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How to improve the energy efficiency of buildings in Europe and why is it necessary?

How to improve the energy efficiency of buildings in Europe and why is it necessary?

How to improve the energy efficiency of buildings in Europe and why is it necessary?
  • How is energy efficiency assessed in the European Union?
  • New building classification: how to improve energy efficiency?
  • How to effectively reduce energy consumption in residential spaces?
  • How to improve the energy efficiency of real estate to increase its value?

How is energy efficiency assessed?

The energy certificate serves as a clear example of this process. The main essence of this term lies in the ability to achieve significant results while minimizing the consumption of energy resources. This parameter is calculated for various categories of objects.

First and foremost, it is used for analyzing electrical equipment, ranging from ordinary light bulbs to more complex devices such as refrigerators and washing machines. Additionally, an important aspect is the assessment of the energy efficiency of vehicles. Buildings are also significant in this regard and are subject to the same evaluation.

Energy efficiency color scale

In each of the presented cases, a color scale is used that most people are already familiar with. The area highlighted in yellow indicates an average level of efficiency, while the green shades represent a high degree of energy savings. The red shades signal low energy efficiency indicators.

This color scale is complemented by Latin letters from A to G:

  • A- the highest level of efficiency.
  • D- standard level.

Energy efficiency of buildings in the European Union

As for the buildings, approximately40%The total energy consumption in the countries of the European Union is attributed specifically to this segment. A significant portion of this volume...80%spent on heating, cooling systems, and hot water supply.

In the European Union, there is a directive regarding the energy efficiency of buildings, known asEPBDadopted in 2002. Since then, this document has undergone numerous updates. Initially, the main goal was to reduce carbon dioxide emissions into the atmosphere, and to this day, environmental aspects remain key, although they are not the only focus.

Standards and their impact on construction

This directive establishes unified European standards regarding the assessment of energy efficiency, which today contribute to making buildings more economical in terms of energy consumption. The directive also encourages both governments and the private sector to implement projects for the construction of energy-efficient homes.

For example, the following are proposed for the implementation of such projects:

  • Special preferential loans;
  • Government compensation for modernization work.

This, in turn, increases the return on investment in real estate.

Condition of the housing stock

As of today, more35%More buildings in the EU have been constructed.50 yearsback, and approximately75%Only a small portion of the entire housing stock is considered energy-efficient. However, the updates occur at a rate of only about1%residential sector every year.

Currently, preparations are underway for a new amendment to the directive, which is expected to be finalized by the end.2022The changes made already take into account the energy crisis that has arisen in Europe.

Energy efficiency certificates

Every building in the European Union countries receives an energy efficiency certificate. These certificates, similar to those that describe the characteristics of light bulbs, contain data about the energy efficiency class of a specific structure. This allows residents and property owners to assess how efficiently energy is used in their homes and what benefits they can gain from improvements.

Reconceptualization of building classification

However, modern concepts of building classification are undergoing significant reassessment. The new scheme will be more accessible and understandable for a wider audience. In the updated versions of the directives, it is planned to retain the familiar letter categories, but with a clarification of their content.

  • 15% of the buildings in each country with the worst energy efficiency ratings will be included in group G.
  • Class A will cover buildings with net zero energy consumption.
  • The remaining buildings will be distributed among other categories proportionally.

What are zero energy buildings?

What are buildings with zero energy consumption? These structures do exist, and they can be divided into three main types: nearly zero energy buildings; buildings with complete zero energy consumption; and structures that generate excess energy. For example, an office building.Powerhouse TelemarkNorway produces more electricity than it consumes.

Key factors of energy efficiency

To achieve such a high level of energy efficiency, a combination of two key aspects is necessary. First, the building design should focus on minimizing energy losses as much as possible. Second, alternative methods of energy generation must be utilized.

For countries in the southern latitudes, the primary method is the installation of solar panels. However, even in northern regions, buildings are being constructed that do not require electricity consumption. The best examples in this regard are Finland, Denmark, and Canada, where solar and wind energy systems are actively being developed. The utilization of biofuels is also possible.

