Property Abroad
Why save in Switzerland: myths and realities of reasonable spending

Why save in Switzerland: myths and realities of reasonable spending

Why save in Switzerland: myths and realities of reasonable spending
  • Why is it important to save and manage finances in Switzerland?
  • How to choose housing correctly and save money in Switzerland?
  • How to reduce food expenses in Switzerland and optimize the budget?
  • How to save on living and transportation in Switzerland?
  • How to save on medical services and travel in Switzerland?

Why save in Switzerland?

The question of why it makes sense to save in Switzerland may seem somewhat strange, as this country is known for having one of the highest per capita income levels in the world. Even with a minimum wage, locals can afford many things. However, despite this, most Swiss people are very cautious about their spending.

Financial difficulties

Many people experiencing financial difficulties in Switzerland are not facing them due to a lack of funds, but rather because of a lack of skills in managing their own finances. Advertising campaigns can easily convince them of the need to purchase items they do not actually need. In their apartments, one can sometimes see the latest and most expensive televisions, as well as various household appliances that they do not particularly need.

The basics of sensible saving

The main idea of saving in Switzerland is not about making purchases less frequently, but about knowing how to manage your finances wisely. Residents of the country need to be attentive to where and what is worth buying in order to avoid overpaying. Personally, I do not have financial problems; my monthly income significantly exceeds the average level in the country. Nevertheless, I keep track of how I use my money, adhering to the principle of a sensible approach to finances.

Taxes and contributions

TaxesThe pension contributions in Switzerland are quite high. Up to 25% of your annual salary can be deducted, although the specific percentage depends on your income level, place of residence, marital status, and other personal circumstances. Half of this amount goes to mandatory contributions to pension funds and social insurance, while the other half consists of taxes.

Housing prices

It is important to mention that in areas with low taxes, housing prices can significantly increase. At the same time, in regions with higher taxes, housing prices are usually lower. This suggests that moving to cantons with lower taxation, such as Zug or Schwyz, can be a beneficial decision if your annual income exceeds 250,000 Swiss francs. In this case, you will be able to afford more comfortable living conditions while also reducing your tax obligations.

Ways to reduce taxes

There are other ways to reduce taxes as well.

  • If you have children, you can receive tax deductions for each child, which amount to approximately 8000 francs per year.
  • However, it is important to understand that getting married may not be as beneficial in some cantons where the tax burden on families is higher.
  • Another way to reduce tax payments is to contribute to a retirement account up to the established limit.
  • In addition, you can contribute about 5,000 francs annually to the so-called "third pillar" of pension provision.

However, these funds will only be available after retirement, except in certain circumstances, such as purchasing a home or emigration.

Renting housing in Switzerland

When it comes to the rental market, most Swiss people prefer to rent apartments rather than buy them. This decision is explained not only by mentality but also by traditions that have established themselves in the country. The ratio of tenants to homeowners here significantly exceeds the number of homeowners for a number of reasons, ranging from the high cost of real estate to the economic situation.


Thus, financial literacy and skills in managing personal finances wisely play a key role here and can significantly impact the standard of living.

Purchasing real estate in Switzerland may not meet your expectations. It's important to consider tax expenses, the need for repairs, mortgage obligations, and potential losses from investing in less profitable assets. A comparison of rental and housing prices in Switzerland shows significant differences from other countries, including Russia. Many Russians and citizens of the CIS believe that buying apartments is a more advantageous choice, but the actual situation may be different.

Ways to save on housing rent

To significantly save on rent in Switzerland, it's important to consider a number of key nuances. The first thing to familiarize yourself with is transportation accessibility — the further you are from major cities, the more reasonable the rental prices will be. The second important rule is that areas with high taxes may offer lower housing prices, while places with low taxes but developed infrastructure tend to have higher rental costs. For example, in well-known locations like Zug or on the "Gold Coast" of Lake Zurich, renting an apartment will be significantly more expensive.

Recommendations for choosing housing

If you want to reduce rental costs, it would be wise to avoid purchasing property in new buildings, as older buildings may offer better price conditions. According to Swiss law, landlords are not allowed to arbitrarily change the terms of the lease. If the interest rates of the Swiss National Bank decrease, tenants have the right to request a reduction in rent.

It makes sense to turn to professional companies for rentals, as they are more knowledgeable about the rules and monitor the quality of the housing. Personally, I was able to reduce my rent payments by20%over the past six years.

Choice of residence

Searching for an apartment closer to work also helps save on transportation costs. Information about the rental market in Switzerland is available in our special publications, which can help you better understand the local conditions.

Utilities and additional expenses

When it comes to utilities, significantly reducing these expenses is difficult, as electricity and other essential services are necessary for everyone. However, there are some ways to cut costs:

  • Refusing cable television can save you from500 to 1000 francs per year.
  • In big cities, you might not need your own car, as parking costs can range from1500 to 2500 francs per year.

