Property Abroad
Advantages of a residence permit in Austria: opening up opportunities for living and working

Advantages of a residence permit in Austria: opening up opportunities for living and working

Advantages of a residence permit in Austria: opening up opportunities for living and working
  • Why choose Austria for obtaining a residence permit?
  • How to obtain an Austrian residence permit?
  • How to obtain a residence permit in Austria?
  • Types of residence permits in Austria
  • Obtaining a residence permit in Austria: conditions and process

Austria is a unique country with a strong political and economic system, high-quality healthcare, and well-developed infrastructure.

Every year, more and more people are eager to obtain residency in this beautiful country.

Categories for obtaining a residence permit in Austria:

  • Residence permit for family reunification:allows spouses, children, parents, and other close relatives of Austrian citizens or residents to reside in the country.
  • Residence permit for self-employed individuals:provided to entrepreneurs planning to start a business in Austria.
  • Residence permit for investors:allows for the creation of jobs and the development of business.
  • Residence permit for financially independent citizens:with sufficient capital to support oneself without constant employment.
  • Residence permit for graduates:opens up employment opportunities through the "red-white-red card" program.
  • Residence permit for artists:allows for creative work throughout the year.
  • Residence permits for volunteers and refugees:provides a temporary residence permit in Austria.

The process of obtaining a residence permit in Austria:

It requires the submission of a specific set of documents and has its own cost. There are restrictions and quotas on the number of residence permits issued.

Conditions for extending a residence permit:

It depends on the category; in some cases, it can lead to obtaining permanent residency in Austria.

Trip to Austria:

A corresponding visa is required. Austria is part of the Schengen Area, so a Schengen visa is necessary.

Advantages of Austria:

In the past decade, Austria has been recognized as the most comfortable city to live in the world, thanks to its stable political, economic, and social environment, high level of healthcare, developed infrastructure, rich cultural life, and neutral military status.

How to obtain an Austrian residence permit?

Once you obtain an Austrian residence permit, you gain the ability to move freely across the countries of the European Union. After living in Austria for 10 years, you can apply for local citizenship, which opens up new horizons. Having a residence permit is important for addressing many aspects, including purchasing real estate.

What are the options for obtaining a residence permit in Austria?

The process of obtaining a residence permit in Austria has various options, but the main thing is to have valid reasons for long-term stay, supported by documentation. One of the classic ways is family reunification if someone close to you is already a resident.

Studying at a local educational institution or school is also a straightforward way to obtain a residence permit. After completing your studies, you can stay in the country for employment. To apply, you need an invitation and a receipt for tuition payment. Student status does not grant the right to work without permission from AMS.

Why is Austria one of the best countries for obtaining a residence permit?

Austria is one of the best countries for obtaining a residence permit, which is important for many aspects of life. This process becomes crucial for foreigners looking to stay in this beautiful country for an extended period.

  • Obtaining an Austrian residence permit allows for free movement across the countries of the European Union.
  • After living in Austria for 10 years, you can apply for local citizenship.
  • Having a residence permit is important for addressing many aspects, including the purchase of real estate.
  • The process of obtaining a residence permit in Austria has various options, including family reunification and studying at a local educational institution or school.
  • Student status does not grant the right to work without AMS permission.
Advantages of a residence permit in Austria: opening up opportunities for living and working

In Austria, foreign students are allowed to work no more than 20 hours a week. Graduates of Austrian universities have access to a special card that allows them to stay in the country for a year to search for a job. The convenience is that this option can be used not immediately after graduation. For example, if you had to temporarily return home after studying in Austria, you can still obtain a residence permit by providing your diploma and a certificate of German language proficiency.

For self-employed individuals and freelancers

The ideal choice is a residence permit for self-employed individuals, which is also suitable for remote workers with a contract of at least 6 months. Entrepreneurs can take advantage of a special route that includes participation in a points-based program. This program evaluates education, work experience, knowledge of German or English, and age. A profitable business must be established, capable of creating jobs and benefiting the country.

Recommended real estate
The minimum investment amount is 50,000 euros.

