Property Abroad
Case Green, Pichetto Fratin: Impossible EU targets for Italy

Case Green, Pichetto Fratin: Impossible EU targets for Italy

Case Green, Pichetto Fratin: Impossible EU targets for Italy

"The norm gives many good ideas, but with constant cost-benefit analysis, it is not justified by the expansive effects compared to the problems it creates for public accounts or price increases in the sector. "

This is the assessment of Environment Minister Gilberto Pinchetto Fratini regarding Superbonus 110% during a hearing before the Senate Environment Committee.

"As Minister Giorgetti emphasized when presenting the NADEF," the Minister recalled, "net debt for the current year is expected to be 5.2% of GDP, 0.7 percentage points above the target indicated in the Official Document. This inconsistency in relation to April's programmatic projections is due to the cost effects of building bonuses. "

Pinchetto Fratini also spoke out on the green homes directive: according to the minister, Europe's goal of making existing buildings zero-emission by 2050 is not currently achievable in Italy.

"In trilateral negotiations, as in the case of Italy, we emphasize the specificities of the Italian context. We have a special heritage with 31 million buildings, of which 21 million are above Class D. We are talking - the Minister reminded - about a different heritage compared to other European countries because of historical reasons, geographical configuration and the ingrained idea of the home as a refuge for Italian families. Determining the proportion of real property vacated for economic reasons is a necessary and mandatory step, but time targets, especially for existing residential buildings as they are currently delineated, are not achievable for our country.

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The most contentious issues in the tripartite negotiations involve the timing of the goals in the first place. "On this issue," the minister said, "I emphasize that we need to identify a pathway of realistic, specific and enforceable actions. "

Another contentious issue relates to the homogeneity of performance evidence to determine the number of buildings on which to intervene. "We don't want there to be an advantage or penalty for member countries because of differences in grades or grades. Need homogeneous parameters for initial real estate appraisal. I have therefore commissioned a group of experts to study this topic and provide a clear picture on this issue. "
