Property Abroad
Croatia: the pearl of the Adriatic with a thousand-year history

Croatia: the pearl of the Adriatic with a thousand-year history

Croatia: the pearl of the Adriatic with a thousand-year history
  • How does Croatia enchant with its culture and nature?
  • Croatia: the pearl of the Adriatic and a cultural treasure
  • Croatia's natural and cultural riches: what is worth discovering?
  • What are the key sectors that define the economy of Croatia?
  • What legacy remains from the history of Croatia and its struggle for independence?

The freedom and atmospherics of the narrow streets

Traveling through the narrow, cobblestone streets, you can feel an incredible sense of freedom at any time of the day. Here, you are not afraid of judgmental glances or the opinions of others that could distract you. Instead, you are surrounded by bright sunlight, filling you with warmth and giving you a sense of being fully alive.

Croatia - a dream come true

It was a dream come true in cities such as Split, Zadar, Pula and Rijeka. Wide sandy beaches stretch along the coast, and palm trees planted by people create the atmosphere of the tropics. But it should be noted that the main purpose of traveling here is not nightclubs and evening entertainment.

Which historical culture of Croatia?

Croatia is not only a holiday hotspot but also a land with a rich cultural heritage, where stunning mountain peaks serve as slides, and breathtaking views can rival amusement park rides. All of this creates a unique atmosphere that can be felt while wandering through the local villages and towns.

Historical challenges and cultural heritage

This corner of Europe has experienced many historical events, which have affected its culture and traditions. After the recent conflicts, the customs of southern hospitality and entrepreneurship are being actively reestablished here, which is becoming the basis for Croatia's integration into the European community, where eastern, southern and western cultural influences are blended.

Unique local cuisine

Moreover, the local cuisine impresses with its variety and high quality of dishes at quite affordable prices.The prices here never exceed the level of enjoyment, which can be obtained from delicious food. According to the reference guide, the presented facts confirm the richness of the country's geography and ethnicity.

Geographical location and neighbors

Croatia, officially called the Republic of Croatia, is located on the southern side of Central Europe, occupying the northwestern part of the Balkan Peninsula. It borders Slovenia to the north, Hungary to the northeast, Serbia to the west, and Bosnia and Herzegovina and Montenegro to the south. The western coast is washed by the clear waters of the Adriatic Sea, and the capital of Croatia is Zagreb.

The relief and area of Croatia

The terrain of this country consists of medium-height mountains in the west and kilometers of fertile plains in Central Croatia and the Istrian Peninsula. There is also a narrow strip of flat land along the coast. The total area of the country is56,542 square kilometers.

Climate of Croatia

The climate in Croatia is diverse:

  • In the north, it's continental.
  • In the central regions it is mountainous
  • On the coast — Mediterranean

In winter, the temperature ranges from +5 °C on the coast to -30 °C in the mountains, while in the summer, the temperature on the coast ranges from 26 to 30 °C.

Population and ethnic composition

As of 2009, the population of Croatia was over 4.4 million residents, among which:

  • 89.6% - Croats
  • 4.5% - Serbs
  • 0.5% — Bosnians and Hungarians
  • Representatives of other nationalities, including Slovenes, Romanians and Albanians

The official language is Croatian.

Religious affiliation and time in Croatia

By religious composition:

  • 87.8% Catholic
  • 4.4% — Orthodox Christians
  • 1.3% are Muslims

Money in the country is kunas. The time difference with Moscow is two hours in summer and three hours in winter (UTC+1).

Traveling in Croatia

This region is famous not only for its natural beauty but also for the diversity of cultural and historical traditions that every tourist should definitely explore.

Natural diversity of Croatia

Croatia impresses with its variety of unique features, and Bernard show once remarked that "paradise on earth" can be found just in this marvelous corner. This country offers an amazing combination of scenic nature and harmony, which reflects the popular expression where Croats call their homeland "the pearl of the Adriatic".

Cultural life of Dubrovnik

Dubrovnik, as the main cultural center, attracts a multitude of tourists every year thanks to its many holidays and festivals. Strolling along Stradun Street, you may encounter crowds of travelers, while in the cathedral, there is such silence that even a soft whisper can create a dissonance.