Financial resources

Foreigners with sufficient financial resources can obtain a residence permit without the right to work by confirming their financial stability with a bank statement. A minimum of 966 euros per month is required for one person, 1,472 euros for spouses, plus 149 euros for each child.

Red-white-red map

It is a points-based program for qualified specialists, where you can score up to 100 points based on parameters such as age, education, work experience, and knowledge of the German language. To obtain a residence permit, it is enough to score 70 points, which exempts you from the need to find a job before applying. You can calculate your points yourself on the website of the Austrian representation.

A red-white-red flag

In Austria, there is a specialized type of residence permit for in-demand professionals. It is issued for specific occupations such as lathe operators, energy specialists, electricians, roofers, asphalt layers, and carpenters. To obtain this status, one must score at least 55 points out of 100. There is also a regional list of in-demand specialists that is reviewed annually. For example, in 2021, there was a shortage of accountants in Salzburg and Upper Austria. However, the limitation on the number of permits issued—300 people—poses a drawback to the program.

Red-white-red "Plus" card

This is an improved version of the basic card that can be obtained by those who have already lived in the country for two years and have been working for 21 months, as well as by scholars, researchers, and close relatives of holders of the red-white-red or blue EU card. The validity of the permit is up to 3 years, although for relatives applying for the first time, it is limited to one year with the possibility of extension.

Blue Card of the European Union

Designed for highly qualified specialists with knowledge of the German language and graduates of Austrian universities. To obtain this permit, a contract with an Austrian employer and an annual income of at least 63,672 euros or 5,306 euros per month is required.

Residence permit through employment

It is the most common way for foreigners in Austria. To do this, one needs to have an official job invitation and guarantee a salary of at least 2,610 euros per month (or 3,132 euros for individuals over 30 years old).

Residence permit through employment for employees of multinational companies

It is provided to specialists working in international companies with offices in Austria. This type of permit is not related to immigration and allows for a stay in the country of up to 3 years for specialists and up to 1 year for interns.

Obtaining a residence permit in Austria

To become a legal resident of Austria, there are various paths, each with its own requirements.


If you plan to work in this country, you will need to work for at least nine months in a local company and earn a salary of no less than 2610 euros.


Artists, writers, and musicians can expect to obtain a residence permit if they can prove that they are able to earn at least 966 euros per month, while for married couples, this threshold is set at 1472 euros.


Volunteers also have a chance to obtain a residence permit, but for this, they will need to sign a contract with the organization they will be working for, and this contract must include all the details of their activities.


To obtain refugee status, it is necessary to have valid grounds and go through the recognition procedure in accordance with the Geneva Convention on the Status of Refugees.

The process of obtaining a residence permit

The initial submission of documents for obtaining a residence permit should be directed to the Austrian embassy in Moscow. If you have all the necessary documents, the application process can be completed within a month. Waiting for a decision on your application may take up to six months.

Necessary documents

The list of documents required for obtaining a residence permit may vary depending on the category of the permit, but it usually includes: an application form, a foreign passport, a birth certificate, a photograph, a rental agreement for housing in Austria, health insurance, proof of financial stability, marriage or divorce certificates, and other documents.


In general, obtaining a residence permit in Austria is possible, but it requires meeting certain conditions, as well as time and careful preparation of documents.

Advantages of obtaining a residence permit in Austria

Holders of Austrian residence permits have the right to free movement within the European Union and can apply for citizenship after ten years of continuous residence.

Austria ranks highly in quality of life and environmental efficiency ratings.

Choosing Austria for obtaining a residence permit is a sensible decision for anyone looking to immigrate and start a new life in a stable and prosperous country.

The procedure for obtaining a residence permit in Austria

There are several grounds for obtaining a residence permit in Austria, such as family reunification, education, self-employment, or business.

Each of these motives requires valid reasons for permanent residence in the country, supported by documentation.

Student residence permit in Austria

One of the easiest ways to obtain a residence permit in Austria is to enroll in an Austrian university or school.

After successful completion of their studies, students have the right to stay in the country to search for a job.

A student residence permit does not grant the right to work; you need to obtain a work permit from the Austrian labor market authority for that.


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