Property Abroad
'Real estate: falling prices and sales in France, including Brittany.'

'Real estate: falling prices and sales in France, including Brittany.'


Недвижимость: падение цен и продаж во Франции, в том числе в Бретани.

The number of transactions on the real estate market is decreasing against the background of difficulties in obtaining credit and generally lower real estate prices. This is confirmed by the agencies representing the agency network in their reports for the third quarter. According to Century 21, which has already noted the decline in prices in the second quarter, the decline intensified between July and September, amounting to 4.1% year-on-year for apartments and 2% for houses. The same is noted in Laforêt, where prices per square meter fell by 3.1%, as well as in Orpi, where prices have fallen by 2% since the beginning of the year. The only exception is the national real estate federation (Fnaim), which still notes a 1.1% rise in prices in its latest report prepared for September 1.

The reason for this is the rising cost of''credit, which excludes many initial buyers who must borrow money to purchase their primary residence. The market is supported by 'secondary buyers' who buy by selling their previous property and have a substantial down payment.

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According to Laforêt, they now make up more than half of buyers, while the share of first-time buyers is less than 20%. As a result, all networks are seeing a decline in the number of transactions. The number of transactions was down 22% according to Orpi, 15% according to Laforêt and 23-27% according to Century 21. As in several previous quarters, it is the major cities that are driving the price decline, particularly Paris. "The price decline, although now relatively weak and heterogeneous, is starting to gradually encompass the''all of France and regions that were previously growing, such as Brittany,' Laforêt president Yann Jeannot commented for AFP.

Bordeaux, Rennes and Lyon are following the same downward trend in prices, experts say.

At the same time, several cities, especially on the Mediterranean coast, continued to see prices rise, most notably Marseille and Nice.