Examples of solar panels

When it comes to solar panels, one can recall examples of their installation on building rooftops in the Netherlands. Although such work has been ongoing for a long time, the actual number of such buildings is still relatively small. Mostly, these are new constructions that take modern building technologies into account.

Improving the energy efficiency of existing buildings

Nevertheless, increasing the level of energy efficiency for already existing facilities is indeed possible, and the savings results from such measures are easily calculable. Let's assess the benefits of reducing utility expenses.

The energy efficiency of a building is shaped by a variety of different factors. Let's not delve into the achievements of engineers who create buildings capable of capturing wind and returning excess energy to the electrical grid. Instead, let's focus on standard residential complexes.

Energy efficiency here is largely determined by the quality of the installed electrical appliances (lighting fixtures, washing machines, and other devices), as well as the level of thermal insulation.

Important aspects of cost reduction

It is particularly important to highlight that heating and water heating costs are the most significant in energy expenses and, consequently, sources where substantial savings can be achieved.

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If approached correctly and with the application of modern technologies, it is possible to significantly reduce expenses and achieve noticeable savings.

This issue has become particularly relevant in light of the rising utility rates and the demands for energy efficiency that meet modern standards.

How to improve the energy efficiency of buildings in Europe and why is it necessary?

These days, the topic of efficient energy use in residential buildings is becoming increasingly relevant and in demand. Let's take a closer look at how energy costs are distributed in homes and what steps can be taken to reduce consumption.

Distribution of energy costs

Statistical data shows that a significant portion of consumed energy is used for heating: about45%from the total consumption. It takes about18%while air conditioning absorbs9%The lighting in the room requires6%energy, and cooking -4%The use of household electronics accounts for5%...and freezing food requires just as much...4%Cleaning the premises costs3%The expenses for computers take up2%and other expenses amount to about3%Charging mobile devices, such as phones and tablets, also requires approximately4%from the total energy consumption.

Savings on energy-efficient devices

One interesting example noted by Energy Star is the installation of a heat pump water heater. Although its price may be about700 dollarshigher than that of standard models, thanks to reduced energy costs, during operation owners can save about3500 dollarsAmong the technologies that contribute to savings, it is worth highlighting thermostats, which help maintain the necessary temperature and turn off the heating system when there are no people present.

Tips for reducing energy consumption

Amid rising energy prices, Europeans are strongly advised to focus on reducing consumption.

  • Slight decrease in temperature in the apartments.
  • Reducing the time for taking a hot shower.

These steps can lead to significant savings. However, the decision that could have the greatest impact isquality thermal insulationsignificantly contributing to reducing costs.

The importance of thermal insulation

Effective thermal insulation of a house is an essential part of energy conservation. Experts recommend paying attention to elements such as:

  • Windows
  • Walls
  • Roofs
  • Floors

A significant amount of heat escapes through these elements. By improving insulation, homeowners can reduce their utility costs by10-30%At the same time, the costs for insulation remain quite moderate.

Examples of successful practices

A striking example of successful implementation of energy-efficient solutions is the homes in Germany. When it comes to electrical appliances, there are two main approaches to achieving savings:

  • Using high-efficiency technology.
  • Rational use of existing equipment.

Simple recommendations, such as turning off unnecessary lighting in empty rooms or unplugging fully charged devices from the outlet, may seem insignificant, but in practice, they make a big difference. Completely disconnecting electronics, including computers and televisions, when they are not in use can also lead to significant savings.

Smart homes as the future of energy conservation

The implementation of the "smart home" concept is another step towards more efficient energy use. Smart systems can automatically turn off the lights when people leave and control heating by putting unused appliances into standby mode.

