Property Abroad
'Head of SPK Gyönyül: active value has exceeded 350 billion Turkish liras.'

'Head of SPK Gyönyül: active value has exceeded 350 billion Turkish liras.'

'the vessel of the economy and therefore active activity in real estate will support both the economy and other related sectors. He emphasized that the use of capital markets instruments in financing new projects in the sector is as important as the ability to generate investment returns in the area for savings owners.

"Corporate investors in the real estate sector are very important participants in our capital markets. Real estate investment partnerships have been around for a number of years, but with the addition of real estate investment funds to our legislation, they have become a significant investment and financing tool," he said.

"The assets of investment partnerships have exceeded 350''Billion Turkish Liras' Gönül said that the total value of real estate assets of real estate investment partnerships traded on the stock exchange exceeded 350 billion Turkish Liras and their market value exceeded 220 billion Turkish Liras. He also noted that more than 49 billion Turkish Liras has now been allocated to real estate investments in real estate investment funds.

Gönül noted that there have been significant changes in real estate in capital markets in recent years and said: "In order to further develop our capital markets and address the access to housing issues that have been seen in recent times, a draft regulation on investment fund real estate has been developed. Through this regulation, which allows for the creation of''Real estate investment funds to implement real estate projects, mainly consisting of independent housing, are executing plans. These funds will be able to realize projects both on their own territories and on lands owned by different persons with whom contracts have been signed. "

These funds will be established as Real Estate Investment Funds and thus different from existing funds that are not able to accept projects in their portfolios; these funds will only be able to include in their portfolios the lands on which projects are developed, as well as the real estate developed as part of the project, and some cash and capital investments for cash management purposes.

"Real estate investment funds can be''developed by construction companies that comply with certain conditions on construction activities, in order to protect the rights of fund share participants, it is proposed to provide various safeguards.

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"By allowing the establishment of real estate investment funds; We will have the opportunity to increase the supply of housing in our country and also increase opportunities for real estate investors. "

Hope for revitalization

H real estate Certificates that were previously utilized but did not receive the required level of publicity, Gönül noted that they want to bring back to the sector and stated that they see strong support for the project from both government agencies and the private sector. Gönül also emphasized that in Turkey, being in''s earthquake zone, it is necessary to strengthen, renovate and provide urban renewal of the existing building and said: "For this purpose, capital market financial instruments play an important role. We foresee that real estate certificates will provide financing for urban reconstruction and disaster management, and allow individual and corporate investors to appreciate their savings. We look forward to the support of all stakeholders. "



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