is the reason we should strive to build such relationships? I invite you to reflect on this question and start taking action right now. Don't miss the opportunity to make your home and neighborhood a place you will enjoy returning to.
