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What is Svetlana's communication like with Italians, and what are the differences between the northerners and southerners?

What is Svetlana's communication like with Italians, and what are the differences between the northerners and southerners?

What is Svetlana's communication like with Italians, and what are the differences between the northerners and southerners?
  • What are the features of life and culture in the Italian city of Vasto?
  • How do traditions and communication shape the culture of the people of Abruzzo?
  • How do Italians perceive unity and national identity?
  • The sincerity of faith and traditions in Italy: what can we learn from them?
  • How does Italian culture influence family ties and attitudes towards foreigners?

Impressions of life in Vasto

In the first part of the interview, Svetlana shared her feelings about life in the beautiful Italian town of Vasto. She made comparative observations with other places in Italy, trying to explain how difficult it is for Italians to appreciate the works of Russian classical literature authors.

Shopping and prices

In the second conversation, our heroine shared her observations about shopping in her area, as well as noting the prices of groceries and the cost of restaurants.

Circle of acquaintances in Italy

– Svetlana, tell us about your social circle in Italy. What are your observations?

I can say that this circle is quite small, especially when it comes to Russian-speaking people. Most often, I communicate with relatives and friends in Russia through Skype and social networks. There are almost no Russian speakers in my area. You can meet people from Ukraine and Moldova, but there are very few Russians. Sometimes I run into former Muscovites who married Italians. However, despite our common interests, we haven't become true friends. To really get close, a wider circle of communication is needed.

Are Italians talkative or not?

– How would you describe Italians? Do you agree with the opinion that they are talkative?

- I wouldn't say that definitively. In my opinion, Italians can be divided into northerners and southerners. Northern Italians live in more affluent regions, such as Lombardy, Veneto, and Emilia-Romagna, where medicine, science, and culture are thriving. They tend to have higher education, have achieved certain successes in the social sphere, and possess a fairly broad outlook, which makes them more cultured.

  • Northerners seem to be more reserved.
  • They have good manners.
  • They keep up with fashion and dress stylishly.
  • They love to travel.

In Italy, there is a common belief that all people from the north are well-mannered and polite, but this is, after all, a stereotype. Even among northerners, there are individuals with diverse personalities, and their perceptions can vary greatly.

Emotional organization of the northerners and southerners

There is also an opinion that people from the north are less emotional than those from the south...

- Perhaps there is some truth to this from an emotional perspective. But we shouldn't forget that life in the north moves at a faster pace. For example, inMilan, the rhythm of life is similar to the atmosphere of St. Petersburg. This is a well-known fact: in big cities, especially in the business sector, there is always a need to hurry. Southerners, on the other hand, tend to act more leisurely. One of my husband's relatives, who lives in our city, once remarked: "Why rush? Let the northerners run; they're just nervous."

Definition of Northerners

When it comes to a more precise description of the northerners, it can be noted that their way of life is influenced by the conditions in which they live. They are usually more punctual, polite, tidy, and attentive to cleanliness. These qualities highlight the culture of northern Italy and emphasize that each region has its own individual distinctions and characteristics. The regions of Italy are so diverse that each contributes its own specifics to the everyday life and behavior of its inhabitants.

The colors of the surrounding world

Nowadays, the number of people who appreciate the beauty of the world around them is rapidly increasing. They actively use modern technologies and gadgets, as well as show interest in the lives of those around them. This reflection of their desire for self-expression and ambitions is evident in their behavior.

Abruzzo region

Speaking of Abruzzo, the region where I live, I feel that its residents are closer to the southern part of Italy. Although Abruzzo is formally considered a central part of the country, the locals' temperament resembles that of the southerners much more. The true south certainly includes regions like Sicily, Calabria, and Apulia, but you can sense the proximity to these lands in the characteristics of the people.

