Property Abroad
How to obtain a mortgage in France: tips and conditions for foreigners

How to obtain a mortgage in France: tips and conditions for foreigners

How to obtain a mortgage in France: tips and conditions for foreigners
  • How can a mortgage loan in France become your financial asset?
  • How to obtain a mortgage loan for foreigners in French banks?
  • How to successfully obtain a loan for purchasing real estate abroad?
  • How to properly arrange a loan and choose a bank for purchasing real estate in France?

Brief information about key points

Today, the mortgage market in France is rightly considered one of the most stable and secure in the world, thanks to active support from the government and its careful oversight. Home loans play a central role in the process of financing real estate purchases, and a significant number of transactions are carried out with their assistance.

Current market conditions

At the moment, when interest rates remain low, mortgage lending is not only a tool for acquiring housing but also a profitable opportunity for increasing personal investments. Financial experts suggest that future inflation may offset the benefits of low rates, which raises some concerns among borrowers regarding the use of borrowed funds.

Tax deductions and rental income

In addition, it is worth noting that borrowers taking out mortgage loans have the opportunity to take advantage of tax deductions, which is an additional benefit. In a stable rental market, purchasing an apartment or house can generate significant income through rent, making real estate a reliable source of passive income and an attractive financial asset. Among foreign citizens considering the possibility of buying property in France, the use of loans is becoming increasingly popular.

Conditions for non-residents

Nevertheless, the conditions for obtaining a mortgage for non-residents wishing to invest in real estate in the country may be stricter compared to local residents. However, despite this, many well-known French banks offer mortgage loans even to foreigners. The main requirements for obtaining a loan generally remain the same:

  • the need to confirm the presence of a stable income;
  • The income should be at least three times the amount of the monthly mortgage payments.
  • sufficient financial resources for living after completing the purchase.

Interest rates

Interest rates on mortgage loans in France are determined based on the rates set by the Central Bank. Despite forecasts of a possible increase in rates, they have remained quite stable over the past few years, creating attractive conditions for those looking to take advantage of mortgage lending.

Among the existing types of interest rates, fixed and floating rates can be distinguished. Fixed rates are set for the entire loan term, while floating rates require a review every three months, with only the margin of the banking institution being fixed. Due to the low rates in recent years, banks have significantly increased their margins. On average, for Russian clients, interest rates are around 2.3-2.5%.

It's important to consider

Special attention should be paid to floating rates, as they require deeper analysis and understanding of the situation. Floating rates can change depending on market conditions, making them less predictable in the long term compared to fixed rates.

Recommendations for Borrowers

Here are a few recommendations from experts for those planning to apply for a mortgage in France:

  • First and foremost, it's important to thoroughly examine all available offers.
  • Consider the terms of various banks in order to choose the most optimal option.
  • Prepare all the necessary documents in advance, including income statements and credit history reports.
  • Evaluate the potential monthly payments and your financial capabilities.


Thus, a mortgage loan in France can become not only your tool for acquiring housing but also a valuable financial asset if you do everything right and take into account all the important nuances of the process.

General information about lending

When it comes to the possibilities of obtaining a loan, it should be understood that financial organizations review their terms every three months. Initial deposits are sometimes offered at a reduced rate, which can create a false impression of a more favorable offer for the borrower. However, it is very important to compare this reduced rate with current market conditions to understand the true financial burden.

The loan terms range from seven to twenty-five years, and the interest rate often depends on the duration of the loan. Foreigners typically can expect financing for up to fifteen years, which may limit their options.

Necessary documents for a mortgage

The list of required documents may vary depending on the specific bank, as each financial institution sets its own requirements. However, there are some key documents that foreigners need to obtain a mortgage from French banks:

  • Copy of the passport confirming identity;
  • Marriage or divorce certificate;
  • A copy of the original real estate purchase agreement, which must be signed by all parties involved, including the buyer and the notary;
  • A backup contract, when it comes to purchasing new housing;

Additional documents

In addition, the borrower should prepare the following documents:

  • Tax returns for the last few years;
  • Documents confirming income for the current financial year;
  • Information about employment for those who are hired.
  • Founding documents and financial statements for the past three years for individual entrepreneurs;
  • Bank statement for the previous three months;
  • Information about monthly payments on existing loans and debts, if any.

