Property Abroad
'Narbonne, virtual real estate tours are now a reality'

'Narbonne, virtual real estate tours are now a reality'


Нарбонн, виртуальные туры по недвижимости теперь реальность

A real estate and brokerage agency Immosphera Narbonne offers a full 3D immersion into your future home. The company takes into account the value of each person's time.

Buying an apartment, house, apartment... With mortgage interest rates, changing offer prices, various conditions and inspections, buying real estate is a complex process.

In Narbonne, mortgage brokers have been able to integrate all the steps and, most importantly, optimize their clients' time. Sylvain Grazia has been doing this for seven years. He first worked for an agency, but a year ago he decided to create his own team and approach the business in a new way. He and five colleagues came up with the idea of a virtual tour of properties.

Now''they offer a full immersive 3D experience with 360-degree photos to save clients time. Everything is presented inside and out, even projections on properties under renovation with detailed calculations. "We are the only ones in France," confirms the director.

They shoot the objects in Od and the edited material is sent to Switzerland, where they remove personal items and camera reflections. They add plans, areas and the necessary points to move from room to room, as well as the view from the windows. The proposed projection must be approved by the seller before publication.

Owners of virtual reality glasses across France can access the view, as the agency in Narbonne can provide them with the necessary link.

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In Od''A member of staff, such as Isabel, comes to private clients with all the necessary equipment to inspect properties straight from the sofa before deciding to actually view them.

Brokers say, "We discard comments such as '\''I don't like the bathroom'\'' or '\''No, not that tile'\''. Furniture and other items left behind by the owners are also displayed. Since everything is digital, we can work anywhere. In 20 minutes you can see three properties in Carcassonne, Narbonne and Salles. Plus, it's great for sellers who don't have to clean and keep things clean, minimizing the number of viewings. It also saves time.".

About a month and a half after the product launch, you can already take a virtual look at six''homes. Sylvain concludes: "We can add new properties every month ... We don't want to make a distinction between exceptional properties and apartments for 50,000 euros. That's the easiest part. The hardest part, as for everyone, is to sell." And for buyers, to buy.

