Property Abroad
Expat Insider 2019 City Rankings

Expat Insider 2019 City Rankings

Expat Insider 2019 City Rankings
  • A study about cities around the world
  • Comparison of living conditions in different countries

A study about cities around the world

The study covered 82 cities around the world - from megacities like Shanghai and Lagos to smaller towns like Zug. The final top 10 included cities from various regions: Asia, Europe, and Canada. Among the leaders were Taipei (Taiwan), Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia), Ho Chi Minh City (Vietnam), Singapore (Singapore), Montreal (Canada), Lisbon (Portugal), Barcelona (Spain), Zug (Switzerland), The Hague (Netherlands), and Basel (Switzerland).

Factors influencing the choice of place of residence

The study showed that the factors influencing the decision about where to live and travel vary greatly. City dwellers value comfort and convenience in their daily lives. In the Expat Insider 2019 survey, over 20,000 people rated more than 25 aspects of life in cities on a scale from 1 to 7, based on their personal experiences.Cost of housingemerged as the main criterion when choosing a place to live.

Leaders of the ranking and their features

Taipei shows high results in this ranking, despite a decline in its adaptation position. Kuala Lumpur is rated as one of the best cities for permanent residence, with affordable housing for 75% of immigrants. Locals highly appreciate the available living conditions at reasonable prices, making the capital of Malaysia attractive for living and working.

Unique features of cities

When comparing cities in different countries, it becomes apparent that each has its own unique advantages and disadvantages. Some leaders of the ranking may lose their positions in the face of competition, however retain their appeal to locals and immigrants. Ultimately, the choice of where to residence remains an individual decision, depending on each person's personal preferences and needs. individual.

The topic of safety and quality of life in different countries is increasingly attracting people's attention. When choosing a place to live, the population focuses on financial capabilities and the availability of housing. One such country is Ho Chi Minh City, which is known for its good financial standing and affordable housing. However, despite these advantages, there are also challenges related to language barriers and issues with ecology and waste management.

Kuwait City

On the other side of the list is Kuwait, which ranked low due to poor working conditions, discrimination, and high housing costs. Even strong financial performance does not offset these drawbacks.


Italy, a popular destination for tourists, can be challenging for permanent living.

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High taxes, a lack of job opportunities, and a high cost of living create obstacles for immigrants. The business sector also suffers from restrictions, underpayment, and bureaucracy.

Paris and Moscow

Paris, which ranks low on the list, is known for its high cost of living, the aloof behavior of its residents, and high prices. Moscow, in turn, has also secured its place on the list. Despite the challenges with communication and language, foreign residents note the friendly attitude of the locals. However, the high cost of living forces them to rely on a strong dollar exchange rate.

  • Ho Chi Minhfinancial capabilities and housing availability, but with language and environmental issues.
  • Kuwait CityPoor working conditions, discrimination, high cost of housing.
  • Italy: high taxes, lack of jobs, expensive living, problems in the business sphere.
  • Parisexpensiveness, reclusive behavior, high prices.
  • Moscowthe friendliness of the locals, but the high cost of living.
Expat Insider 2019 City Rankings

Research on the comfort level for immigrants in cities around the world

A recent study conducted around the world assessed the level of comfort and vitality for immigrants in 82 cities. The leaders of the ranking were Taipei, Kuala Lumpur, Ho Chi Minh City, Singapore, Montreal, Lisbon, Barcelona, Zug, The Hague and Basel. The study also found that the most important factors for immigrants are affordability of housing and low costs.

Winners of the ranking

  • Taipei:stability, quality of life, amenities, and developed infrastructure.
  • Kuala Lumpur:availability of housing, ease of settling in, and economic affordability.
  • Ho Chi Minh:high appreciation of financial opportunities, amenities and quality of life, although environmental problems and language barrier became disadvantages.

The importance of housing affordability and low expenses

It is interesting to note that the study found low housing prices and availability to be more important than popularity among tourists. The bottom of the ranking was occupied by cities that are usually considered pilgrimage sites or popular tourist destinations. While they may all make the top 10 list of popular cities, their comfort for permanent living is much lower than that of the cities that ranked at the top.

Moscow and other cities

Of the Russian cities, only Moscow participated in the study, which ranked 54th in the ranking. rating. Reviews of life in Moscow from foreigners show differences: some note the high cost of living, others point to the lack of friendliness of the locals. Nevertheless, many people still believe that Russia and its capital are worthy places to live in. its capital are worthy places to migrate to.

It is important to note that while the rating can be useful for those planning to move to another country, many factors must be considered, such as cultural features, legislation, and the economic development of each country. Based on individual needs and priorities, everyone should choose the place that best suits them across all criteria.


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