Attachment to traditions

Unlike citizens from other Italian regions, southern Italians show a noticeable attachment to their traditions. They are more conservative and place great importance on the stability provided by the heritage of previous generations. This connection to their homeland is of immense significance, as the southern areas are primarily agricultural, and many locals are engaged in farming, which further strengthens their bond with the nature and culture of the country.

Material assets

On the other hand, material aspects of life, such as income levels, cars, or housing conditions, are not as important to Southerners.Aesthetic examplesTheir minds are not occupied by concerns about managing the household. Hard work and diligence take center stage in their lives. This keeps Italy in its traditional positions and helps preserve cultural traditions and heritage, which is of great importance for future generations.

Changes in the lives of young people

Unfortunately, among the youth, there is an increasing desire to find themselves in big cities, leaving behind the traditions of village life. In interpersonal relationships, aspects may arise that seem unfamiliar or even somewhat irritating, although over time, you certainly get used to such a manner of communication. For example, I grew up during the Soviet era in a multicultural environment. At school, I interacted with children of various nationalities, and now, finding myself in Italy, I encounter a diversity of mentalities, which certainly enriches my experience.

Communication with Italians

I often communicate with Italians from different regions, especially while traveling. When visiting a new city, I try to ask the locals how to get to the desired location. Italians are generally quite sociable, and these interactions often develop into full conversations.

Experience of communication

  • I have conversations with employees of restaurants, hotels, museums, and shopkeepers.
  • The picturesque scenes of everyday life on the streets are also interesting for a deeper understanding of the mentality of this people.

The openness of Italians

It is noteworthy that Italians usually enjoy communication, and this expression of friendliness and hospitality allows for establishing connections and exchanging experiences. It was a real revelation for me how quickly they reach out, which brings pleasure to the interlocutors and plays an important role in my adaptation to a new culture.

Sincerity in communication

ThemopennessSincerity makes communication richer and more meaningful, which in turn contributes to a deeper understanding of the country's life and its traditions.

What is Svetlana's communication like with Italians, and what are the differences between the northerners and southerners?

To truly understand the Italian mentality, you need to accept them as they are, even if not all aspects seem pleasant to you. Many traits of Italians have been shaped by centuries-old traditions that deserve respect. I am in this country as a guest.

National characteristics of Italians

– That's an interesting question. Can I claim that Italians have nationalist views? – it all depends on your understanding of the term. For example, the residents of my region often emphasize their differences: they assert that Vasto is one thing, while the neighboring San Salvo is something completely different. This clearly marks the distinctions between their communities. Or, for instance, they ironically discuss Neapolitans, highlighting their unique dialect and manner of communication, as well as their tendency towards calorie-rich food typical of southern regions.

Despite this, Italians as a whole represent a united and cohesive nation. They truly feel like part of one country. Reflecting on the pandemic, it is worth noting that the overwhelming majority of citizens did not raise disputes about vaccination: almost everyone understood that it was their duty, and in this way, they cared for both themselves and their country. Various flags waved from the balconies of residential buildings, and on social media, people shared joyful moments from their lives before the pandemic, supporting each other during difficult times. Italy came together so strongly that it was a real revelation for me. Unfortunately, such unity is not observed in Russia. During the four months of autumn, when the pandemic peaked, around 120,000 deaths from the virus were recorded, but Russians did not perceive this as a common tragedy, as the Italian people do.

Connecting moments before the pandemic

- However, the pandemic is still a recent story. Were there similar moments before 2020 that brought people together?

- Yes, of course, it's primarily football. It truly serves as a unifying force for the entire country. When Italians support their national team, it inspires everyone around them.

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It's surprising that, unlike Russian fans, Italian supporters don't mark their cities on their flags, perhaps due to the vertical arrangement of the stripes on their symbols?

What is admirable about Italians

- Svetlana, since we touched on the topic of national traits, what do you admire most about Italians?

I'm amazed that if a store is open and products are displayed outside, the seller doesn't watch what's happening. People take what they need and then go inside to pay. Anyone could just take a product and leave, but no one seems to have that thought.

