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Which cities were recognized as the best for expats to live in 2020?

Which cities were recognized as the best for expats to live in 2020?

Which cities were recognized as the best for expats to live in 2020?
  • What are the results of the annual Expat Insider ranking on the quality of life in cities?
  • Which cities in the world are friendly to newcomers and provide quick adaptation?
  • The best cities in Europe for career growth: where to seek your fortune?
  • Where to find affordable housing: a comparative analysis of cities
  • Where foreigners can live comfortably: top cities with a high risk of overheating in the real estate market

General information about the ranking

In 2020, the annual Expat Insider ranking was compiled by analysts from the international company Internations. About 15,000 respondents from 173 nationalities living in 181 countries participated in this study. The main goal of this report was to identify the most attractive cities for foreign professionals, ensuring comfort and stability. The data was collected using surveys that participants filled out in March 2020, before the onset of the global COVID-19 pandemic. Since then, living conditions in some cities may have changed significantly.

Criteria and methods of research

In order for a city district to be included in the study, it was necessary to survey at least 50 people. As a result, 66 cities that met the specified criteria were evaluated. The location analysis was conducted based on a ranking system, where participants rated over 25 different parameters on a scale from 1 to 7, such as:

  • security
  • climate
  • medical services
  • availability of housing
  • working conditions

Based on these ratings, a summary table was created where all respondents' answers were grouped into 13 subcategories and combined into four main indices:quality of life,level of adaptation,working conditionsandfinancial situation considering housing.

Results on quality of life

The cities that stood out for their quality of life were determined based on total scores in the categories of "climate and recreation," "transportation," "safety and politics," as well as "health and ecology." The top spot on this list was taken bySpanish Valenciawhich also turned out to be the highest rated overall. The city received high scores across all key criteria. The second and third places were taken byViennaandNicethanks to its excellent transportation system and amazing climate.

Vienna consistently ranks highly in international quality of life rankings. Immigrants highly value the local healthcare system, the diverse leisure opportunities, and note the safety while enjoying the pleasant climate.

Reports from respondents about Nice

Expats living in Nice have noted the amazing weather conditions — none of those surveyed gave this city low ratings. In comparison, the average level of dissatisfaction with the weather worldwide is around 20%. The top ten most comfortable cities are mainly European cities, but significant positions are also held by Asian megacities, such asSingaporeandTokyothat were recognized for their high level of safety and political stability.

Outsiders of the ranking

At the opposite end of the ranking wasMoscow...taking the 35th position. Despite not having the highest results, the Russian capital surpassed Paris (42nd place), London (49th place), andRome (63rd place). The list of the least comfortable cities is rounded out by places such as:

  • Johannesburg
  • Nairobi
  • Es-Salimiyah

Thus, this study demonstrated significant differences in living conditions in international cities and highlighted important factors affecting comfort and safety for expats.


This study analyzes cities around the world that are known for their friendly attitude towards migrants and the ease of adaptation. Surveys were conducted among people who decided to move to these locations, which allowed for the creation of an "adaptation" index. This index serves as an indicator of how easily newcomers can integrate into a new society. It includes aspects such as the friendliness of locals towards foreigners, the ability to get by without knowing the language, and the speed of integration into the cultural environment, including making new acquaintances.

Survey results

According to the survey results, some of the best cities for migrants include places such as:

A particular point of interest is the fact that Spanish cities have once again received high ratings for ease of adaptation. They make up the majority in the top rankings, which confirms Spain's popularity as a foreigner-friendly destination.

Friendliness of cities

In Alicante, almost nine out of ten immigrants report that the adaptation process goes smoothly. More than 70% of newcomers establish friendships fairly quickly, and most are satisfied with the active lifestyle in this Spanish city. Eight out of ten respondents do not experience difficulties in getting to know Spanish culture. This may be related to the open and welcoming attitude of the locals, as well as the fact that learning the language does not pose serious challenges.

Malaga and Lisbon are also highly regarded for the friendliness of their locals. Spaniards are generally eager to engage in conversation, which fosters the formation of new friendships, while the Portuguese show tolerance towards cultural differences. More than half of the respondents in Malaga are confident that they can live comfortably in the city even without knowing Spanish, although only 38% consider the language easy to learn. In Lisbon, despite potential difficulties in finding a job without knowledge of Portuguese, not knowing the language does not create significant barriers in everyday life.

Kuala Lumpur and other cities

The city that is the most friendly for those who do not speak the local language is Kuala Lumpur. Almost 90% of migrants confirm that they live comfortably in this city, even without knowing Malay. English is widely used in everyday communication and education, which makes adaptation easier.

