Property Abroad
Is it worth moving to China: personal experience and advice on life and business

Is it worth moving to China: personal experience and advice on life and business

Is it worth moving to China: personal experience and advice on life and business
  • Immigration to China: what do you need to know before starting a new journey?
  • Training and life in China: what do foreigners need to know?
  • How have the crisis and the pandemic changed life and business in China?

Recently, it became known that China has reopened its borders to tourists, and now citizens can easily obtain visas for trips to this country. However, what is the difference between a temporary visit and the intention to move for permanent residence? What aspects should be considered when deciding to live in this country? What are the actual living expenses in China? What steps need to be taken to start a business in the Middle Kingdom? Answers to these questions and much more can be found in this article, based on the personal experience of the author who has gone through the immigration process.

Experience of immigration

“Currently, foreigners face certain challenges when starting their own businesses in China,” shares Nazar, who has been living in the country for over 14 years. Nazar is originally from Ukraine, but before moving to China, he lived in Belarus for a while, where he completed his education. In 2011, he decided to continue his studies in the master's program at Lanzhou University of Technology, and his trip to China was initially for educational emigration. Interestingly, his ex-wife started learning Chinese and suggested that he apply for studies when she found out about the opportunity to study in China.

Studying and starting a business

In the first year, Nazar actively studied the language, and then for the next three years, he focused on managing companies. After finishing his studies, he decided to stay in the country and start his own business, while his wife chose not to continue their journey together, and their relationship ended. Nazar rented office space and began his entrepreneurial activities in China. Later, he obtained a work visa, which at that time served as a residence permit.

Changes in the business market

It is important to note that as of today, the situation in the business sector for foreigners has drastically changed, and the process of starting a business has become significantly more complicated. In particular, banks are reluctant to open accounts for new entrepreneurs, and the verification procedures have become stricter. Today, to register a company in China, it is required:

  • reliable local partner;
  • confirmation of the availability of office space;
  • passing the verification
  • Provision of an education diploma and a certificate of no criminal record.

Tax obligations

Regarding tax obligations, Nazar notes that he does not feel pressure from the tax authorities because a qualified specialist handles his accounting. He lives in Shenzhen, a major area in the south of the country, adjacent to Hong Kong.

Options for legalization in China

When it comes to legalizing your status in China, there are various paths, among which the following stand out:

  • Receiving a job offer.
  • Getting a job with a work visa requires the following:
    • diploma of higher education;
    • certificate of no criminal record;
    • reliable local partner;
    • documentary confirmation of office rental.
  • Marriage to a Chinese citizen, which opens up the possibility of obtaining a visa for family members.
  • Studying at a Chinese university, which can also serve as a basis for obtaining a student visa.

In summary

Immigrating to China requires careful preparation and a thoughtful approach, but despite the many challenges, for many people, this decision can open up new horizons and opportunities. Before taking such steps, it is crucial to consider all aspects of life in the new country, carefully plan your business strategy, and seek advice from those who have already gone through this process. Every situation is unique, and in this diversity of options, it is important to find your own path. For those who are ready to face challenges, emigrating to China can be a wonderful choice and the beginning of a new life.

Studying in China

To start your studies in China, it is enough to have basic skills in the Chinese language. The cost of educational courses can range from 3,000 to 6,000 US dollars. There is also the possibility of studying in China completely free of charge — for this, you need to obtain a scholarship.

Information about various scholarships for international students can be found on the official website of the China Scholarship Council (CSC). Investing in the Chinese economy will require initial investments of at least 500,000 US dollars.

Tourist visa

As for obtaining a tourist visa, this visa is usually issued for a period of one to three months. However, it is important to note that with this visa, you cannot engage in any work activities — the trip is intended solely for tourism.

Regardless of the type of visa, all foreigners staying in China are required to register their place of residence. This registration must be completed within 24 hours of arrival by visiting the nearest police station.

  • If you are staying at a hotel, you usually don't need to worry about this — hotels typically handle the registration of foreign citizens on their own.
  • However, in the case of long-term housing rental, you will definitely need to register with the police.

The registration will be valid for the entire duration of your visa.

Citizenship of China

It should be noted that the process of obtaining Chinese citizenship is quite complex. Citizenship can only be earned through outstanding achievements for the country or by marrying a Chinese citizen.

Chinese legislation does not provide for naturalization programs or automatic citizenship by birthright; all matters are resolved solely based on ancestry. This means that if foreign citizens give birth to a child in China, the child will not automatically acquire citizenship of the country.

Housing rental in China

Regarding the topic of renting housing in China, everyone can find a suitable option depending on their budget. For example, in Shenzhen, where I am currently located, renting a duplex costs about 1000 dollars, including utilities.

Real estate prices can vary significantly depending on the area.

  • You can find apartments for 2000 dollars.
  • Some proposals reach 5000 and even 10000 dollars.

It is important to note that purchasing real estate in China does not provide significant rights and advantages to the owner. For example, my apartment, which I rent for $1,000 a month, was bought by its owner in 2019 for $500,000.

Recommended real estate
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This indicates that investing in rental apartments can turn out to be unprofitable.