The origin of the tie

Many people do not know thattieThe Croatian origin of the sleeve, which is often frowned upon by men for its wearability and by women for its difficulty in tying it, is the origin of the sleeve in Croatia. In the distant past, it was part of traditional folk costume, but it became popular thanks to Croatian soldiers. During their service in France, they wore red ribbons around their necks, which became the basis for the style that today would be known on all continents.

Ludbreg Traditions

The culture of the small town of Ludbreg is quite interesting, especially to the locals. Every year on April 1st, water starts to flow from the local fountain.wineInstead of the usual water, what makes this day special and attracts the attention of tourists. Many recommend starting your spring tour of Croatia from this place to immerse yourself in the atmosphere of fun.

Carnival Symphony in Rijeka

Despite the calm mood prevailing in Croatia, where the sounds of the sea and bells are mostly heard, every January there is a Carnival Symphony, which is considered the third largest in Europe. This colorful celebration lasts for almost three weeks, turning the city of Rijeka into a true carnival capital, where the dressed-up residents enjoy sharing their joy with passersby.

Nikola Tesla: the pride of Croatia

Croatia is also the homeland of the famous physicist and inventor.Nikola TeslaMany call him the "creator of the 20th century." Although he spent most of his life away from his homeland, his roots are right here. In Croatia, there are streets and even an airport named after him, and near the university in Belgrade, there is a monument dedicated to his outstanding achievements.

Dalmatians and Dalmatia

The words "Dalmatian" andDalmatiaThey are closely connected to each other, as Croatia has become home to such wonderful dogs as Dalmatians, who are known worldwide thanks to popular movies.

Historical connection with the White House

In addition, it should not be forgotten thatWhite HouseThe residence of the Presidents of the United States also has its historical ties to Croatia. The marble used for the columns of this key building was sourced from the island of Brač, which gives Croatia a special place in American architectural history.

Ecological features of Croatia

The nature of Croatia impresses with its diversity and truly stunning beauty, all of which is carefully protected. It is remarkable that in most regions, tap water can be consumed without concerns, which is a clear testament to the high quality of natural resources.

Uniqueness and attractiveness of Croatia

All these unusual qualities make Croatia a truly unique place for travel and discovering new horizons.

Croatia: the pearl of the Adriatic with a thousand-year history

Natural resources of Croatia

Croatia is known for its abundance of fresh water, which is considered one of the most significant in Europe (excluding Russia). Traveling through this country, one cannot help but feel the charm of the Adriatic Sea. The Makarska Riviera, located between the famous cities of Split and Dubrovnik, is recognized as a real gem of the coast.

Both of these cities are included in the UNESCO World Heritage list, and the waters that wash the shores of Croatia are renowned for their cleanliness and clarity, among the best in Europe.

Natural landscapes

Croatia's natural landscapes are mesmerizing in their richness and diversity. The unique relief of the coast with its picturesque bays, magnificent islands, dense forests and thermal springs create its own unique ecosystem. In the center of the country is the Plitvice Lakes National Park, which is a must-visit for every tourist.

Cultural and historical attractions

For those interested in history and culture, tours are offered of the preserved castles and summer residences of the local aristocracy, as well as walks through the ancient streets of the capital – Zagreb.

Regional information

To better understand the different regions, cities, and attractions, it's worth taking a look at the section dedicated to the regions of Croatia. If you plan to travel frequently to this country, it makes sense to consider the possibility of investing in real estate, for which a special housing market overview is provided.

Ways to get to Croatia

As for how to get to Croatia, there are several alternatives. The fastest solution is air travel. Direct flights are provided by airlines such as Aeroflot, Transaero Airlines and Ural Airlines from Moscow, St. Petersburg, Samara and Yekaterinburg.

In the international airports of the cities of Zagreb, Pula, Dubrovnik, Split, Zadar, and others, it is convenient to connect or depart to other parts of Croatia. A flight from Moscow to Zagreb takes about three hours.

If you are closer to land transportation, you can consider a train trip, which will take about 47 hours, or a car trip (the distance from Moscow to Zagreb is about 2,500 kilometers, depending on the route). For more information on visa requirements for traveling to Croatia, please see the section on visa and residence permit options.

