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What naivety! You know everything about France?

What naivety! You know everything about France?

What naivety! You know everything about France?
  • France: more than just tourism and attractions
  • France: a country of cultural heritage
  • A journey through France: from the "Moulin Rouge" restaurant to the fortress island of Mont Saint-Michel
  • France: Unique Political Structure and International Presence
  • The History of France: From the Gauls to the Bourbons
  • The history of France: from the "Sun King" to modern times

France: Not just tourist attractions

Despite the common belief, France is not just about foie gras, wine, and beautiful landmarks like Notre-Dame Cathedral or the Promenade de la Croisette. In recent years, the immense influx of tourists has turned this great country into a true paradise for travelers, where every corner of the city has become an exhibit, and the landscapes have transformed into picturesque paintings.

Studying France

However, after spending a few weeks or months in France, you can truly feel the emotions and immerse yourself in the life of this country. It's important not only to explore the historical districts but also to understand how its residents live and work in the modern world. Observations, experiences, and new discoveries will make you respect the life of this great nation.

The diversity of France

In addition to Paris, France has numerous overseas territories and departments, including the island of Corsica. The total area of the country is 643,400 square kilometers. The terrain of France is diverse: plains in the north and west, mountains in the center and east, the Alps in the southeast, the Vosges in the southwest, and the Pyrenees in the south. The climate in France is temperate maritime, with a subtropical climate on the southern coast and a moderately continental climate in the east.

Population and culture of France

The population of France exceeds 62 million people. The majority of the population is made up of French people (94%), but the country is also home to Arabs, Berbers, Portuguese, Basques, Italians, Turks, and representatives of other ethnic groups. The official language is French. Catholicism is the most widespread religion, but there is also a significant number of atheists and Muslims.

Currency and time difference

The euro is the national currency of France, and the time difference with Moscow is 2 hours in the summer and 3 hours in the winter (GMT+1).

France: a country of attractions and cultural heritage

France is famous for its numerous attractions and rich cultural heritage. In 1887, representatives of the arts, including Alexandre Dumas fils, Guy de Maupassant, and Charles Gounod, protested against the municipality regarding the Eiffel Tower. Gustave Eiffel himself referred to his creation simply as the "300-meter tower." Who would have thought it would become one of the most visited landmarks in the world?

Cultural heritage: cheeses and wine

Cheeses play an important role in French cuisine — there are about 500 varieties with different flavors and textures. The French embrace cheese as a cornerstone of their cooking. Moderate consumption of fatty foods and wine among the French has led to the "French paradox" — a lower incidence of cardiovascular diseases. Red wine and champagne are popular among the population and symbolize refined taste.

Celebrities of France

Édith Piaf, a singer and actress, became an icon of France thanks to her character and her voice, which is considered one of the most recognizable of the 20th century.

Art and Culture: The Louvre and Moulin Rouge

The Louvre is one of the greatest museums in France, home to famous works of art, including the "Mona Lisa." The Moulin Rouge, built in 1889, became a popular cabaret frequented by both ordinary citizens and famous personalities, including Picasso and Oscar Wilde.

What naivety! You know everything about France?

Moulin Rouge restaurant

It holds a special place in the hearts of tourists, attracting people from all corners of the world with its unique charm. This place became famous for its iconic cancan and striptease, so much so that even the Prince of Wales couldn't resist and decided to visit the establishment. The history of this venue is filled with remarkable moments, such as the incident in 1893 when one of the performers stunned the audience by completely undressing on stage.

The fortress island of Mont Saint-Michel

Nearby the restaurant is the unique island fortress of Mont Saint-Michel. It is truly a magnificent place that combines natural beauty and human effort. The fortress, built on a massive rock in Normandy in 708, changes its appearance daily due to the tides, transforming into an island that rises above the bay and the shoreline. Mont Saint-Michel is not just a name; it is a wonder of nature and architecture.

A trip to France

This is an opportunity to immerse yourself in a unique and unparalleled world. Paris, with its distinctive atmosphere, numerous museums and historical landmarks, famous architectural masterpieces, boutiques, and cozy cafes. Additionally, in France, you can enjoy exquisite wines from the regions of Bordeaux, Champagne, and Burgundy, experience the resort life of Nice, Cannes, Biarritz, and Courchevel, or embark on an exciting journey through the castles of the Loire and the palaces of Versailles.

Ways to travel

  • Air travel: the fastest and most convenient way.
  • Trains: direct routes from Moscow to Paris.
  • Bus: a comfortable journey through several countries.
  • Personal car: a journey along scenic routes.

Schengen visa

A Schengen visa is required for traveling to France. You can find details about the application process in the relevant sections.

Buying real estate

If you're interested in buying real estate in France, it's worth reaching out to professionals. In the "Regions of France" section, you'll find information about interesting attractions, cities, and regions of this beautiful country.

France: A Unique Political Structure

France, known as a democratic republic, has its unique political structure. Here, the president plays a key role in governing the state, having gone through elections for a five-year mandate, while the government, led by the prime minister, is responsible for the executive power. The French Parliament consists of two chambers and is formed based on broad public voting.

International Presence and Administrative Division

In addition, France is an active participant in several significant international unions, including the UN, EU, OECD, OSCE, and other organizations. The administrative division of the country includes 26 regions, which are further divided into 100 departments, encompassing 352 districts and 4,039 cantons.

Economics and Production

The economy of France stands out for its developed industrial and agricultural sectors. The country specializes in the extraction of iron and uranium ore, as well as the production of cars, electronics, chemical products, and pharmaceuticals. It is also known for its agricultural exports, including beef, dairy products, grains, vegetables, fish, as well as outstanding wines and cheeses.

