Property Abroad
How can I sell French real estate cheaper - through a notary or an agent?

How can I sell French real estate cheaper - through a notary or an agent?

How can I sell French real estate cheaper - through a notary or an agent?

Real estate agent's commission

The commission of a real estate agent depends on whether they have an exclusive mandate to sell the property. The reader's question: I understand that notaries can also sell real estate in France. In general, is it cheaper to sell through a notary than through a real estate agent? Is the commission for selling through a notary fixed, or can it be negotiated? The answer depends on the specific situation, and the only way to know for sure is to consult a local real estate agent and notary.

Notary fees for real estate sales

In the past, a notary's portfolio mainly consisted of family-related matters, especially wills, where heirs would leave real estate to the notary for sale. The commissions were fixed - 6% for amounts up to €45,735 and 3% for amounts above that.

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Fixed commissions were abolished in 2016, and now notaries are allowed to charge any commission for the sale of real estate, ranging from 4% to 10%. Higher commissions are usually set for cheaper properties. Notaries have also created an official real estate website:

The real estate market in France

French real estate agencies continue to thrive despite competition from notaries, online agencies and direct real estate sales sites such as Particulier à Particulier. As always, their commissions depend on whether or not they have an exclusive commission to sell a property. Typically the commission for an exclusive assignment is less than 5%, compared to 6% -8% for a non-exclusive assignment. About 20% of real estate agents' portfolios are exclusive assignments.


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