Political system

The political system of Croatia is a parliamentary republic with a unitary government. The President of the country is elected for a term of five years, and the executive power is exercised by the Prime Minister and their team.

The legislative power is exercised by a unicameral parliament known as the Croatian Parliament, whose members are elected for a four-year term.

International organizations

Croatia actively participates in international politics, having become a member of numerous organizations, such as the OSCE since 1992 and the World Trade Organization since 2000. At the domestic level, the country is divided into 20 counties (županije), with Zagreb having the status of a separate county.

Economic situation

The economic situation in Croatia in 2009 was characterized by a gross domestic product (GDP) of 17.6 billion euros, with the services sector accounting for the major share (67%).

Croatia attracts both investors and tourists by offering a wide range of business opportunities and a comfortable vacation on its picturesque coastlines.

Key sectors of the Croatian economy

Croatia's economy encompasses many important sectors. Agriculture plays a significant role, as well as food production, textile and wood processing, along with metalworking.

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The chemical and petroleum industries also have a significant impact on the country's economic picture.

Furthermore, the shipbuilding industry is of great importance to the economy of Croatia. Among the major companies operating in the country, the following stand out:

  • Pliva is a pharmaceutical company.
  • Belupo is a manufacturer of medical products;
  • Pharmaceuticals & Cosmetics d.d. is engaged in the production of cosmetic products.
  • Agrokor and Podravka are major food producers.

Business in Croatia

If you are interested in starting a business in Croatia, it is recommended to research specific information about "business in Croatia" on online resources dedicated to this topic.

Public holidays

In Croatia, there are many public holidays that are days off for citizens. The main public holidays include:

  • January 1— New Year;
  • January 6— Theophany;
  • from April 4 to May 8and next Monday is Easter and Easter Monday;
  • May 1st— Labor Day;
  • sixty days after Easter— The Body of Christ;
  • June 22— Day of Anti-Fascist Struggle;
  • June 25— Day of State Independence;
  • August 5— Victory Day and a day of gratitude to the homeland, as well as Armed Forces Day;
  • August 15— The Assumption of the Virgin Mary;
  • October 8— Independence Day;
  • November 1— All Saints' Day;
  • December 25— Christmas;
  • December 26— St. Stephen's Day.

The history of Croatia

The history of Croatia dates back to ancient times. One of the first inhabitants of these lands were the Illyrians, groups of Indo-European tribes that lived in the northwestern Balkans. In the 4th and 3rd centuries BC, the central regions of modern Croatia were occupied by Celtic tribes, while the coast and many islands were under the influence of the Greeks.

In the 2nd century BC, the Roman Empire established control over these regions. With the fall of the Western Roman Empire, various parts of Croatia changed hands among different peoples. In the 7th century AD, Slavic tribes, the ancestors of modern Croats and Serbs, began to settle in this territory.

Despite the existence of several principalities created by the Croats, which were independent, they were unable to unite. On the coast of Croatia, the principalities of Dalmatia were under the influence of Byzantium in the 7th and 8th centuries, while the process of Christianization of the local population was also taking place. The principalities located in the central part of the country were under the control of the Franks.

In the 9th century, military conflicts between the Byzantines and the Franks caused significant destruction in Dalmatia, and the Arab invasion in 841-842 ultimately devastated the coastal regions of Croatia.

The unification of Croatia took place under the leadership of Prince Trpimir I from 845 to 864, who became the first ruler of an independent state. Tomislav I, who ruled from 910 to 928, became the first king of Croatia. His efforts led to the creation of a strong state that encompassed significant territories of modern-day Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina. The peak of Croatia's prosperity occurred during the reign of King Petar Krešimir IV.

The historical significance of the agreement with Byzantium

At the moment when Croatia's borders significantly expanded, the signing of an important agreement with the Byzantine Empire opened up access to the Adriatic Sea coastline for the country. This allowed Croatia to control key maritime ports, includingZadar,TrogirandSplit.