Additional sources of income

Don't forget about the documents that prove additional sources of income, such as:

  • Tax deductions;
  • Rental income;
  • Pensions;
  • Dividends.

In addition, it is necessary to provide documents confirming ownership of the property. Banks may also request additional information, such as a medical certificate regarding the borrower's health status.

Requirements for documents

All submitted documents must be translated into French and notarized or certified by a translator registered in the French judicial system.

Initial payment and lending conditions

As for the down payment, it is important to consider that lending systems can be quite complex. Financial organizations that work with foreign citizens usually provide loans covering up to70%the cost of the property being purchased. This means that the borrower needs to have at least30%from the cost, in addition to the additional expenses for processing the transaction.

In addition, banks prefer that the borrower has some financial reserves, which plays a role in their decision to grant a loan. According to experts, the chances of successfully obtaining a loan are highest for those borrowers who can make a contribution.50%from the total cost of the property.

How to obtain a mortgage in France: tips and conditions for foreigners

Questions related to lending are always an important topic for people looking to purchase real estate. Financial organizations rely on three main criteria when evaluating properties. First, they must have market characteristics, including location and condition. Second, the properties should be free from any legal restrictions or encumbrances. Third, their price must align with market conditions. Similar to many other countries, banks use the services of experts during the property evaluation process. The completion of this stage should ensure that the stated price of the property corresponds to its actual value. If the evaluation results show that the property is worth less than indicated, there is a possibility that the loan will be granted, but the amount will be lower.

New buildings and bank financing

It is particularly important to highlight the situation with new buildings. In this segment, banks often show trust in the promises of developers, which can significantly simplify the process of obtaining a loan for buyers.

Recommended real estate
Buy in France for 2139835£

Sale house in Saint-Rafael 2 822 761,00 $

5 Bedrooms

240 м²

Buy in France for 290157£

Sale flat in Nice 382 760,00 $

2 Bedrooms

70 м²

Buy in France for 4200000€

Sale flat in Antibes 4 646 808,00 $

3 Bedrooms

2 Bathrooms

169 м²

Buy in France for 3859423£

Sale house in Antibes 5 091 153,00 $

5 Bedrooms

220 м²

Rent in France for 13000€

Rent villa in Cannes 14 382,00 $

5 Bedrooms

315 м²

Buy in France for 5060132£

Sale house in Marseille 6 675 067,00 $

9 Bedrooms

630 м²

Some banks even refuse to finance investments in real estate, while others, on the contrary, show special interest in such projects. To avoid making a mistake when choosing a financial institution, it is advisable to consult a reliable real estate agency that operates in the French market.

The process of applying for a loan

The process of obtaining a loan begins with selecting a property and preparing the corresponding agreement. One of the key aspects of this stage is clearly stating the loan conditions to minimize risks and avoid penalties in case of an unfavorable outcome. Next comes the formal procedure for obtaining the loan, which can be done either independently or with the help of intermediaries, such as real estate agencies or financial brokers.

Clients from Russia

Clients from Russia should be especially cautious. It is recommended to gather references, as some banks may show distrust towards Russian citizens who approach them without prior contacts. After collecting the necessary documents, the process of preparing the dossier begins, which should include:

  • recommendation letters,
  • preliminary agreements,
  • personal data,
  • documents regarding marital status,
  • other documents that the bank may require.

Insurance policy for a loan

An equally important aspect is the arrangement of an insurance policy for the loan. All insurance documents must be certified by a licensed insurance company. Previously, banks handled this on their own, but recently they have been prohibited from doing so, linking credit products with insurance. Recently, for certain categories of foreigners, additional documents from local lawyers have become mandatory, confirming that the transaction for acquiring foreignreal estate does not violate the laws of the client's country.

