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being adjustedHow much does a notary earn? Salary adjustment varies.

being adjustedHow much does a notary earn? Salary adjustment varies.

being adjustedHow much does a notary earn? Salary adjustment varies.

The figure of a notary is essential if you want to buy a house, get a mortgage, make a will, or create a new company or association of any kind. The notary has always remained one of the most prestigious professions in Italy, thanks to high income. A successful and experienced notary can earn in a month as much as the average worker earns in a year. But how much does a notary actually earn? Let's find out together.

** "The role of a notary"

The role of a notary is comparable to that of a public servant. Their main task is to guarantee the legal validity of transactions that can be made between living individuals or declarations of intent, as well as to certify their content. The notary also handles the storage of these documents and issues certificates, copies, and extracts upon request. They may also be involved in the transcription, registration, and deposit of notarial documents in public registers, if provided for by law.

The necessity of a notarial form

Italian legislation requires a notarial form for certain actions, including real estate transactions, mortgages and loans made with banks, corporate law acts for the establishment of new companies, as well as wills, donations, and inheritances, and acts for the creation of associations and charitable organizations.

Notary's income

The notary also performs tax functions, as they collect taxes related to transactions and monitor money laundering by reporting suspicious activities to the government. They can work as an independent consultant, providing standalone advisory services to clients who request preliminary opinions on acts and contracts, drafting private written documents, and wills.

The process of becoming a notary.

The process of becoming a notary involves three main stages: the first is obtaining a bachelor's degree in law, followed by 18 months of practice in a notary office (which can begin 6 months before graduation), and a public competition organized by the Ministry of Justice, in which one can participate five times. The winners of the competition are assigned a job based on their ranking, and the newly appointed notary must open an office within 3 months. It should be debunked the common belief that the notary profession is passed down from father to son, as evidenced by the fact that 82.5% of current notaries are not children of notaries.

Notary income

This profession has always been associated with a high income. Even the economic crises of recent decades have not significantly affected the earnings of notaries. It should be noted that there is a minimum fee rate set by the national government, and each notary can calculate their fee based on these rates, applying a percentage calculation and a coefficient that increases depending on the value of the relevant act.

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Therefore, every professional should start with the minimum legal level and then apply increases or decreases depending on the complexity and specifics of each case.

The number of notaries in Italy

The number of notaries in Italy is determined by the Ministry of Justice based on the need to provide public service throughout the country, in close collaboration with the peripheral offices of public administration. Currently, there are 5,141 professionals working in the country, of which 3,179 are men and 1,962 are women (data from Among them, 973 have 5 years of experience, 901 have between 6 to 10 years; 1,005 have opened their office between 11 to 20 years ago. A total of 2,262 "senior" notaries have been working for more than 20 years, accounting for 44% of the total number.

Average annual income

According to published data from, the average annual income of a notary in Italy is €98,000 before taxes, which amounts to €50.26 per hour. At the beginning of their career, the income can be around €72,000 per year, while more experienced workers can earn up to €167,750. Monthly income can vary from €6,000 to €8,000 and even up to nearly €14,000. Looking at data from various regions from north to south, in Liguria and Veneto, the average income is €5,833 and €5,729 respectively, in Lombardy and Emilia-Romagna it is €4,417 and €5,000, inTuscany and Lazio it is €3,833 and €2,975, and in Sicily, it is €5,365.

Risks and responsibilities

On one hand, as we have seen, a notary's salary is high, but the profession carries responsibilities and risks. They can be civil liabilities if the parties suffer damages due to the professional's failure to fulfill their duties. In the case of an error in a notarial document, for example, if a mistake was made by the professional, the notary must bear the costs of correction. The notary is also responsible for the actions of their employees, whether they are staff in their office or colleagues with whom they collaborate.

Ethical and criminal risks

Let's move on to the ethical sphere. The risks faced by a professional who violates the behavioral norms established by their professional category can range from fines to temporary suspension of the right to practice their profession, and in the most serious scenarios, to dismissal from their position. There are also criminal risks when a notary engages in actions that can be classified by law as a crime, such as forgery by an official in official documents. This is why, given the importance of the acts being processed, the activities of professionals and their components are often subject to scrutiny by various parties, including the state.

Notaries in other countries

Although the notary profession is recognized internationally, in some countries such a position does not exist. This is especially true for countries where the common law system (an unsystematized legal order based on case law) operates, such as the United Kingdom, Ireland, the United States, Canada, Australia, and Hong Kong.