Conflicts and threats throughout the centuries

Over the following centuries in the history of Croatia, there were numerous disputes and conflicts with various powers. From 1081 to 1085, Norman forces launched a series of attacks on this territory, which became one of many threats to the region's security. As Hungary strengthened its influence, its interest in Croatia also grew, and in 1102, an agreement was signed between the two states in which Croatia officially recognized the authority of the Hungarian king.

Nevertheless, the Croats were able to maintain a certain level of autonomy while under Hungarian control.

Reduction of territory and external threats

Over time, the territory of Croatia has significantly decreased. In the 15th century, most of its lands were captured.Venetian RepublicWith the onset of the 16th century, when Turkish troops entered the region, a new threat emerged.

In response to this, the Croatian Parliament advised the Hungarian authorities to take the throne.Ferdinand of Habsburgto the brother of the Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire, with the hope that joint efforts would help to contain the Turkish advance. This event marked the beginning of the Habsburg period in the history of Croatia.

Independence of the Republic of Dubrovnik

By 1592, a significant part of the historical lands of Croatia was under the control of foreign enemies, and only a small state remained.Republic of Dubrovnikwas able to maintain its independence. This situation remained stable until the end of the 18th century.

Changes in borders in the 19th century

With the onset of the Napoleonic Wars in the early 19th century and the formationAustro-HungaryThe borders of Croatia have once again changed, and its territories have been divided between Hungary and Austria.

In the mid-19th century, a new national revival movement called emerged in Croatia.illirism aimed at uniting all South Slavic peoples in the Balkans. However, this process escalated into the revolution of 1848, as a result of which Croatia lost a significant part of its autonomy.

The Yugoslav period

After the collapse of Austria-Hungary as a result ofWorld War Icertain parts of Croatian lands were ceded to Italy, while others were included in a new state formation -Yugoslavia...under Serbian control. The Croatian independence movement became the basis for numerous political conflicts that continued until 1939, when the necessary rights to autonomy were finally granted.

The impact of World War II

When did it start in 1941?World War IICroatia was occupied by Nazi Germany and Italy. After the war ended, Croatia became part ofSocialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia.

The Tito Era

During this period, a new figure emerged on the political scene.Josip Broz TitoThe Yugoslav Supreme Commander, who also had Croatian roots. In 1953, he took office as the President of Yugoslavia, which opened a new chapter in the history of Croatia.

As I conclude my thoughts on Croatia, I feel how this country has filled my soul with peace and inspiration. Strolling through the cobblestone streets, where the aroma of freshly baked bread and wine intertwines with the sounds of local music, creates a unique atmosphere that makes you forget your worries. Memories of how I dreamed of such a journey in my childhood now fill me with joy and satisfaction.

The unique wealth of Croatia

Croatia, with its centuries-old history, unique culture, and nature, is not just a tourist destination; it is a place where everyone can find a piece of themselves. Every city, from the romantic Split to the picturesque Dubrovnik, offers unchanging beauty and the warm hospitality of the locals. The charm of every corner makes you feel in harmony with the surrounding world, as if time stands still.

Gastronomic paradise

In addition to the cultural richness, I was pleasantly surprised by how accessible this happiness is. The cuisine of Croatia is a true gastronomic paradise, where high-quality dishes go hand in hand with reasonable prices. Each dish tells a story, infused with fresh local ingredients and traditions.

Conservation of nature

I have always admired how nature can be preserved in its pristine form. The purity of water and the environment, the ability to drink tap water almost everywhere — this is a true treasure in our time. It reflects a concern for the future and respect for nature, which, in my opinion, the whole world should adopt.

Key highlights of Croatia:

  • Unique culture, soaked in countless stories.
  • Hospitable localsready to share their wealth.
  • Gastronomic delicaciesusing fresh ingredients.
  • Environmental cleanlinessand accessible drinking water.


Immersed in the spirit of Croatia, I realized that it is not just a place for relaxation, but a space for reflection, inspiration, and genuine experiences. I can confidently say that it is not only a jewel of the Adriatic but also a wonderful part of Europe that everyone should visit. Croatia has left an indelible mark on my heart, and I look forward to new encounters with its beauty. I hope you will also find the time to visit this amazing country, which is full of life and unique moments.


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