Property Abroad
Stop dreaming and start acting: here's how to get a work permit in France

Stop dreaming and start acting: here's how to get a work permit in France

Stop dreaming and start acting: here's how to get a work permit in France
A work permit is a document that allows a foreign national to work in France. It is issued by the French Ministry of Immigration, which is responsible for enforcing the country's immigration laws. The requirements for obtaining a work permit in France depend on the type of visa and the purpose of stay.

Overview of French immigration law

In order to obtain a work permit in France, certain criteria must be met. All applicants must be over 18 years of age and must demonstrate a valid purpose for which he/she wants to work in France. In addition, applicants must have proof of sufficient funds to support themselves while working in France, such as an income certificate or bank statement showing that they have enough money to cover their living expenses while in France.

Types of work permits in France

There are two types of work permits for foreign nationals wishing to live and work in France: the temporary activity visa (vat) and the long-term visa (vlt-t). The temporary activity visa (vat) allows foreigners with certain skills or qualifications, such as engineers or IT professionals, to temporarily live and work in France without the need to obtain employer sponsorship prior to arrival.

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The duration of this type of visa is usually up to three years, but can be extended if necessary. The long-term visa (vlt-t), on the other hand, is for those who already have an employment contract with a French company prior to their arrival. This type of visa is valid for up to five years, but can be extended if necessary.

Documents required to apply for a work permit in France

When applying for a work permit in France, several documents must be provided such as a passport and a valid photo ID, proof of financial support during the stay, proof that the applicant meets certain qualifications established by French law, if applicable, depending on the type chosen, etc.... It is important that all documents provided are accurate and up-to-date so that immigration authorities can verify them before granting access to the country or issuing a residence/work permit thereafter.


In conclusion, in order to obtain a work permit in France, certain criteria must be met, including being over 18 years of age; having a valid reason why the applicant wants to live/work in this country; having sufficient funds; providing appropriate documents, etc.. Depending on the desired duration of stay/selected type of short-term temporary activity visa (vat) or long-term visa (vlt-t), once all the above steps have been completed, the foreign national can access the country and start working legally upon arrival!

Stop dreaming and start acting: here's how to get a work permit in France