Every person has the option to choose the type of electricity supplied by their local energy company — it can be solar, hydroelectric, nuclear, or mixed energy. The price of electricity varies depending on the chosen source, although the differences in cost are often not significant.


Therefore, making the right choice of housing and budget optimization methods can be a key step towards a successful life in Switzerland.

Why save in Switzerland: myths and realities of reasonable spending

Grocery shopping in Switzerland

Food expenses in Switzerland can hit your wallet hard if you shop in regular stores. It's easy to spend over 1000 francs a month, which is, of course, related to the high prices that correspond to the high income levels in this country. However, there is an opportunity to find products of similar or even better quality at more reasonable prices.

For example, discount chains like Lidl and Aldi offer prices on bread and other products that are 20-50% lower than in supermarkets like Coop and Migros. This can significantly help with savings: if your food budget is 1000 francs, shopping at these stores can allow you to save between 300 and 400 francs!

Saving on groceries abroad

Some residents of Switzerland are trying to save money by shopping for groceries in nearby countries like Germany, France, or Italy. However, in practice, such a trip may not be as cost-effective as it seems. A downside to this strategy is that it requires a significant amount of time, especially on weekends when the roads are congested, and fuel costs can exceed the expected savings.

Secrets of saving in supermarkets

If you prefer frequent visits to the local supermarket rather than one-time weekly shopping, you have a chance to come across good discounts on fish, meat, or cheese.

Recommended real estate
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141 м²

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110 м²

With a certain determination, you can significantly reduce your expenses:

  • Cheese can be stored for a long time, and the date indicated on the packaging is not always the final expiration date.
  • I make most of my cheese purchases during sales.
  • I also buy at least 60-70% of the total amount of meat on sale.

Cafes and restaurants

When it comes to cafes and restaurants, unfortunately, Switzerland cannot boast of culinary delights. The local cuisine is quite simple, and in most cases, traditional dishes like fondue and raclette lack variety. Prices for dishes in restaurants can be exorbitant, and the quality of the food does not always justify such expenses.

In neighboring countries, you can try much tastier dishes for a similar amount of money. Therefore, to save money, it's worth visiting cafes and restaurants less often. If you do want to have lunch out, it's better to choose self-service snack bars, like Autogrill or Migros, where the prices are more reasonable and the food is enjoyable.

Personal transport and public transport

When it comes to personal transportation, maintaining it in Switzerland is often not cost-effective. The most sensible option is to choose housing in a way that eliminates the need for a personal car. For example, I live near the central train station and tram stops, which makes getting around the city much easier.

If buying a car is unavoidable, it's better to consider the option of used cars, preferably no older than a year, to ensure that warranties are still valid. Used cars that are 3-4 years old may require high repair costs, which can reach up to 20,000 francs.

Public transport in Switzerland operates at a high level, but at the same time, the most sensible solution is to arrange your living situation in a way that minimizes the need to use it. Personally, I try to avoid frequent trips on public transport, as it helps significantly reduce expenses and simplifies life.

Before starting my workday, I prefer to use a bicycle for getting around. In Zurich, the cost of a tram ticket is 3.10 francs for one hour.

Annual public transport passes

If you need to use the tram, the most cost-effective solution would be to purchase an annual pass, which can be issued for a specific region or for the entire country. A local pass allows you to travel within a certain city or canton and costs between 700 and 1500 francs.

At the same time, the general subscription, known as GA, allows access to all types of public transport throughout Switzerland (excluding cable cars) and will cost 3,655 francs (2nd class).

Halbtax discount card

Anyone looking to save on living in Switzerland should definitely consider purchasing a discount card.HalbtaxThis subscription costs around 150-200 francs per year and offers a 50% discount on long trips, making it a great option for those who frequently travel long distances.

Clothing purchase

When it comes to buying clothes, it's worth planning your shopping for January or June, as these months are the main sale periods. With proper organization of your store visits, you can save up to50-60%from the original price of the product.

Purchase of household appliances and furniture

To buy household appliances and furniture, it is recommended to use the website.ricardo.chHere you will find a vast array of products based on an auction system. You can find items like sofas and televisions that have already been used, but the Swiss often sell things that they have simply grown tired of or that didn't suit them—typically, these are items purchased just a few months ago.

Buying such items in Germany or other neighboring countries is not a good option in terms of saving money. If you really want a new item, the best option is to order it online, as it will turn out to be much cheaper.

Mobile communication in Switzerland

As for mobile communication, in Switzerland, monthly expenses for mobile services can reach100-200 francsTo reduce these expenses, several strategies can be employed:

  • It's beneficial to purchase service packages that combine internet, television, and mobile communication.
  • Consider prepaid options from virtual operators, such asMigrosorAldi.