  • For example, I hung a Christmas wreath on the front door, and I'm not the only one – in December, the doors of almost all houses facing the street are decorated with garlands and ornaments.
  • No one dares to steal even small things – this is typical of small towns.
  • Moreover, I am also impressed by the deep religious attitude of Italians that permeates their everyday life.

The concept of the Pope.

In modern society, the Pope enjoys a great reputation among the faithful, and his influence reaches all age groups, including the younger generation. One autumn day, while inRome, close to the Vatican, I witnessed a remarkable event: after the service at St. Peter's Basilica, a substantial crowd formed, mostly made up of young people. This situation raises questions about whether such a desire for religion is based on genuine beliefs rather than current trends.

Sincerity of faith

In my opinion, this is not at all a display of showy behavior;Italians demonstrate their sincere faith.Although some locals may feel distrustful of those in the church, their beliefs in God remain unwavering. Religion also receives support from state institutions. All key church holidays are designated as official public holidays and are recorded in the national calendar.

Education and religious upbringing

Moreover, the educational system in Italy emphasizes not only general knowledge but also spiritual upbringing. Almost all children around the age of ten undergo the rite of communion, for which they must be thoroughly prepared by completing a special course in a religious school. This event is significant for the entire family:

  • Relatives and friends are gathering together to celebrate this important moment.
  • In the morning, a ceremony is held at the church, and then everyone heads to the restaurant.
  • The celebration lasts all day, and it is customary to give expensive gifts to children.

Observations on Italian traditions

When I observe such traditions, I sometimes think that we have a lot to learn from the Italians. However, there are also some aspects that can pose certain difficulties. For example, many Italians are known for their loudness and noise, which can be uncomfortable in public places or residential areas. This characteristic of their mentality can be somewhat unusual for those who seek to enjoy peace and quiet. However, in such situations, the best solution is probably just to ignore it, as this way of life is considered normal here.

Celebrations in restaurants

During major holidays, it is customary to celebrate events in restaurants surrounded by many relatives and acquaintances. Most often, families with small children attend such events, who are not shy about drawing attention to themselves. The children actively participate in the festive atmosphere — parents entertain them, and mothers are always ready to feed the hungry little ones. This creates an atmosphere of joy and homely comfort.

I have learned to view such moments with greater tolerance, although sitting at a beautifully set table, I want to enjoy the moment in a calm and aesthetically pleasing environment. But it seems that this is hardly possible here!

Large families and raising children

Large Italian families have always been a subject of discussion and admiration. It's easy to notice that children here are very spoiled. In central and southern Italy, it is completely uncommon to reprimand children, no matter how capricious they may behave. Every action of the child is seen as their right, which has both positive and negative aspects.

I remember how once, while planning a trip to Russia with my Italian relatives, we discussed the route to Moscow and St. Petersburg. However, when they reviewed the plan, they concluded that it would be rather burdensome for their 14-year-old daughter, and in the end, we canceled the trip. On the contrary, at the age of 12, I had already taken my first flight from Tashkent to Leningrad on my own — different times, different habits.

Family ties and Italian culture

I was given a bucket of cherries for my sister and sent her off. It seems quite normal, but then the question arises: should I consider myself part of Italian society, especially when it comes to my husband's family? My husband has quite an extensive family.

For some time, we lived in a rented apartment, and the administrator of our residential complex, who also works as a lawyer, once shared her thoughts with us about the difficulties faced by large families. She admitted that she feels happy having only one son. In her professional work, this woman has encountered many cases where family members become fierce rivals over inheritance disputes.

In my husband's family, the situation is complicated: his maternal grandparents had ten children. These people worked hard and left behind a quite significant inheritance. Although there are no open conflicts in their family, sometimes relatives may not communicate for years. Despite this, my presence in their lives is generally well-received, and I try to strengthen our bonds.

