Property Abroad
Perpignan. Real estate prices by city districts.

Perpignan. Real estate prices by city districts.

Перпиньян. Цены на недвижимость по районам города.

The Iberian Oriental Chamber of Notaries has presented data on real estate in 2023. Here are the median prices in the 13 main neighborhoods of Perpignan.

Where to live in Perpignan?

Are you looking to invest or relocate to the capital of the Iberian East? Room of Notaries has just provided the latest data on the 2023 real estate market in the region. In Perpignan, prices remain very attractive, although they have risen slightly this year, as everywhere else. Prices in Perpignan range from twice the value.

Beneath the microscope, the Room of Notaries of the Iberian East has published the figures of real estate sales for the last twelve months and made a comparison for the thirteen main neighborhoods of Perpignan. Only transactions for older apartments, the most popular property type in the city, were compared between neighborhoods. And unsurprisingly, this year again, there is significant variation by location. In fact, the median prices of apartments in Perpignan range from twice the value!

And the main place is occupied by the district of Saint-Gaudric, the only district where the median price exceeds 2,000 euros per square meter, more precisely 2,020 euros per square meter. That is equivalent to 121,000 euros for an apartment of 60 square meters. San Godric takes the lead and Vernet stays behind.

Recommended real estate
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The pedestal is then occupied by Clo Bane (€1,870/m2) and the Platan district (€1,770/m2). This is followed by the districts of Clemenceau (1,760 euros/m2) and Kennedy (1,720 euros/m2). Then there is a divergence beyond the Top 5. Saint-Martin (€1,570/m2), Railway Station (€1,550/m2), Historic Center (€1,400/m2) occupy the middle position with apartments of 60 square meters whose median price is currently between €95,000 and €85,000. Saint-Assiscle (€1,350/m2), La Coba (€1,350/m2) and Moulin à Van (€1,320/m2) lag behind. Behind them comes a huge gap where we find West Bas-Verne (1,080 euros/m2) and East Bas-Verne (990 euros/m2), in the north of Perpignan, where the median price of an apartment of 60 square meters is only 59,000 euros.

Video: now on Actu The prices of the old apartment market depending on the neighborhoods of Perpignan in 2023. (©Commune of Notaries of the Iberian East)

Perpignan is one of the cheapest cities in France. You've probably already seen on the info graphic: real estate prices in Perpignan started rising in 2023, by about 10.5%. Over the year, there are particular price increases - 14.8% in the Kennedy neighborhood, 13.4% in the Moulin à Van neighborhood, and an 11.3% increase in the Station neighborhood. Overall, among the 50 largest cities in France, Perpignan remains an attractive place to buy. For example, real estate prices here are half as low as in Montpellier, Marseille and Toulouse, almost three times lower than in Lyon, Nice and Aix-en-Provence, and five times lower than in Paris. Keep up with all the news about your favorite cities and media by subscribing to Mon Actu.
