Property Abroad
Latvia: historical and cultural features of the country by the sea

Latvia: historical and cultural features of the country by the sea

Latvia: historical and cultural features of the country by the sea
  • Latvia: cozy memories and unique heritage
  • What makes Latvia a unique country with a rich culture and nature?
  • What you need to know about Latvia: from transportation conditions to the economy
  • What state holidays are celebrated in Latvia and what is their history?

In miniature aquariums filled with small golden fish, one can feel an atmosphere of coziness and nostalgia that is familiar to many from early childhood. These delightful creatures are no longer a rarity, but they continue to hold an important place in every celebration, adding bright moments and unforgettable farewells. Similarly, the country that once gifted us its unique seafood remains beloved and respected, despite the emerging opinions regarding the status of the Russian language and the recurring financial difficulties.

Clarity and simplicity

In fact, there are no secrets left — everything is quite obvious. This area has similar climatic conditions, shared challenges, and, of course, the sea, which many are familiar with either from childhood or from stories told by acquaintances. Here, you can find well-known drinks in opaque bottles and, of course, sprats. Their delicate shapes evoke memories of natural routes connecting east and west, as if we are endlessly returning to Latvia.

Geography of Latvia

The Republic of Latvia, the official name of this state, is located in the northeastern corner of Europe. It borders:

  • With Estonia to the north,
  • In the east of Russia,
  • Belarus to the southeast and
  • Lithuania in the south.

The capital of Latvia is the magnificent Riga. Geographically, Latvia consists of flat terrain with hilly areas and lowlands. The country is washed by the Baltic Sea to the north and west, and its total area is64,589 square kilometers.


Latvia has a predominantly moderately continental climate, which fluctuates between maritime and continental variations. The summer months are mostly cool and rainy, with average temperatures in July ranging between16-18 degreesin Celsius, while in winter, in January, they can drop to-7 degreesAccording to statistics from 2010, the population of Latvia exceeded2.2 million people.

The majority are Latvians.59.28%), the trio of ethnic groups is complemented by Russians (27.69%), while the others are Belarusians, Ukrainians, Lithuanians, and other national minorities. The official language of the country is Latvian.

Religious movements

Latvia is home to various religious denominations: the majority are Lutherans and Orthodox Christians, but there are also followers of Catholicism, Islam, and Baptism, representing other faiths. The currency of Latvia is calledlatAdditionally, the local time is one hour ahead of Moscow time in the summer and two hours ahead in the winter (UTC+2).

Popular tourist destinations

Latvia has become a popular destination for Russian tourists for a long time. One particularly popular place is the city of Jūrmala, known for its clean beaches and awarded annually.“Blue Flag”— a European symbol of water purity. The convenient location of this resort near Riga and its airport adds to its appeal.

Architectural heritage of Riga

The capital of Latvia, Riga, is renowned for its unique architectural heritage. The old part of the city has preserved many medieval buildings, which are magnificent examples of restoration from past eras, bringing a breath of history and culture into the modern world. These historical sites make the city appealing to both tourists and locals, creating a unique atmosphere where the past and present intertwine.

The unique culture and diverse landscapes of Latvia

Latvia is a country with a rich culture and a variety of natural landscapes, home to fascinating regions, cities, and historical sites. To gain a deeper understanding of these topics, it would be helpful to read our article dedicated to the various regions of Latvia. If you are interested in the real estate market and housing prices, we invite you to check out our detailed overview.

The forest cover of the country

But what makes Latvia stand out among other countries? First of all, it is worth noting that more56%Its territory is covered with forests. This makes Latvia one of the most forested countries in the European Union, holding an honorable fourth place. Such a natural resource not only provides crystal clear air but also stunning landscapes. Additionally, you can find many countryside hotels with saunas here, where you can enjoy a pleasant weekend at reasonable prices.

National drinks

Latvia is famous for its two popular national drinks, which are polar opposites in the world of alcohol:

  • Light local beer— perfect for a large quantity.
  • Riga Black Balsam— a delicacy that is usually consumed by the teaspoon, savoring its unique flavors.