Long-term contracts with large operators are generally less profitable; however, even in this case, if you use prepayment and don't call too often, expenses can be kept under control.10-20 francs a month.

Internet in Switzerland

The most accessible internet in Switzerland is wireless connectivity, for example, through4G modem, the cost of which starts from50 francs a monthHowever, the speed may be quite low. To ensure a fast internet connection, a wired connection will be required, the rental of which incurs additional costs.50 francs a month.

In the end, you can easily spend more in Switzerland.100 francson the internet.

Medical insurance

As for the healthcare sector, every citizen of the country is required to have health insurance, the minimum cost of which is200 francs per monthDepending on the age and level of the franchise, this indicator can reach500-600 francsThe cheaper the policy, the higher the deductible — that is, the amount you will have to pay for treatment. Thus, the insurance for200 francsmay have a franchise in2500 francsWhat should you pay attention to when choosing a policy?

To be eligible for free medical services, you will first need to spend around 2500 francs on medical treatment over the course of a year. It is recommended to explore the pricing options from various insurers.

Although the list of services included in standard health insurance is strictly defined by the government, the medical field has a reputation for being expensive and is prone to a constant increase in the number of additional procedures prescribed, as this brings significant profit to both doctors and hospitals. Therefore, the most sensible way to save money is to avoid illnesses, engage in regular physical activity, and maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Tax deductions and dental services

To calculate the size of a potential tax deduction, you can use an Excel application and consider various scenarios. Personally, I've always felt that the best choice is the maximum deductible amount.

It is also important to remember thatdental servicesThey are not covered by health insurance, so it makes more sense to visit a dentist outside the country, for example, in Germany or Russia.

Ski resorts

Nowadays, many people are passionate about skiing. However, if you have a week-long vacation planned at a ski resort, Switzerland may not be the best choice. The prices here are high, and the quality of services may not differ from that of cheaper resorts.

Like many Swiss people, I prefer skiing in Austria, Italy, or France. In these countries, you get more for your money.

  • The best housing
  • More delicious food
  • Picturesque villages
  • Diversity of slopes

Visiting Switzerland

The most sensible time to visit Switzerland is for one day, during which you can take advantage of public transport with special "snow&rail" rates, where combined tickets for trains and lifts are sold. Alternatively, for a short weekend, you can book a hotel or apartment in advance for the night, adding comfort to your trip.


When traveling, it's best to use the mode of transport that is most suitable for the specific route. For example, if your destination is a particular place and involves climbing to a higher elevation, it will often be easier and cheaper to take the train.

For trips to nature, it's best to rent a car, while for getting around cities like Geneva, Lugano, or Bern, the most convenient option would be the train.

Issues with airline ticket prices

Residents of Switzerland, especially a whole community living in Zurich, have a high income level, which results in quite significant prices for airline tickets from this city. There are several methods to deal with this situation:

  • It is recommended to book tickets in advance.preferably six months before the planned departure.
  • It is advisable to avoid tourist peaks.such as Christmas, New Year, Easter, and summer school holidays from early July to mid-September.
  • Moreover, in the summer, Switzerland reveals its full beauty, and there is no need to travel abroad.
  • If you still need to flyThe ticket prices are too high, so it's worth considering the option of flying fromMilan, where tickets might be cheaper by 200-300 euros.

A train toMilan, when purchased in advance, will cost no more than 10 francs.


In conclusion to my reflections on life in Switzerland and the importance of saving, I would like to emphasize that the ability to manage one's finances is not just a matter of wealth, but also a matter of quality of life. Despite high incomes, the Swiss often face an abundance of advertising and consumer temptations, which can lead to irrational spending. I have learned to approach my only resource – money – with awareness, and this not only helps to preserve funds but also allows me to dedicate more time to what truly matters.

Financial strategies

Moving to tax-friendly cantons or implementing key financial strategies, such as engaging with pension funds or utilizing tax deductions for children, offers the opportunity to reduce financial burdens and accumulate additional funds. It's important to remember that taxes and other fees are a part of our lives, and it's better to learn how to budget in a way that maximizes the benefits from the existing conditions.

Rent and utilities

Life in Switzerland, despite its appeal, also requires a certain approach to expenses. Many locals choose to rent rather than buy property, realizing that this is a wiser financial decision. The basic principles of saving on rent and utilities can significantly ease the financial burden.


Thus, I have come to the conclusion that one should not underestimate the importance of financial literacy and conscious consumption. Comparing various aspects of life in Switzerland, I am once again convinced that proper money management is the key to stability and confidence in the future. After all, the true value of life lies not in the amount of resources we have, but in how we use them to create a life full of vibrant moments and opportunities.


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