Least hospitable cities

Among the least hospitable cities, Moscow stands out, ranking 35th in this rating. According to the feedback from study participants, adapting here is easier than in Berlin (50th place), Helsinki (52nd place), and Zurich (58th place). The most challenging places for foreigners include:

  • Seoul
  • Stuttgart
  • Es-Saliniya

Professional conditions

When it comes to professional conditions, the index is based on three main categories:

  • Job responsibilities and career opportunities
  • Job guarantee
  • Balance between work and personal life

This allows for a complete understanding of how comfortable the conditions for career growth and stability are in different countries.

Which cities were recognized as the best for expats to live in 2020?


Questions related to job satisfaction and confidence in career prospects play a key role for job seekers. In this context, cities located in German-speaking areas have achieved significant success in the labor market; however, another region takes the top spot in this ranking.

Top cities for job prospects

Among the cities that stand out for their high quality of life and job opportunities are Luxembourg, Amsterdam, Hamburg, Düsseldorf, Frankfurt, Stuttgart, Dublin, Graz, Munich, and Stockholm.

Luxembourg: career and stability

Luxembourg is an excellent place for foreign professionals, offering them the best conditions for career growth. This city consistently ranks at the top in many criteria, as almost97%The surveyed citizens living in Luxembourg are satisfied with the economic situation. This figure is astonishing, especially when compared to Hamburg, where only a few give positive feedback.39%Immigrants. Düsseldorf and Frankfurt also received high marks for quality of life and professional opportunities.

Foreigners living in Luxembourg note the stability and confidence in the development of their professional careers, with only Graz being able to provide worthy competition in this regard. More than half of the foreign citizens residing in this city see real opportunities for career advancement. Increasingly, people are moving to Luxembourg for work reasons and finding an optimal balance between their professional and personal lives.

Amsterdam: the harmony of work and leisure

Amsterdam ranks second in terms of attractiveness for work opportunities. Here, it is indeed possible to find a balance between work and leisure, as noted by every fourth respondent. Foreigners are confident that this city offers numerous opportunities for career growth. Among immigrants in Amsterdam, the following fields are particularly in demand:

  • The financial sector and information technology – about20%respondents;
  • Legal services –6%;
  • Tourism, sports, and leisure activities –5%.

Hamburg: an industrial center

Hamburg, in turn, ranks third in this rating.

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Foreign residents here express satisfaction in all aspects of their professional activities, and the city as a whole makes it into the top ten in every subcategory. This is largely due to the fact that Hamburg is Germany's largest seaport and an important center for information technology, where almost25%Foreign specialists work specifically in this field.

Less attractive cities

Among the cities with the least appeal for labor activity, Moscow stands out, which ranks21stthe place in the world ranking. Meanwhile, Barcelona, Dubai, and Budapest are positioned at42,48and51In terms of positions, the worst cities for job satisfaction are Athens, Rome, and the Kuwaiti city of Al-Salimi, which are at the bottom of the list.

Comparison of housing availability in different cities

Rome is a beautiful city, but it’s not the best choice for career growth. Despite having significant financial resources, many people are eager to find out where the most affordable housing options are available. In compiling an index that studied the relationship between "financial capabilities and housing prices," experts aimed to answer key questions, including“How satisfied are you with your financial situation?”and“How many resources does your family have to cover basic expenses?”Participants in the study also shared their impressions of how easy it is to find suitable housing in different cities.

Leaders in the affordable housing ranking

The highest rankings in the index were taken by places such as Kuala Lumpur, Alicante, Valencia, Bangkok, Ho Chi Minh City, Panama, Muscat, Riyadh, Malaga, and Brussels. Kuala Lumpur took the lead in this index due to the affordability of housing for immigrants.

  • 84%Local residents are confident that they will have no trouble finding housing in this city.
  • 70%Respondents believe that housing here is quite affordable.

In general, the residents of Kuala Lumpur demonstrate a fairly high level of satisfaction with their financial situation. About two-thirds of those surveyed claim that they have extra money. Notably,6%foreign citizens earn more in this city250 thousand dollars a year...while on a global scale, such a salary is typical only for...3%expats.

Alicante and Valencia: housing availability

Alicante took second place in the ranking. Most locals are also satisfied with the living conditions and believe that housing here is affordable. Four out of five respondents are confident that immigrants can easily find an apartment or house.

  • Most respondents note that the total income in their families is either quite high or exceeds the necessary living expenses.
  • 71% of immigrants in Alicante earn less than50 thousand dollars a year.

