Property Abroad
Jessica Fletcher at the Usher House'.

Jessica Fletcher at the Usher House'.

Джессика Флетчер в доме Ашер

The mode of inheritance is one of the key factors of social design in human society. That is why no change, no progress can occur without making changes in the system of testamentary law.

The elimination of majorates or the priority of men over women affects the social composition and distribution of wealth even more than labor laws or processes for securing land.

The great aristocrat of terror, Mike Flannagan, has just released on Netflix his very special interpretation of Edgar Allan Poe's classic The Fall of the House of Usher, in which he has, quite unbidden, assembled all the unwanted characters from the acclaimed Succession series, fabricating fentanyl, and''punished them: killed them all.

The desire to have many offspring is not an act of love or justice, it is an obvious biological urge, that is, an animal instinct. The selfish gene is doing its thing. This is not good or bad, but it is clear that it is not rooted in civilization, but is rooted in the jungle. And accordingly, it is a catalyst for physical, psychological and even political violence.

But for inheritance disputes, two conditions must be met: marriage and property. That's why William Shakespeare wrote not about the dramas of the village family, but about nobles and kings, because they were the ones who could leave entire kingdoms as inheritances.

If, as the early liberals suggested, virtually all inheritance were to pass to the state, to society, so that equal''opportunity and competition of merit determined people's fates rather than their pedigrees, there would be virtually no crime series. Neoliberalism destroyed the meritocratic principles of liberalism and brought back the mechanisms of wealth concentration characteristic of premodernism, introducing affluence within the close confines of kinship.

Serials like "Se ha escrito un crimen," "Colombo" or "Crimen en el paraíso" would have had very few episodes, and we would not have had the chance to enjoy great films like Robert Altman's "Godsford Park" or Ryan Johnson's "Puñales por la espalda," which actually tell the same story as "Succession," but with much more humor and compassion.

In a country that has never fully experienced capitalism, probably because here it has never''was Protestant and because we expelled the Jews from the country (that these weeks no one seems to remember), in other words, in an essentially precapitalist country, which Spain remains, these issues are of great centrality because the true form of accumulation has always been rentist, and rarely mona be the vector of wealth innovation or scientific and technological progress.

This is why we are a country with a relatively low number of Nobel Prizes per capita and GDP figures, and why Forbes' recently published list of Spain's hundred largest fortunes has so many people with the surname Deli Pino.

In the documentary "La maldición del Windsor," available on HBO Max, in addition to exploring the mystery of the sudden and deadly fire'The story of the Reisabal family is told in the famous Madrid skyscraper. Florentino Reisabal, founder of Ízaro Films, made a fortune in the entertainment world, not only producing films but also doing business with nightclubs and movie theaters.

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And, of course, the man who has built an empire that is capped by a 108-meter glass and steel tower in Little Madrid's Manhattan is thinking with great anxiety about what will happen to his wealth when he is gone.

The documentary miniseries recalls the proverb: "The father is a vintner, the son is a knight, the grandson is a beggar," a fatalism that deprives the rich of their dreams and enshrines the law that what the father has accumulated is spent by the son, while the grandson lives on bread and water.

Before there was a'. 'majorate, and only the first-born son received the inheritance, it was common for brothers without inheritance to seek prosperity and comfort in an ecclesiastical career. In time, other preferred destinies were service to the state, hence the proud double surnames of judges, commercial technicians, or real estate registrars, because they had been in the state for two hundred and fifty years, but would not leave even if Salfumán solution was poured on them.

Today, the bottom line is that many of those who are deemed by their parents to be less able to succeed on their own are in institutional politics. There are also hybrid cases where a cushy position in real estate registration or public advocacy gets tiresome and the person eventually enters politics.'''The Vox Parliamentary Group, before it was downsized, was largely made up of these two types - the bores and the less intelligent children.

Sigmund Freud was wrong, as in so many things, when he proclaimed that the patricidal instinct was due to oedipal repression. We know from "Se ha escrito un crimen" that in most cases the father is killed for money, not to compete with the mother for her attention. Once the children become adults, they begin to see the father as a nuisance, preventing them from acting as they see fit, inheriting property or leading the new leftist party. And they are right.

But there is a way to speed up this process of allying with a sullen old man who only criticizes and interferes. In two steps: appoint him honorary party chairman and''invite you to spend the weekend in Jessica Fletcher's office because that woman looks where she sees an obituary.


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