Property Abroad
Why create your own real estate as a private individual?

Why create your own real estate as a private individual?

Why create your own real estate as a private individual?

In France, the creation of companies in the real estate sector increased by 6.8% between 2019 and 2020. These INSEE data show that many people continue to invest in real estate despite the current sanitary and economic situation.

However, the creation of real estate companies is not limited to professionals in this field. For individuals wishing to acquire and manage real estate, there is a specially created legal status for them: a civil investment society.

Civil investment society: a society suitable for private individuals' projects

A Civil Investment Society (CIS) is a form of organization that allows individuals to manage their real estate. It is referred to as a "civil society" because a CIS cannot have a commercial nature. It simply facilitates the management and transfer of real estate and is not suitable for activities related to buying and selling property.

GIO or participants: who is the actual owner of the property?

When creating a joint investment fund, the owner of the property is the society itself.

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The participants simply own shares in the authorized capital of the fund. These shares give them the right to participate in the management of the property through the society.

Why create a GIS for managing your real estate?

A GIO has many advantages in real estate management, both from a practical and a tax perspective. Practically, it allows multiple people to come together to acquire and manage real estate. This is a beneficial solution for increasing investment capacity while ensuring a secure framework.

GIO offers particularly attractive benefits for those who are building their real estate assets. There are many options for managing your property, so it's important to seek assistance when creating a GIO to ensure that your projects align with this type of organization.
