Property Abroad
Whether to buy an apartment in Turkey. What awaits buyers?

Whether to buy an apartment in Turkey. What awaits buyers?

Whether to buy an apartment in Turkey. What awaits buyers?

"Where you're born is where you'reis a rather inaccurate proverb for the modern world. Nowadays."Where I go, where I live."

Greetings, dear readers, and once again we meet at thethe entertaining real estate portal Hata Matata. Nowadays, a lot of people in the world want to leavefrom their home country to somewhere closer to, say, the sea. And there's probably no better placethan Turkey, perhaps, can not be found.

But is it that simple and easy? Before you invest a pretty decent amount of moneymoney in real estate, you need to carefully weigh the pros and cons. After allTurkey, despite all its attractiveness, also has its drawbacks and problems.problems. Let's look into it together.

Whether to buy an apartment in Turkey. What awaits buyers?

Political environment

The tension after 2016 with Russia has practically subsided, even more so, there is not just a thaw, but a blossoming spring in relations. The situation has stabilized. And despite the conflict between Ukraine and Russia, the Turkish authorities are trying not to lose any of their friends and allies. That long ago recession of the economy, when not only tourist places were emptied, but also real estate prices were falling, has long passed. Investments in the Turkish economy are more effective every day.

Whether to buy an apartment in Turkey. What awaits buyers?

The experience of long-time property owners in Turkey.

Of course, no matter how anyone describes the charms of life in Turkey.Turkey, it is necessary to talk on forums, websites with real owners ofof real estate in Turkey, to betterunderstanding of all the pitfalls of acquiring such real estate.

The hospitality of the country.

And it's not even about the local mentality, although it is there too. You'll love the respect of the young forolder people, the perception of any guest as “God's favor”, you will always be helped.and respond to any request. And if you add to that the tolerance of the locals to foreigners, to all religions and holidays, Turkey seems to be an extremelyattractive country to live in. But on the other hand, over time, you may be annoyed by old habits and traditions based on religion.traditions based on religion. For for women, life in a traditional society is more difficult: women's labor is less valued, it is harder to make a successful valued less, it is more difficult to have a successful career.

Whether to buy an apartment in Turkey. What awaits buyers?

Entry and exit from the country. Citizenship by real estate.

IN Turtsia has rather loyal entry conditions. For citizens of Kazakhstan, the Russian Federation and Ukraine entry without visas is possible for one visit for 30, 60 and 90 days respectively. Penalties for violation of the visa regime are not too high. When buying real estate - citizens of these countries are entitled to a residence permit for 1 year, and after 5 years of ownership of the property - the right to citizenship.

If the property was purchased for an amount of250,000USD, and has notand has not been sold for 3 years, you can also apply for citizenship.

Whether to buy an apartment in Turkey. What awaits buyers?

TAPU as absolute possession of real estate.

When you buy a property in Turkey, you are deeded to aTapu. Tapu means absolute unlimited ownership of the land and what is on it. It guarantees that no one, regardless of the type and degree of kinship can not claim your property without your consent. But of the negative points, citizens of Russia and Ukraine can not buyreal estate on the Black Sea coast of Turkey, as it is a strategic zone.

Recommended real estate
Купить flat в Turkey 95554$

Sale flat in Mersin 95 554,00 $

2 Bedrooms

52 м²

Купить flat в Turkey 266494£

Sale flat in Alanya 353 329,00 $

3 Bedrooms

2 Bathrooms

165 м²

Купить flat в Bulgaria 49900€

Sale flat in Review with sea view 55 506,00 $

1 Bedroom

40 м²

Купить flat в Turkey 78269£

Sale flat in Istanbul 103 772,00 $

2 Bedrooms

2 Bathrooms

80 м²

Купить house в Turkey 541723£

Sale house in Bahceliewler 718 239,00 $

3 Bedrooms

3 Bathrooms

225 м²

Купить duplex в Turkey 2551578£

Sale duplex in Istanbul 3 382 991,00 $

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3 Bathrooms

600 м²

On the other hand, our compatriots are not particularly eager to go there. They are more attracted to the Mediterranean and Aegean coasts, where there are no such bans.

A bit about taxation in Turkey.

Turkey has fairlylow taxes on housing and groceries if you are in the middle class. Noinheritance tax. It's more than compensated for by the high luxury taxes, butit doesn't make rich people poorer.

Whether to buy an apartment in Turkey. What awaits buyers?

On entrepreneurship.

If you have a residence permit and have lived in Turkey for 5 years, you can register as an individual entrepreneur or a legal entity.entrepreneur or legal entity. The procedure has no differences forforeigners and locals and is quite simple. You only need to submit an application,Memorandum of Association and Articles of Association to the Chamber of Commerce and Industry, get a TIN,open a bank account, have your own legal address. And if you are stillforeigner, your company will have a lot of tax benefits that even local companies do not have.local companies. Everything can be done earlier by buying real estate from250,000USDand becoming a TAPU citizen

In Turkey, literally everything is aimed at the development of private entrepreneurshipentrepreneurship. The country is full of markets and offers. There are networks ofof cafes, markets, restaurants, fast food outlets and more. But it's worthit's worth noting that many of the laws are designed to protect local producers,so taxes on imported products are quite high. The amount of importedof imported goods is strictly limited.

Whether to buy an apartment in Turkey. What awaits buyers?

About the travel business.

Tourism is one of the whales on which Turkey's economy stays afloat. Tourism in Turkey is given exceptional attention. New beaches, ski resorts, hotels with high-class service are being built. Undoubtedly, if you have dreamed of working in the tourism industry, Turkey is a godsend for you.

Turkey is one of the ten countries with an abundance of UNESCO sights, an abundance of various thermal springs. There are many national parks and reserves, attracting lovers of quiet recreation in nature.

Turkish credit systems.

The credit system is organized in such a way that anyone can get a loan, regardless of local or foreigner. Loans are given to people from 21 to 65 years old, in Turkish lira or other currency. The bank assumes part of the risks of real estate. From the bad news - quite high interest on the mortgage, the maximum term up to 15 years. In addition, it is necessary to clarify what limits on such loans exist in specific banks in Turkey.

Whether to buy an apartment in Turkey. What awaits buyers?

Prospects for the property purchased.

Even inexpensive real estate in Turkey can pay for a fairly short period of time. This is due to the constantly growing demand for Turkey. Residential business objects inTurkey are profitable, it gives ample opportunity for the development of private business.Add to these pluses a large number of benefits for foreigners, especially incertain areas of the economy.

Buying a home in Turkey is not only a profitable decision for you, but also for your children and grandchildren. Real estate in Turkey allows you not only to live in comfort, but also to earn money on rent.

We hope that this short review has given you the confidence thatbuying real estate in Turkey - it is not only useful, but also necessary, in the long term, payback and profitable.In the long run, it pays off and brings profit.

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