Requirements for documents

It is important to note that all necessary documents must be provided either in French or English, or with an attached certified translation. The file can also be sent electronically via email, as originals are not required at the initial stage of review. Once the bank analyzes the submitted file and makes a positive decision regarding financing, the client will be invited to provide the original documents and will be offered the loan terms. Signing the offer is only allowed afterten daysAfter receiving it, the client has enough time to thoroughly evaluate all the details and conditions.


In general, the process of obtaining a loan requires a serious approach, knowledge of banking requirements, and careful preparation of documentation. This approach will significantly increase the chances of successfully completing the transaction and acquiring the desired property.

Documents for borrowers

If several people are acting as borrowers, each of them receives their own individual copy of the agreement. Once the offer is signed, it is returned to the bank, and soon after, usually within a week, the money is transferred to the notary.

He is the one who incorporates the loan agreement into the sales contract and carries out the registration of the encumbrance, which will be in the interest of the lending organization.

Choosing a bank

The process of choosing the right bank often turns out to be quite challenging, as recommendations can be rather vague. Much of this depends on which bank specialist will be handling your case.

In some institutions, there are special departments that deal with lending to foreigners, but generally, you can simplify the process by contacting the bank where you plan to conduct the transaction.

Financing of new buildings

Financing for the purchase of new buildings has its nuances. When issuing a loan, it is important to understand that the full amount is not always needed right away.

In construction in France, there is a practice of staged payments, where costs are distributed as work progresses. At each stage of the transaction, the buyer first contributes their share of the funds, and subsequent payments are made by the bank according to the terms outlined in the contract.

Tips for getting a mortgage

Here are some tips from experts for those planning to take out a mortgage in France:

  • Carefully analyze your financial capabilities.and prepare all the required documents that confirm your income.
  • Having determined the amount you will have to pay monthly,compare it with your financial situation.
  • Make calculations based on a pessimistic that you have some funds left over.

Analysis of additional aspects

When you are sure that you can afford a loan, it makes sense to explore other aspects of the deal. Pay attention to the loan terms.

The longer the term, the higher the total amount of payments on the loan at a fixed interest rate. However, during periods of low rates, longer loans can be more advantageous, as calculations are made based on the nominal rate without indexing.

Terms of interest rates

Don't overlook the terms regarding interest rates. Consider options with fixed and floating rates. If you choose the floating option, try to forecast changes in the reference rate.

Also, pay attention to possible penalties for early repayment. It's better to discuss the possibility of waiving them with the bank in advance, as this usually becomes possible after successfully repaying the loan for five years.

Investments in new buildings

If you are considering new buildings as an investment, it might be worth temporarily postponing loan payments until the construction is completed and income starts coming in.

In such cases, banks may include a provision in the loan agreement allowing for the deferral of payments.


In conclusion, a mortgage loan in France is not only a way to acquire real estate but also an investment opportunity, especially in the current environment of low interest rates. By understanding the key aspects of obtaining a loan, including interest rates and borrower requirements, we can conclude that the mortgage application process, while requiring careful preparation and understanding of local regulations, is quite accessible even for foreign citizens.

Despite the potential challenges related to paperwork and conditions, such as the need for a down payment and proof of income, many people are willing to take this step, understanding that square meters in a stable economy like France can provide a reliable foundation for the future. Considering the government support and regulation, as well as the high standards of banking services, the mortgage market in France appears attractive, especially for those looking to secure comfortable housing for themselves and their loved ones in one of the most beautiful countries in the world.

Advantages of obtaining a mortgage in France

  • Low interest ratesallow for significant savings on payments.
  • State supportmakes mortgage lending safer.
  • Opportunityreal estate rentalfor earning additional income.
  • A stable real estate market in France.

Important aspects when obtaining a mortgage

Since interest rates continue to remain low, it is worth considering the possibility of obtaining a loan right now. One should not forget the importance of thoroughly reviewing all the terms, especially when:

  • Between choicesfixedandfloating rates.
  • Preparing the necessary listdocuments.

At the final stage, before starting the mortgage application process, I recommend consulting with experts in this field and carefully preparing all the necessary documents. Accurate information and support can alleviate a significant amount of stress and make this important step in your life more confident and secure. I wish good luck to all future borrowers!
