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Superstitions and omens: the success of moving to a new home

Superstitions and omens: the success of moving to a new home

Superstitions and omens: success of moving to a new home
  • Superstitions when moving into a new house
  • Rituals for a successful move
  • How to move successfully and without negativity

Superstitions when moving into a new house

Despite all the technological discoveries and innovations that constantly change our world, superstitions and fatalism are still rooted in our existence. Beliefs related to moving into a new home remain popular, despite the progress of science and IT technologies, as they carry the wisdom of many generations.

The right time to move.

When planning a move, it's a good idea to pay attention to the 2024 lunar calendar to pick the the right time. There are many beliefs associated with this process, for example, it is considered a bad sign to hear an owl or a crow screeching on the day of eviction, or to forget something and come back for it.

Avoid negativity

To avoid trouble, it's important to thoroughly check all rooms before leaving. Left behind items can bring negative energy into the home. According to legend, if a woman is the first to enter a new house, it can bring misfortune, but there are symbolic ways to "ward it off."

Positive signs

On the other hand, rain or snow on moving day is considered a good sign, promising good luck. If a rainbow appears after the precipitation, it symbolizes new opportunities and positive changes.


Despite all the superstitions, it's important to remember that every move is different, and the impact of the beliefs depends on each person's beliefs.

Rituals for a successful move

According to ancient beliefs, moving to a new home is accompanied by certain rituals. It is important to say goodbye to the old house and thank it for the moments spent there. Also, prepare the rooms for cleaning to leave behind cleanliness and harmony.

Baking a farewell pie

The ritual involves baking a pie depending on whether there was a lot of joy or difficulties in the old house. A sweet pie symbolizes joyful moments, while a savory one represents challenging times. The belief is that the pie will help leave problems behind and take the best with you.

Taking the house spirit when moving

There are two ways to take a house spirit with you. The first: leave a broom in a visible place, having swept with it beforehand. The belief states that the house spirit will sit on the broom and go with you. The second way: put some trinkets in a box, leave it in an empty room, and ask the house spirit to follow you.

Good days to move

According to beliefs, it's best to move on a Monday or Saturday. These days are considered the most favorable for changing your place of residence. Remember that the choice of day and time for the move can impact your new life.

A favorable day and time for moving.

According to the Orthodox calendar, the most auspicious day for moving is September 14th, the day of Semen. Autumn is considered the ideal season for changing homes. Plan your move during the waxing moon to attract good fortune. Avoid full moons and eclipses, as they may be seen as unfavorable for moving.

Superstitions and omens: the success of moving to a new home

When is the best time to move? Morning is preferable to evening for traveling. Moving by car is accompanied by many superstitions, both positive and negative. For example, it is not recommended to count money in the car to avoid fines or accidents on the road.

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Encountering a black dog or a hare on the road is often interpreted as a bad omen. If you come across a hare, it is advised to get out of the car and walk around it three times clockwise while reciting a prayer. It is believed that this helps to avoid misfortunes. One good sign is encountering a car with a similar license plate number.

It is not recommended to move on the days of a new moon, full moon, or during lunar and solar eclipses. eclipses.

Upon arrival at a new place

The eldest family member should be the first to enter the house. A cat can also be the first animal to enter the home, helping to ward off evil spirits and negative energy. The spot where the cat first settles should be avoided for placing a refrigerator, a child's crib, or a television. To attract negative energy, it's advisable to place a plant in that area.

Cleansing from negative energy

Before moving into a new home, it is recommended to cleanse it of potentially negative energy. This can be done using live fire, such as candles or St. John's wort branches. Light a candle and walk through all the rooms, starting from the front door. Pray or banish negative thoughts. When entering the house, you can throw a coin over the threshold or step over it with your most cherished item to attract prosperity for the family.


In conclusion, despite all the advances in science and technology, superstition and and fatalism still permeate our lives. Although modern innovations do not prevent us from believing in the omens about moving into a new home. Folk wisdom, accumulated over millennia, points us to certain dates and rituals that influence the success of a move. The lunar calendar for 2024 can help you to to choose the most favorable time to move. However, the decision belongs to each of us. It is important to remember that superstitions and omens can carry symbolic meaning and help us set ourselves up for a positive outcome. a positive outcome. Therefore, when planning a move, you should not ignore folk traditions that can add a special magic to this significant event in our lives.


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