Property Abroad
Elderly woman found a painting worth 26 million dollars in her kitchen

Elderly woman found a painting worth 26 million dollars in her kitchen

Elderly woman found a painting worth 26 million dollars in her kitchen

Four years after a famous 13th century painting was discovered in the kitchen of an elderly French woman, it will be sent to the Louvre in Paris. The painting, called The Mocking of Christ, was created by Italian artist Cimabue and was only discovered in 2019 when appraisers visited the woman's home in Compiègne, France. According to ABC15, the woman thought the painting was a Greek religious iconostasis and was about to throw it away when she started cleaning her home before moving.

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Fortunately, when family members called an expert to evaluate the woman's possessions, the painting caught the expert's eye, according to Smithsonian Magazine.

Although the painting was sold for $26 million to dealer Fabrizio Moretti of London at auction in 2019'"from the '\''Greek style'\''\''that is Byzantine, paving the way for a revival of Western painting. "

The elderly woman who had the painting hanging in her kitchen died just two days after the sale, leaving her inheritance to three heirs, Smithsonian Magazine reports.

The Louvre will show the painting alongside Chimabue's "Maesta" in an exhibition next spring, Smithsonian Magazine reports.
