Property Abroad
Italian real estate market: the most expensive and cheapest places to live in the country

Italian real estate market: the most expensive and cheapest places to live in the country

Итальянский рынок недвижимости: самые дорогие и дешевые места для жизни в стране

Italy is a special country, not only in terms of natural, climatic or cultural characteristics, but also in terms of many other preconditions that can be observed within a country that extends for hundreds and hundreds of kilometers, and therefore it is impossible to consider it the same in each of its regions.

Also from an economic point of view, we see incredible differences depending on the region we are referring to, both in terms of buying and renting homes. At the same time, the real estate market is different; there are regions where it is objectively difficult - even unaffordable for some people - to buy a home and regions where, on the contrary, it is recommended to live because of lower costs. In general, what once seemed to be a mere difference has become a real abyss, exacerbated by inflation and territorial conditions, especially in large cities or regions where costs have always been higher, given the historical trend that has continued in recent years.

The following will indicate everything you need to know on this topic.

The Italian real estate market and the general conditions of our territory

Before looking specifically at an overview of the cities where it is more or less affordable to live in Italy, it is important to first provide an overview of the general conditions of our country. Naturally, the sale and rental prices of many residential properties have risen significantly in recent years, especially after the coronavirus pandemic and inflation, which has become ubiquitous and determinant for a number of factors related to the real estate market.

The region where the average cost of buying a new apartment is the highest is Trentino Alto Adige, where the cost of buying a house is almost 3,200 euros per square meter; in general, the trend of northern Italy, with the exception of some regions such as Piedmont (whose data is much lower compared to other regions such as Lombardy or Veneto), is sharply increasing, as well as in Valle d'Aosta, where the average rental cost is approaching 18 euros per square meter, taking into account the regional average; as for the more affordable regions to live in, it is certainly worth mentioning Calabria, whose cost is absolutely negligible (compared to some regions of the North) in terms of buying, with an average cost of around 938 euros, while in Umbria the average rental cost is 7.30 euros per square meter, the lowest paid.

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The most expensive and cheapest cities to live in Italy

The above allows us to continue our review of some of the most expensive and more affordable cities to live in Italy. Of course, when considering one of the most expensive centers in our country, it is impossible not to think of the city of Milan, which has also experienced an annual increase of more than 8% due to inflation, especially when it comes to buying a house: if you want to know more, check out the latest news on Among other cities, especially in Italy, we can mention Savona, Siena, Imperia, Genoa, Grosseto, Perugia and Pistoia, places that also saw a higher increase in purchase and rental prices.

When it comes to the cheapest places to live in our country, Potenza is the emblematic city with its average cost of 948 euros per square meter; it is joined by Reggio Calabria, Catanzaro, Campobasso, Caserta, Naples and Trapani.



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