Maintaining family ties

When I talk about maintaining relationships, I mean the importance of communicating with relatives and the need to establish contact, even if there are disagreements within the family. For example, when an important event occurs in the family, such as the birth of a child, my husband and I always try to come with gifts, even when he doesn't mind. Such gestures can improve relationships and smooth over potential communication conflicts.

We currently live in Umbria, not far from the Basilica of Saint Francis in Assisi.

Friendship outside of family

As for friendships with people who are not from my family — yes, we have a couple of close friends from two families with whom we spent a lot of time. However, the pandemic has changed our relationships, and now we communicate less.

  • We used to meet often.
  • We had lunch at restaurants.
  • We relaxed at the beach.
  • We traveled.

During the pandemic, everyone was locked in their apartments, and many strictly adhered to the restrictions. I was amazed, not expecting such discipline from Italians, who usually seemed quite relaxed.

Attitude towards foreigners

How do you assess the attitude of Italians towards foreigners? It wouldn't be entirely correct to speak universally about all Italians, but in general, their attitude towards newcomers can't be described as warm. Even after living in this country for a long time, I still feel like an outsider among the locals.

Everyday situations

How does this manifest in everyday life? I had an interesting incident: when I was living in a rented apartment, I fed stray cats according to Russian tradition. But this caused misunderstanding and open conflicts, as if the cats were violating someone's territory and were unwanted by anyone.

When we left the apartment, I handed over the care of the cats to an Italian woman, and immediately everything calmed down: the cats no longer caused any problems with the neighbors.

National identity and perception

Do you compare your negative experiences with the fact that you are Russian? Note that, in general, I am treated with tolerance, although perhaps not as warmly as some other nationalities. For example, there are quite a few Romanians here, and Albanians and people from African countries face much more serious problems.

I wouldn't say that every foreigner is viewed negatively in the same way. The problem is that foreigners, in general, are perceived as something alien by the local population.


In conclusion of our journey through the unique culture of Italy, I want to emphasize how diverse human relationships can be in this country. In the first part, I shared my experience of living in Vasto, highlighting the differences between the northern and southern regions of Italy, and I also tried to explain why Italians, especially in the north, may not always understand classics like Russian writers. Their worldview and cultural codes are significantly different.

In the second interview, I shared my observations about shopping and dining, as well as talked about my limited social circle. Here in Italy, interactions with Russian-speaking people are rare. Although I have friends in Russia, I see Italy as an opportunity to broaden my horizons, even if this process is happening slowly.

Cultural differences

Diving deeper into the cultural differences between northerners and southerners, I realized that each group has its unique traits that influence their behavior and communication style. Here in Abruzzo, I observe how the southern temperament manifests in less strict business relationships and a more relaxed approach to life. This is not so much irritating as it is an opportunity to open new perspectives and see my everyday life from a different angle.

Valuable lessons in communication

With each new acquaintance with Italians from different regions, I gain valuable lessons about their mentality and life philosophy. For example, their genuine desire to help and discuss something important to them opens doors to their world, which, despite some stereotypes, is filled with warmth and hospitality. This interaction, even if it is casual, provides a lot of information about who they really are.

Personal journey

Although I don't always find answers to my questions in this diversity, I continue to strive for understanding. Observing their behavior, I don't feel rejection or irritation – just curiosity and a desire to learn more. Italian life, with all its nuances and complexities, is for me an endless field for exploration and self-improvement.

Important lessons:
  • The diversity of human relationships in Italy.
  • The problem of communication with Russian-speaking people in different regions.
  • Cultural differences between northerners and southerners.
  • The value of random encounters and interacting with locals.
  • Personal development through the study of Italian culture.

Thus, I see my stay in Italy not only as an opportunity to learn to be more open and sociable, but also as a personal journey into a world rich in traditions and cultural heritage. It is a lesson that I carry in my heart, and it continues to shape my perception of the world around me.
