Property Abroad
Silent Capture at KKTS: step by step towards the creation of a 2nd Israeli state.

Silent Capture at KKTS: step by step towards the creation of a 2nd Israeli state.

Silent Capture at KKTS: step by step towards the creation of a 2nd Israeli state.

The quiet occupation of Syria and Afghanistan continues in Turkey, and now it has been revealed that a similar thing is also happening in Northern Cyprus. Tugcehan Oren, spokesman for the North Cyprus Plandemic Platform, said that a new Zionist entity is being built in the country and steps are being taken to create a second Jewish state.

With the support of local collaborators, the outrage against the Zionists gradually taking over Cyprus Little Homeland is beginning to grow, according to Millî Gazete. Cypriots who care about their country are constantly discussing this topic and it is reported that a significant event will be organized in the coming days. Thus, a protest against the Jewish lobby' will be organized'organizations in the country, including against the Chabad-Lubavitch organization and others.

Tugchehan Oren on the acquisition of land in Cyprus by Zionists

Tugcehan Oren, spokesman for the North Cyprus Plandemic Platform, has voiced notable words regarding the Zionists' acquisition of land in Cyprus. On the issue, Oren said: "The Biden-backed Yudean Chabad communitarians came to our country in 2008 with about 200 companies and then opened a bank. They acquired our land piecemeal with the help of local confidential lawyers and collaborationist politicians, making money transfers through that bank.

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Also, using the phrase 'they sold the land and buildings they acquired through their real estate companies only to their own people',''Karpas. It is known that a recent issue of Forbes magazine published an article about the benefits of buying land in Karpas. In addition, Lefka is also on the list of places where Jews buy land. It is noted that Jews have purchased two thousand donur of land in Lefka and are also planning to purchase land in Gaziveren, Djengizköy, Balıköy and Çamlıköy districts.

The acquisition of significant tracts of land in Cyprus by Jews has an even more horrifying side. According to this, in 2014, a lot of Jews were granted citizenship of Northern Cyprus and are also making land purchases. Since these people are citizens of Northern Cyprus, they can buy land in any quantity and this situation is seen as part of the occupation.

The lands of Cyprus are in


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