Global Influence and Well-Known Companies

The country is renowned for its global influence in the fashion world, offering a wide range of products: clothing, footwear, perfumes, and cosmetics.

Recommended real estate
Buy in France for 5700000€

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3 Bathrooms

300 м²

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150 м²

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Sale flat in Paris 1 092 713,00 $

1 Bedroom

47 м²

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Sale flat in Paris 367 643,00 $

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35 м²

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2 Bathrooms

78 м²

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Sale flat in LA 1 845 379,00 $

2 Bedrooms

3 Bathrooms

218 м²

Some of the well-known companies include Renault, Peugeot Citroen (automotive giants), Michelin Tyre (tire manufacturer), Alcatel Lucent (telecommunications equipment), Thompson (electronics), and companies involved in cosmetics and perfumes.

Business Opportunities and Public Holidays

Do you want to start your own business in France? We recommend checking the information in the "Business in France" section. It's also important to note the public holidays, such as New Year's, Easter, Labor Day, Victory Day, Bastille Day, All Saints' Day, and Christmas. Time off on these days is arranged by agreement between employees and employers.

History and Society

History of France

France is one of the most famous countries in the world, with a rich and interesting history. In its primordial times, the territory of modern France was part of the Roman Empire and was called Gaul. It was inhabited by Celtic tribes, which the Romans collectively referred to as Gauls.

Conquest by the Franks

In the 5th century, the decline of the Roman Empire began, and the lands of Gaul were conquered by the Franks - West Germanic tribes that incorporated these territories into their kingdom. One of the most famous kings of the Franks, Charlemagne, ruled from 768. Under his leadership, the country expanded its borders and made significant changes to its way of life.

The statement of France

In the 10th century, the term "France" became the official name of this state. The Roman Catholic Church played a significant role in the life of France, contributing to the unification of Gaul over the centuries. However, over time, the influence of the popes in the Vatican diminished, especially during the Avignon Papacy.

The Hundred Years' War and the Reformation

France was also involved in the Hundred Years' War with England from 1337 to 1453 due to territorial conflicts. A significant role in this war was played by Joan of Arc, who distinguished herself in battles but was later executed by her enemies. In the 16th century, the Reformation began in France, leading to conflict between Catholics and Protestants.

The Bourbon Dynasty and the Thirty Years' War

In 1589, the Bourbon dynasty ascended to the throne of France, ruling not only in this kingdom but also in other countries of Europe. France also participated in the Thirty Years' War (1618–1648) under the leadership of Cardinal Richelieu. This period became one of the first pan-European conflicts that deepened the history of France.

The Great Age of France

In the history of France, the great age began during the reign of King Louis XIV, known as the "Sun King," who ruled from 1653 to 1715. This period was marked not only by the military power of the country but also by its influence on the world political stage, as well as a flourishing of culture.

French bourgeois revolution

In 1789, the great French bourgeois revolution began with the storming of the Bastille, symbolizing the tyranny of the old regime and the establishment of a new form of government — the republic. Among the leaders of the revolution were Danton, Robespierre, and Marat, who became the architects of the first republic.

The Empire of Napoleon Bonaparte

At this time, Napoleon Bonaparte was building a brilliant military career. Having started his service in 1785, he reached the rank of brigadier general by 1794. Taking advantage of the political crisis in 1799, Napoleon consolidated power in his hands and proclaimed himself Emperor of France in 1804.

  • As the head of state, Napoleon focused on preserving the achievements of the revolution, particularly civil liberties and the property rights of peasants.
  • Napoleon's foreign policy was aimed at strengthening France as a leading European power.
  • His military campaigns aimed at conquering the continent and establishing an empire, although the campaign against Russia in 1812 marked the beginning of his decline.

Monarchical France

In 1814, the French Senate restored the Bourbon monarchy to the throne, and the country was ruled by Louis XVIII. In 1852, Napoleon III, the nephew of the first Napoleon, came to power.

Wars and conflicts

  • From 1870 to 1871, France went through the Franco-Prussian War, as a result of which it lost territories and was forced to pay a tribute of 5 billion francs.
  • France entered World War I in 1914, and despite regaining some of its lost territories, it suffered significantly.
  • Participation in World War II from 1939 to 1945 led to a further weakening of international influence and the loss of the colonial empire.

Modern France

The history of the modern Fifth Republic began in 1958 with the adoption of a new constitution. Charles de Gaulle, a general and leader of the French resistance during World War II, became its first president. During his time, social and economic contradictions intensified, but the country continued its path towards stability and development.

How strange it is to reduce impressions of France to foie gras, wine, the Notre-Dame Cathedral, and the Promenade de la Croisette! It seems that the wave of tourism has turned this great country into a place where there is nothing to discover for oneself. Urban corners have become exhibits, and coastal landscapes are merely photographic images. Therefore, it is surprisingly mistaken to feel that you know everything about France.

Opening Personal France

But if you live here not just for a week or a month, but visit museums, cabarets, wineries, and small coastal towns thousands of times, you will start to both curse and praise all those who created this amazing country. And perhaps then, finally, you will find your personal France in some Saint-Jean-d'Oll... and if you don't find it there either, then France may just not appeal to you, or it may leave you indifferent. It seems that she herself doesn't care how she is perceived.

Diversity and Wonder

A detailed study of the French Republic reveals that it is incredibly diverse and fascinating. You can find numerous attractions, wines, cheeses, various works of art, as well as interesting cultural facts. It’s no wonder that France is considered one of the most visited and sought-after countries for tourism. Its diversity and charm leave a lasting impression on everyone.

  • French Attractions:
    • Eiffel Tower
    • Cheeses and Wines
    • “French paradox”
    • Edith Piaf
    • Venus de Milo, Winged Victory of Samothrace, Mona Lisa.
    • Moulin Rouge


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