Property Abroad
'Clear regulation makes something like Uber impossible.'

'Clear regulation makes something like Uber impossible.'


Ясное регулирование делает такое как Uber невозможным.

In the country we live in, some very strange things are happening. Groups that don't want competition, are loud and have electoral power have used their relationship with the government to ban Uber, which provides online cab services, in 2019.

What has happened since that ban? Pirate cabs became more common. Existing cabs have turned into a professional group that does not compete and treats Turkish passengers as second-class citizens, choosing passengers and showing no interest in their comfort. They have managed to create a world where they do not have to pay taxes by raising the exceptional amounts of taxation they pay under a simple system''taxation of 300 Turkish lira per year. Bravo...

It has long been discussed in our country that people renting out accommodation by the day do not pay taxes and compete with hotels. Day rentals have been subject to mandatory ID requirements in 2016, mandatory payment of rent through a bank or post office as of July 1, 2017, and mandatory "operator available at all times" as of June 2022. The most comprehensive regulation regarding tourism-related day rentals was the Law on the Rental of Residential Premises for Tourism Purposes and Amendments to Certain Laws, published in the Official Gazette on November 2, 2023. During the process of enacting such law, the statements on''income exceeds the annual exclusion amount, you report this to the tax office by filing a tax return in March of the following year and pay the tax in two installments. There is no problem here. The problem arises when, because of the desire to generate more income than can be obtained from a long-term rental property, you have an arrangement in which the accommodation is prepared for use by different people over a long period of time, on a day-by-day or week-by-week basis, with the accommodation being handed over to guests and prepared for use after the stay is over. In such a case, it is not possible to talk about a rental contract because this activity is considered a commercial activity. In addition to the obligation to keep records and issue invoices, also''there is an obligation to apply value added tax, renting a home as a residence does not qualify for the use of the exemption. As daily rentals are available worldwide, including in Turkey, through the Airbnb platform, it has been very easy to monitor these listings and easily detect those who are earning unofficial income.

The law makes daily rentals impossible.

The law has introduced very detailed regulations, below are those that make it impossible to rent accommodation on a daily basis:

  • The rental of accommodation for any purpose for up to 100 days for users is defined as "tourism rental", rentals lasting more than 100 days are excluded from the provisions of the law.
  • To authorize the rental of dwellings'. 'for tourism purposes, an authorization document from the Ministry of Culture and Tourism is required prior to the conclusion of a lease agreement.
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In addition, to obtain the authorization document, it is required to submit the decision of all floor owners of the building in which the independent part that is the subject of the authorization document is located, by unanimous vote.
  • Persons who rent out accommodation for tourism purposes without a permit document are subject to an administrative fine of 100,000 Turkish Liras per rented apartment and are given 15 days to obtain a permit document to continue the rental activity. Persons who continue to engage in rental activities for tourist''must apply for a permit within one month of the law coming into force.

    Instead of banning, the aim should have been to prevent unfair competition. Tourism statistics for the first 9 months of 2023 presented by the Turkic Institute of Statistics show a significant positive result compared to last year, despite all the outrage in the world. The number of tourist arrivals increased by 5.6 million and tourism revenue increased by 7 billion dollars compared to last year. There was also a $52 per person increase in tourist spending.

    This success is a credit to both hotels and vacation rentals. Instead of''to consider them as enterprises paying taxes and insurance premiums and to include them in official statistics, abolishing this part of the lodging activity would not benefit hotels. The budget categories were those who opted for cheap vacations by renting accommodation for a day. Now they will turn to hotels; I doubt it. It is also a fact that tourists have started preferring Egypt and Greece over Turkey because of the significant increase in hotel prices. Consumers always benefit from competition on a level playing field between hotels and vacation rentals. Competition is useful in all spheres and tames greed for profit. It is also strange to impose a 100 day limit while complaining about the short length of the tourist season. Ignore the family''enterprises that provide their subsistence by renting out accommodation by the day is also a misfortune.

    In conclusion, which industries have been subjected to administrative fines starting from 100,000 Turkish Liras for a contract reaching up to 1 million Turkish Liras? "


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