Property Abroad
'What can you buy in your neighborhood for the price of a Parisian studio?'

'What can you buy in your neighborhood for the price of a Parisian studio?'


Что вы можете приобрести в своем районе за цену парижской студии?

According to the Observatory of the Particulier à Particulier (PAP) platform, for the median price of a Parisian studio you can buy a 206 m² home in Saint-Etienne or a 100 m² apartment in a ski resort. This is not surprising: Paris remains the city in France with the highest median real estate prices. This is evidenced by a study by the watchdog Particulier à Particulier (PAP), a platform where you can buy, sell or rent an apartment.

The real estate market: after years of growth, both sales and prices are falling.

The average price of an average Parisian studio (25 m²) is 267 000 euros. For the same amount of money in the department of Nièvre, you can buy a house of about 260 m², the study indicates, or a home of 89''In Marseille or Lyon, it's 52 m². While in some cities for 267,000 euros you can buy a home of more than 100 m², in others the prices are closer to those accepted in Ile-de-France. Thus, in Bordeaux, Lyon or Marseille, the housing area is more likely to be around 50 m² for the same price. Prices in cities are not homogeneous, as Particulier à Particulier (PAP) points out. In Paris, for example, the cheapest neighborhood is La Chapelle (203,900 €) and the most expensive is Odeon (400,000 € median price for a 25 m² apartment).

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Outside the major cities, the study also looks at median prices in departments. And, unsurprisingly, the Atlantic coast and especially the Mediterranean are among the most expensive departments. For the price of a Parisian studio, for example, you can buy an apartment of about 100 m² in the mountains. Isère''has a median price of 2,629 euros per m², "this applies not only to the valley but also to ski resorts in the mountains", points out the study, citing the example of Chamrousse, "a family resort where the average price per square meter is 2,584 euros". An investment of 267,000 euros also allows you to buy a fully equipped barge, a house in the Caribbean or "non-standard property" (a castle, a mill to renovate, a former monastery), notes the specialized website. To obtain these results, PAP used the median price per square meter, that is, the price above and below which exactly 50% of apartments are located. Unlike the average, it does not take into account the extremes (an apartment that would be extremely expensive and would raise the average price, although this is an anomaly).