If you decide to purchase property in China, you will need to prove that you have lived in the country for more than one year and that you plan to stay in the property you intend to buy.

It is important to remember that purchasing real estate for the purpose of renting it out is prohibited here. Also, keep in mind that in China, you can only own one home. It should be noted that the "purchase" of real estate is actually a 70-year lease, which can be extended after the term expires.

Is it worth moving to China: personal experience and advice on life and business

The crisis in the Chinese real estate market

In recent years, China has faced serious difficulties in the real estate market, leading to a noticeable deterioration in the situation compared to previous periods of prosperity. As a result, many unfinished residential complexes have become a true symbol of this problem.

The diversity of life in China

One of the main features of China is its diversity: here, everyone, regardless of their financial means, can find comfortable living conditions. In comparison to Dubai, where it is almost impossible to live on a low income, the situation in China looks much more favorable.

Variety of price categoriesThe availability of goods and services in China allows people from different social strata to feel pleasant and comfortable — for example, for a small amount, one can enjoy a meal in a café, while around them there may be people with substantial wealth. Thus, to live comfortably, it is enough to earn about 20,000 yuan (around $3,000).

The challenges of life during the pandemic

Nevertheless, in the last three years, especially during the pandemic, life in China has become more complicated. This period has been a real challenge for many: the constant threat of new lockdowns and the need for daily COVID-19 testing have significantly complicated everyday life and created moral dilemmas.

At the beginning of the pandemic, quarantine periods lasted up to 14 days, but later they were reduced to 7. Freedom of movement for citizens was also heavily restricted:

  • Foreigners traveling through the country faced strict isolation measures.
  • The entry process for people from other countries has become almost impossible.

For example, a year ago, my Armenian acquaintance overcame all visible obstacles and took two whole months to reach China.

Opening of China's borders

Fortunately, China has now opened its borders for visits from foreign citizens. Since March 15, 2023, it has been possible to obtain visas to visit the country again. However, it is important to note that staying in China for an extended period without traveling abroad can still be quite challenging.

But as soon as you leave the country and return, you immediately realize how diverse and dynamic the society in China is.

Unique business opportunities in China

China offers a unique platform for learning business skills. Unlike many other countries where opportunities are often limited and focused on a specific product, in China, it is easy to switch fields and try your hand in a wide variety of areas.

Today you can focus on accessories, and tomorrow you can move into the fields of mining or automotive engineering. Here, a world of global trade opens up before you, offering numerous unique opportunities. I'm saying this based on my own experience:

  • My move to China, when there was a high demand for specialists in the market, opened many doors for me.

However, as of today, I don't confidently recommend moving to the country.

The current situation with foreigners in China

At the moment, China is attracting a relatively small number of foreign citizens. The pandemic has had a serious impact on the local population, and many people who faced visa issues or were working illegally were forced to leave the country.

Previously, foreigners working illegally made up 90% of the total workforce, which stood in stark contrast to those with official work statuses. However, the current business environment has significantly shifted away from the ease with which it existed in the past.

The market has undergone significant changes, and now investors and entrepreneurs must adapt to new conditions. Sustainable schemes no longer work as they used to.A multitude of factorsThe factors affecting the labor market and real estate require detailed analysis and rethinking in order to successfully develop in this complex economic situation.

Moving to China: Opportunities and Challenges

Moving to China is not just a new life in a country with a rich history and culture, but also a multitude of challenges that foreigners face. Based on my experience and the stories of other expatriates, I have concluded that despite the difficulties, life and business in the Middle Kingdom can become a unique yet labor-intensive experience.

Challenges of doing business

As we can see from Nazar's story, starting a business in China has become much more difficult than it used to be. Procedures are becoming more complicated, and systemic restrictions can confuse newcomers. It is important to note that havinga reliable partnerwithin the country is becoming an integral part of success. This emphasizes the importance of creatingsocial networkand building trustful relationships with local residents.

Life and housing

When it comes to living in China, housing prices vary widely, and the cost of renting an apartment can differ significantly depending on its location. Therefore, everyone can find accommodation that fits their budget, but before making a choice, it's important to carefully review the conditions and specifics of local legislation.

Legal aspects

We must not forget about the legal aspects:visa applicationandtemporary registration— these are not just formalities, but necessary steps for legal residence and work in the country. All these aspects are quite real and require immigrants to have a certain level of perseverance and patience.

Is it worth moving to China?

If you are considering whether to move to China, the answer largely depends on your goals. If you are ready to embrace the challenges of adapting to a new culture, language, and rules, beautifully intertwined in the heart of the modern world, then this path may open up amazing opportunities for you.

Key recommendations

  • Approach the move thoughtfully.
  • Explore the legal aspects
  • Familiarize yourself with the cultural nuances.


In conclusion, I urge everyone considering a move to China to approach this step thoughtfully. It is essential to thoroughly research all aspects of life in the country, from legal issues to cultural nuances. This will help avoid unpleasant surprises and make the adaptation process smoother. Life in China can be a true adventure, but only if you are ready to actively participate in it and open yourself up to new opportunities.