The situation in Valencia is similar to that in Alicante, where the overwhelming majority of immigrants also have a low income level. However, this is enough to meet their daily needs, and six out of ten respondents are confident that their incomes are more than sufficient.

The reasons for people moving to Valencia are often not related to career advancement, but rather aimed at enjoying a peaceful retirement and improving their quality of life, which also contributes to the affordability of housing.

Disadvantages of living in large cities

As for the less favorable circumstances, foreigners living in Moscow express satisfaction with their income levels and living conditions, which allows the city to take14th positionIn this ranking, compared to Moscow, Rome turned out to beIn the 48th linewhile major cities like New York and Paris took54and62places accordingly.

The list is rounded out by cities that are less attractive for living, such as Toronto, Munich, and Dublin. The main reasons for the low ratings of these places are the housing shortage and high real estate prices.


In this article, we will discuss which cities around the world have high risks of overheating in the real estate market and where foreigners can feel comfortable. This is especially important for places like Dublin, where locals are expressing dissatisfaction with the housing market situation. We will prepare a ranking of cities that takes into account various factors affecting the lives of migrants.

1. Valencia, Spain

The top spot on this ranking list is held by Valencia, Spain. This city is famous foravailable medical services,favorable climateanda wide variety of entertainment events...which makes it very attractive for migrants. According to surveys, more...82%People living in Valencia note the easy access to housing, which is twice the average data for other cities. More than two-thirds of newcomers also emphasize how easily they make new friends, and the friendliness of the locals significantly enhances their quality of life.

However, Valencia is not without its flaws. The most noticeable problem isThe situation with employment is not very optimistic.About50%Expats are dissatisfied with their career opportunities in this city.

2. Alicante, Spain

In second place in our ranking is Alicante, another Spanish city that attracts people with its variety of affordable housing options. As a result, hundreds of migrants are satisfied with their termsand generally feel comfortable in the new place. Alicante also received high marks for the quality of medical services and climate conditions.

Nevertheless, as with Valencia, the job prospects here are not the best. However, considering that a large portion of immigrants are retired, this factor may not be critically important.

3. Lisbon, Portugal

The third line in our list is occupied by Lisbon, the capital of Portugal. This city stands out for its presence ofdiverse housingand talllevel of comfort, which he offers to his residents. Research shows that90%Survey participants note the multitude of leisure opportunities available in Lisbon. It is also worth mentioning the pleasant climate conditions: according to statistical data, the city has around...300 sunny days a year.

The labor market here shows more promising indicators. Approximately80%respondents express satisfaction with their work and a stable balance between their professional activities and personal life. However,25%The respondents still dream of better career prospects.

4. Conclusion

Unfortunately, not all cities manage to showcase such bright advantages. For example, Moscow ranks17th placein the overall ranking, showing the best results for foreigners compared to major metropolises like New York34thplace), Berlin (44th) and London (51stIn conclusion, our list includes cities such as Seoul, Rome, and Es-Salami.

Thus, the presented review allows for a comparison of different cities and draws conclusions about where foreigners can live and work comfortably, as well as where there are aspects that need improvement.


In conclusion, the results of the annual Expats Insider 2020 ranking, based on the opinions of 15,000 respondents from 181 countries, help to provide a real picture of the quality of life for expats in different parts of the world. In the context of ongoing changes related to the global pandemic, it is important to understand that the information collected before March 2020 may have already changed significantly. Nevertheless, the data obtained about cities such asValencia,ViennaandNice...still serve as good guidelines for those who are looking to find a suitable place to live.

As the author of this study, I was impressed by how the diversity of aspects such as climate, transportation, safety, and healthcare affects the overall evaluation of cities. Serving as a standard for determining the most comfortable living conditions, the rating system and thematic indices allow every expat to identify their priorities in life and work abroad.

Key points of the research

  • European cities continue to dominate the rankings.
  • Singapore and Japan demonstrate high levels of safety and stability.
  • Moscow ranks 35th in quality of life, surpassing Paris and London.

Pay attention to the friendliness of the locals and the ease of adaptation, especially in Spanish cities — this can be a decisive factor for many immigrants. Understanding cultural nuances and the openness of locals to foreigners create an atmosphere that fosters integration and comfortable living.

Current conclusions

Finally, research shows that Moscow, while positioned in the middle of the list, offers opportunities that can be appealing to many expats. And while some cities remain much less welcoming, like...SeoulorStuttgartEach option has its pros and cons, and it's important to pay attention to that. I hope the information provided will help readers make an informed decision about where to consider a new place to live or work abroad.


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