Property Abroad
Mersin is the city of dreams.

Mersin is the city of dreams.

Mersin is the city of dreams.

Mersin is a famous resort. It is located in the southern part of Turkey in the Gulf of Mersin. The Mediterranean Sea washes it from all sides. Mersin is one of the major cities of the Turkish Republic. At the present moment its population is about 850 thousand people.

Mersin is home to many new industrial enterprises and educational institutions. At the same time, Mersin has long remained the most popular resort of the southeast coast. And for this there are all conditions here. Here is a velvety climate, warm sea, an abundance of attractions. The town is equally famous for its beautiful alleys, abundance of parks and beaches.

Where is Mersin?

Adana International Airport is only 69 km away from Mersin. Mersin can be reached from it by "Havas" buses or cabs. There is also a railroad connection. It connects Mersin with cities such as Istanbul, Ankara and Ankara.Izmir. There are trains between Adana and Mersin several times a day. Travel time is only half an hour. The Mersin bus station receives flights from virtually all parts of Turkey. The trip from Ankara takes 6 hours, and from Istanbul - 12 hours. Despite the fact thatMersinis a port, the ferry doesn't run here at all.

Mersin is the city of dreams.

Is it hot in Mersin?

Mersin is a strong representative of the Mediterranean climate. It has hot summers and warm, uncomfortable winters. Most months of the year are sunny. Also in summer there are no more than 20 rainy days. The greatest amount of rain is observed from December to April. And in winter the temperature fluctuates within the limits of +2- 0°C. Also sometimes frosts are probable. However, the thermometer column sometimes slips below - 3°C. Tourist season lasts in Mersin from May to mid-October. In July-August it is traditionally hot here. And the proximity of the coast smoothes the summer heat. Although due to the humidity, the local climate is not suitable for everyone.

A brief history of Mersin.

According to the results of excavations it is believed that Mersin was founded 7 thousand years B.C. However, some facts suggest that the first settlement was built much earlier. It is assumed that the city was built approximately in the 9th millennium BC. During the expeditions here were found 23 historical and cultural layers. This testifies to the rich history of the town. At different times it belonged to the Hittites, Assyrians, Persians, Greeks, Romans, Arabs and Armenians.

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All of this is reflected in the city's architecture. In the first millennia, Mersin was a small fishing village. Later, due to its location in the middle of the 5th millennium BC, it was reborn into a city. It was during this period that the first city walls were built.

During the Roman period, the city is renamed once more, and is called Adrianopolis after the Emperor Hadrian. After the collapse of the Roman Empire, it changed hands many times. And in 1473 it becomes part of the Ottoman Empire. This was the second "Golden Age" in the history of Mersin. It became part of the Turkish Republic in 1920.

Mersin is the city of dreams.

What to see in Mersin?

The main characteristic of Mersin is the holistic blend of antiquity and modernity. For example, one of the most notable examples of modern architecture, the Mertim Tower, is located here. It is a 177-meter skyscraper made of glass and concrete. And next to it are the ruins of a Hittite fortress. They are located in the western part of the city and date back to the XIII century AD. And also in the neighborhood you can visit the ancient Pompeipolis (Pompeipolis). Its main decoration is the central boulevard, on each side surrounded by two rows of tall columns. Only 40 of the 200 columns have survived to this day. The ruins of the ancient Greek temple and theater are not less interesting. You can visit them within the excursion. Another ancient city worth seeing is Tarsus. It was built back in VII century A.D. It is the ancestral home of Apostle Paul and the most important cradle of Christianity. In the center there is a cottage where a follower of Jesus lived. There is also a well named in his honor.

Are there any beaches in Mersin?

The beaches in Mersin are sandy. They stretch in an endless strip along the coast. Although the main beaches are located not in the city itself, but 20 km away from it. They are located near Topçam, Erdemli and Çeşmelı. You can easily reach them by dolmush or car. In Mersin itself, the water near the embankment is not very clean. Therefore, it is not recommended to swim in it. However, the embankment in the city is very beautiful. There are many cafes and restaurants.

Mersin is the city of dreams.

Mersin hosts an international music festival in May and June. Thousands of visitors from all kinds of countries flock here. The International Mersin Festival is held every year from September to October.

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