Cultural heritage of Riga

The center of Riga, which is an important cultural hub of the country, attracts the attention of tourists and locals alike. Just as Paris is unimaginable without the Eiffel Tower, so too is the Latvian capital inseparable from its architectural gems, such as:

  • Dome Cathedral
  • St. Peter's Church

These architectural monuments symbolize the city: an amazing example of northern Gothic, featuring one of the largest organs in the world, and a tall tower with a unique spire.

Historical buildings

The Rundāle and Jelgava palaces, built in the eighteenth century, have a rich history connected to famous figures, starting with the architect Bartolomeo Rastrelli, who designed them, to lesser-known individuals like Biron, the first owner of these magnificent residences.

Summer events in Jūrmala

The summer months in the Latvian show business are marked by a loud event in Jūrmala, where various significant events take place, such as:

  • International competition "New Wave"
  • The "Singing Kiwi" Festival
  • The comedy festival "Yurmala"

The Dzintari Concert Hall holds a leading position among open venues in the post-Soviet space, which is confirmed by the high interest of stars of various levels performing in Latvia.

Nature and attractions

Don't miss the opportunity to visit the Turaida Castle and enjoy the stunning natural landscapes offered by the bobsleigh track in Sigulda, located just fifty kilometers from Riga. This place is often referred to as "little Switzerland" due to its incredible natural beauty.

Opinions about the Russian language in Latvia

From the perspective of the Russian language and the Russian-speaking population, there are many opinions and approaches in Latvia. Some focus on pressing issues, while others see no reason for discussion at all.

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Convincing both sides seems to be a challenging task. However, it is worth noting that Latvia attracts many tourists who speak only Russian every year. The Russian language is the mother tongue of the mayor of Riga, and it is difficult to find establishments in the city, such as restaurants, hotels, or shops, where the staff do not communicate with customers in Russian.

Latvia: historical and cultural features of the country by the sea

General information about Latvia

In every country, there are nationalist sentiments, and Latvia is no exception. Since the distance between states is relatively short, traveling to this country becomes quite convenient. The most efficient way to get to Latvia is by air travel.

Transport options

The airport located in Riga, the capital of Latvia, offers regular flights from the airlines Aeroflot and airBaltic. The flight time from Moscow to Riga usually takes about 1 hour and 45 minutes.

For those who prefer traveling by land, there are options to use trains and buses. The travel time on the route from Moscow to Riga is about 16 hours.

The distance between two capitals by highways can vary, but on average, it is about 900 km. The distance between Saint Petersburg and Riga is approximately 600 km.

Visa requirements

As for the visa regime, entry into Latvia requires the presence ofSchengen visaMore detailed information can be found in articles that discuss Schengen visas and the visa regulations in effect in Latvia.

Political system

Latvia functions as a parliamentary republic, where the president, elected by the parliament, serves a term of four years. The government, led by the prime minister, is responsible for the activities of the cabinet of ministers.

The unicameral parliament, known as the Sejm, consists of 100 deputies who are also elected in general elections held every four years.

International cooperation

The country is actively involved in international partnerships and organizations, such as:

  • UN (since 1991)
  • OSCE (also since 1991)
  • WTO (since 1999)
  • NATO (since 2004)
  • European Union (since 2004)

Administrative-territorial division

Since July 2009, there has been a change in the administrative-territorial division in Latvia: the country is now divided into 109 regions and 9 cities of republican subordination, replacing the previous 26 districts and 7 centrally governed cities.

The economy of Latvia

The economy of Latvia is considered one of the most susceptible to fluctuations in Europe. In 2009, the gross domestic product (GDP) amounted to 29.4 billion dollars. The main sector supporting the economic structure is the service sector, which accounts for 70.6% of the total GDP. The industrial sector makes up 24.7%, while agriculture accounts for 4.7%.

Key sectors of industry

Three key sectors that contribute to the development of Latvian industry are:

  • food industry
  • machine engineering and metallurgy
  • forestry

Other sectors, such as the production of building materials, chemicals, pharmaceuticals, and light industry, have a less significant impact.

Famous companies in Latvia

The most well-known companies representing Latvia include:

  • Laima (known for its chocolate products)
  • Latvian Balmalcoholic products
  • Gamma-Acanning
  • Sun Factorycosmetic products
  • Dzintarsperfume

Opening a business in Latvia

If you are interested in the possibility of starting your own business in Latvia, it is worth familiarizing yourself with the sections dedicated to entrepreneurial activities in this country.

