Property Abroad
'50th anniversary project from Bayraktar Inshaat Construction Company'

'50th anniversary project from Bayraktar Inshaat Construction Company'


50-летний юбилей проекта от строительной компании Байрактар Иншаат

Ankara Home Address, a concept including 3,000 residential buildings, open streets, shopping malls and stores, attracted many famous faces from the world of politics, sports and business to an event organized in Ankara.

The guests included former Industry and Trade Minister Ali Çöskun, former Education Minister Hüseyin Çelik, Honorary Chief Justice of the Supreme Court Sami Selçuk, Deputy Speaker of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey Sadik Yakut, former Deputy Prime Minister Yalçın Akdoğan, Presidential Advisor Oktay Saral, Turkey's State Comptroller General Seref Malkoç, as well as numerous deputies from past and present, politics, sports and business.

In the speech''Bayraktar Construction Company's founder and chairman of the board, Irjan Bayraktar

He said: "Today we are gathered here to tell and introduce our Adres Ankara Evleri project to our customers, close friends. I thank each of you, I pray for you, thank you for being with us. There is an economic crisis in the world and our country is also applying tight monetary policy. This makes things difficult for the construction industry and complicates things for real estate sellers. It looks like this situation will continue for some time.

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Therefore, we want to share with you, our loved ones, the status and achievements of our project. "

Bayraktar also noted that the world faces economic crises every 5 to 10 years, and''cited examples of how Turkey emerged from the economic embargo and crises it faced in 1974 and 2008, saying that real estate investments always succeed in times of crisis and those who do not invest end up regretting their decision.

Bayraktar also added that the Adres Ankara Evleri project has advantages over rising interest rates and exchange rates. Firstly, the project is unique and will create a special atmosphere in Ankara, becoming an example of social and cultural space. Secondly, the project is located close to the largest hospital in Turkey, which predicts an increase in value for both residential and commercial spaces. Finally, the project consists of 3 plots with a total of about 3 thousand residential''buildings.

Bayraktar also announced that some 1,290 houses will be owned by cooperatives and handed over to families with 160 square meters, while some 1,536 apartments and some 70 commercial premises in the Adres Ankara Çarşı zone will be owned by Bayraktar İnşaat.

Bayraktar also announced that the apartments purchased by families within the Adres Ankara Evleri project will be handed over to them in mid-2025, and the construction is at a 45-50% completion rate.

