Property Abroad
'Investing in real estate abroad: what you need to know.'

'Investing in real estate abroad: what you need to know.'

'real estate. If it is a rental investment, this allows you to identify geographical areas with development potential, assess average prices and ensure that the desired property is not overvalued.

Also pay attention to geopolitical risks, don't underestimate them... Also, while it is possible to research a location or inspect a property from a distance using online tools, it is still advisable to visit the site to be able to assess the property's condition, location and neighborhood.

Inform yourself about legislation and regulations

Local laws and regulations should not be taken lightly and it is important to be familiar with local real estate laws as they can have a significant impact.''Some countries may have restrictions on foreign ownership or special taxes. For example, in some places you can own a house but not the land on which it is built.

In addition, if you don't speak or don't speak the language of the country well, you will find it difficult to deal with many administrative formalities. Therefore, in general, to avoid pitfalls and get guidance, it is highly recommended in all your actions to get the support of local professionals (real estate agents, real estate lawyers and tax experts).

Be vigilant about taxation, especially in the case of rental investments that generate income: you may be subject to double taxation on your rental income,''unless the country in which you are investing has concluded a double tax treaty with France.

Recommended real estate
Купить house в France 130077£

Sale house in Marsel 165 274,00 $

1 Bedroom

26 м²

Купить villa в France 3180000€

Sale villa in Saint-Rafael 3 441 882,00 $

5 Bedrooms

465 м²

Купить flat в France 461148£

Sale flat in Antibes 585 929,00 $

2 Bedrooms

64 м²

Арендовать villa в France 20000€

Rent villa in Cannes 21 647,00 $

10 Bedrooms

8 Bathrooms

700 м²

Купить house в France 2650000€

Sale house in Menerbe 2 868 235,00 $

5 Bedrooms

3 Bathrooms

385 м²

Арендовать house в France 52500€

Rent house in Antibes 56 823,00 $

6 Bedrooms

5 Bathrooms

470 м²

Also keep in mind that if you wish to pass on assets to a loved one, the applicable law on the transfer of real estate to heirs is the law of the country where the assets are located, not France.

Set a budget

As always, to set a realistic budget, you need to anticipate the costs: property values, legal costs, taxes, the possibility of delegating rental management to a professional if necessary. In the case of real estate investments abroad, it is sometimes necessary to consider the exchange rate, as it can affect the return on your investment. If you need financing, you''You can apply for a mortgage from a French bank. However, as the risks are higher than in France, the conditions for obtaining a loan are usually stricter (interest rates, down payment, guarantees and mortgages...). If you prefer a local bank, as always, research the conditions carefully.