State holidays of Latvia

Latvia's public holidays include several significant dates that reflect the country's cultural and historical heritage. For example, New Year's celebrations take place on December 31 and January 1, and Lutheran Easter is celebrated from March 22 to April 25. Among the holidays are also days steeped in religious tradition, such as Good Friday and Easter Monday, which fall in the period leading up to Easter itself.

In addition, May 1 falls onLabor DayOn May 4th, the residents of the country celebrate a significant event -proclamation of the independence of the Republic of LatviaAt the end of June, on the 23rd and 24th, celebrations are held.LigoandJohn's DayEvents related to the summer solstice. A significant date is November 18 — the day when the country celebrates its independence, and December 24 is celebrated as Christmas Eve, which precedes the Christmas festivities on December 25 and 26.

The historical roots of Latvia

The history of Latvia dates back to the 3rd millennium BC, when tribes of Finno-Ugric origin began to colonize the territory of present-day Latvia. In the Middle Ages, according to preserved chronicles, various Finnish and Baltic peoples already inhabited these lands, among which Slavic clerics such as the Krivichs and the Vends are also mentioned.

By the 12th century, various territorial units were forming in the territory of Latvia, some of which came under the vassal dependence of the Polotsk principality.

The influence of the Crusaders

A pivotal moment for Latvia was its conquest by the crusaders in the late 12th century, which led to the establishment of control.Order of the SwordbearersOne of the key battles between the local population and the knights took place in 1236, after which the Order of the Sword was finally defeated, and its remnants transformed intoLivonian Order, which became a part ofTeutonic Order.

From this moment, the lands of Latvia became known as Livonia. In 1201, the capital was founded — the city of Riga.

Religious transformation

Initially, the Livonian Order was under jurisdictionRoman Catholic ChurchHowever, gradually many German knights began to convert to Lutheranism. The Swedish king became a patron of this new faith, while Poland remained loyal to Catholicism.

The rivalry between two worldviews escalated into military actions between Poland and Sweden, which lasted from 1617 to 1629. As a result of these conflicts, some Latvian territories were transferred to both Sweden and Poland.

The period of the Russian Empire

In 1781, Latvia became part of the Russian Empire as a result of the Northern War, which led to the formation of a new administrative unit calledLivoniaIn addition, in 1772, after the partition of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, new territories were annexed to Russia, includingCourland— the western part of Latvia. Latvia remained a part of the Russian Empire until 1917.

Independence and war

Between 1918 and 1920, the country was engulfed incivil warHowever, in 1920, Russia officially recognized the independence of Latvia. In 1934, a coup took place that brought to power...Karlisa Ulmanis...establishing an authoritarian regime. In 1939, a non-aggression pact was signed between the USSR and Germany, which had a significant impact on the further development of events in the region.


In conclusion, it is worth emphasizing that Latvia is a country that combines a rich history, culture, and unique natural beauty. Despite all the debates regarding its language policy and statuses, the distinctiveness and appeal of this country remain undeniable.

I remember my first trip to Riga — the ancient streets, exquisite architecture, and that unique spirit that lingers in the air.

The appeal of the capital

The capital of Latvia, with its amazing blend of modernity and tradition, attracts millions of tourists, many of whom speak Russian. This is undoubtedly a testament to our connection, shared history, and cultural interaction.

Resorts and relaxation

The resorts of Jūrmala, the cleanliness of the beaches, and the tranquility of the forests make a vacation here truly unforgettable. Every corner offers something new:

  • exquisite balm,
  • unforgettable gastronomic experiences.

Unique atmosphere

The intertwining of various nations and cultures creates a unique atmosphere where everyone feels at home. I can confidently say that Latvia is not just a travel destination, but also an important part of our shared history and culture.

No matter what debates are held around language or other social issues, it is important to remember the beauty and warmth that this country offers to everyone who is willing to discover it.


Therefore, if you haven't traveled to Latvia yet, I recommend doing so — it is truly worth visiting and, perhaps, falling in love with at first sight.

Individual impressions, emotions, and memories will stay with you forever, making this journey truly unforgettable.
