Property Abroad
New location in the center of the capital! Square up to3,700€: Not Belgrade on the water and not Vračar, but expensive.

New location in the center of the capital! Square up to3,700€: Not Belgrade on the water and not Vračar, but expensive.

New location in the center of the capital! Square up to3,700€: Not Belgrade on the water and not Vračar, but expensive.

The population of Pregrivica in Zemun is becoming increasingly attractive. The price per square meter is approaching the prices in Vračar and in Belgrade on the water, now reaching up to 3,500 euros.

However, agents are currently facing difficulties in selling apartments in this part of the capital. "Sales are not going very well at the moment. Those selling apartments are asking for between 3,500 and 3,700 euros per square meter. Sales were going at these prices up until a year ago, but now they have slowed down a bit," says Uroš Jovanović from "Art Real Estate."

Pregrivica is characterized by a street where some apartments are located right by the river, giving this part of Zemun a unique charm.

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On the other hand, in the city center, you can find an apartment in an old building for 3,500 euros. "In some premium locations in the city center, you can find an apartment for that price," explains Jovanović.

In response to the question of why interest in purchasing apartments in Pregrevica has declined, the interviewee from states that this is related to interest rates and loans, where a decrease in those interested in this method of buying real estate is already evident. This area of Zemun actually has very low building heights, typically consisting of buildings up to two stories. "In these buildings, you have a greater sense of privacy than in large high-rises," says Jovanović.

Most often, apartments that are already furnished are sold through advertisements. The price per square meter ranges from 3,000 to 3,500 euros, although in some cases there are exceptions where the price is lower, and you can find a square meter for 2,500 euros.


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