Energy efficiency classes

The European Commission indicates that buildings with an energy class of G require, on average, ten times more energy compared to structures that have achieved nearly zero energy consumption or emissions. Improving energy efficiency to class E allows for savings of abouttwo thirdsenergy expenses. Thus, sensible management of energy resource costs can not only help preserve natural resources but also significantly reduce the financial burden on households.

Our work on improving energy efficiency continues, and every small step matters for ensuring a sustainable future.

Considering the advantages: renting and selling real estate

The issue of energy efficiency becomes particularly significant when an owner decides to sell or rent out their property. In these situations, having an energy certificate becomes a mandatory requirement. Research shows that improving the energy efficiency rating of a property by just one category can lead to an increase in its market value by several thousand euros or dollars.

The explanation for such dynamics is quite simple:The new owners will be able to significantly reduce their utility costs, making the purchase more attractive. Therefore, many property owners take the necessary steps to improve energy efficiency before selling or renting out their properties. For example, the use of LED bulbs instead of regular ones is quite common.

An example of a successful construction project

An example of a successful multifunctional construction project that takes into account the principles of sustainable development is a complex equipped with wind power plants and solar panels, located near the center of Manchester, United Kingdom.

Expenses for updates

When analyzing the return on investment, it's important to remember that owners are not always required to cover the costs of energy efficiency improvements from their own budget. There are many funding programs provided by various directives that offer significant support.

  • A new program in the form of a social climate fund plans to raise €72.2 billion from the European Union budget from 2025 to 2032 to assist households, especially those living in energy-dependent homes.
  • In Italy, the Superbonus 110% program is being implemented, which provides for the reimbursement of costs for improving the energy efficiency of buildings.
  • In Germany, the Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau program is operational; however, this year the financing conditions have changed, which has raised concerns among investors.

Expected measures in other countries

Similar measures are likely to be implemented in other countries as well, such as Albania, where property owners will be able to recoup up to 50% of the costs for installing solar panels for water heating. According to local authorities' forecasts, this will reduce energy consumption in homes by 20-30%. All these initiatives are aimed at addressing the energy crisis in Europe.

Brief information about significance

Increasing energy efficiencyIt can significantly reduce utility costs by 10-30%. This also seriously increases the market value of the property for both sale and rental, reducing the time it remains without buyers or tenants. Often, the costs of modernization can be offset through government programs, which serves as an additional incentive for owners to improve their properties.


In conclusion, I want to emphasize that the issue of energy efficiency in buildings and infrastructure as a whole is becoming increasingly relevant in the face of modern challenges such as climate change and resource depletion. As property owners or tenants, we can all use our knowledge of energy efficiency to reduce our own costs and contribute to environmental protection.

As shown in the article, the concept of energy efficiency encompasses not only new buildings constructed using modern technologies but also existing structures that can be upgraded. The energy certificates provided under the EU directive serve as an important tool for informing us about the characteristics of buildings and their energy efficiency classes. The use of a color scale and letter designations allows for a quick assessment of how economically or, conversely, inefficiently energy is being used.

Investments in energy efficiency

Personally, I believe.By investing in technologies and systems that improve energy efficiency, we not only reduce our expenses but also increase the value of our property. An important aspect of this is the availability of government programs and subsidies that make these investments more attractive and accessible to a wide range of citizens.

The future of energy efficiency

Furthermore, further updates to the directive aimed at creating simpler and clearer standards will contribute to the wider adoption of energy-efficient solutions. Our goal is not only to comply with new environmental standards but also to actively participate in this process by promoting sustainable development ideas.

Key points:
  • Energy efficiency in buildings is a priority task in the context of climate change.
  • Energy efficiency certificates help determine the characteristics of buildings.
  • Investing in energy efficiency reduces costs and increases property value.
  • Government programs support the implementation of energy-efficient projects.

So, as we continue to master new technologies and apply them in our lives, it is important to remember the great potential of energy efficiency and its role in ensuring a bright and sustainable future for generations to come. Together, we can contribute to changes that will bring us not only economic benefits but also an improvement in the quality of life in our environment.
