Property Abroad
'When home ownership isn't a priority, guppies show up'

'When home ownership isn't a priority, guppies show up'


Когда дом в собственности не приоритет, появляются гуппи
Когда дом в собственности не приоритет, появляются гуппи

In the 80s, we were introduced to 'yuppies' - young professionals hungry for luxury homes and status items. Today, on the contrary, the phenomenon of "yuppies" is spreading - young people who have already given up on buying real estate, especially at crazy prices, and are looking for a more economical and possibly eco-friendly alternative. Let's figure out together who the gappies are.

Who are gappies

Buying your own home is no longer a priority for 21st century young adults. According to a recent survey by Business Insider, 42% of young people under 40 in the UK do not own a home and have no plans to buy one in the next decade. This trend has led to the emergence of a new category in''More than a fifth (22.5%) of young Britons aged 25 to 34 own their own home, with only one in five millennials saying they will 'definitely' be able to afford to buy a home in the next 10 years.

Based on a survey conducted by Zoopla, the UK's leading real estate company, the rising cost of living caused by inflation that is engulfing the European economy, together with rising mortgage interest rates and increasingly high property prices, point to the main barriers to buying their first home of their own, according to 50% of younger generations.

Happy in Italy

The situation that is presented in the Anglo-Saxon world is also reflected in Italy, where, according to the latest available Eurostat data for 2021''year, 71% of young adults between the ages of 18 and 34 still live at home with their parents.

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This generation is constrained by low wages and an explosion in real estate and mortgage costs, which is a major barrier to buying a home of their own. "Young people today face many more hurdles and obstacles before they can buy a home compared to previous generations," said Enrico Poletto, real estate executive and CEO of APP - Aste Private Professionali. "However, with the right knowledge and an understanding of what the best options on the market may be, buying your own home can be more affordable than young people realize. Besides renting and living with parents, among the possible alternatives that young people can''consider buying a house, there is one that, although still little known and causing undue distrust, can be an excellent investment opportunity: buying real estate at auction'.

