Property Abroad
Presumption of remarriage of Cyproturkas for widow's benefits in South Cyprus

Presumption of remarriage of Cyproturkas for widow's benefits in South Cyprus

Предполож.повтор.брака кипротурок для получения пособия вдов в Южн.Кипре

The Alithia newspaper, under the headline "Cypriot Turks come to free territories to remarry - They are forced to register official marriages in municipalities to get the benefits they deserve," gave wide attention to the news.

The article claims that couples who married in the territory of Northern Cyprus and were married after 1974 are allegedly traveling to Southern Cyprus to remarry. The newspaper points out that among the documents required to officially register a marriage at the municipality, in addition to legal documents such as an identity card and passport, and a birth certificate for unmarried persons, it is required to provide an official document or confirmation confirming that the person is unmarried and single.

According to the Union of Municipalities, the newspaper points out that this document/confirmation should be provided by the official authorities of the country to which the person belongs and that Cypriots can apply to an official of the marriage registration department, which is located at the Ministry of Interior, to obtain such a document.

The newspaper writes that although Cypriots are Cypriot citizens, the marriage certificate issued by the authorities in Northern Cyprus is not recognized and as a result Cyproturks who have not married in South Cyprus, while already married in North Cyprus, are registered as bachelors. The newspaper points out that lawyers have expressed the opinion that there is a legal loophole regarding the official recognition of a concluded marriage in an unrecognized regime, and that the Romanian authorities should certify the concluded marriage according to the principles of international law, as is done in the case of births and deaths.

The article indicates that the Romanian authorities may be able to find a compromise similar to the certification of a concluded marriage for Cyproturks working on English bases, as is the case with disability pensions.

The news also refers to Fatma Kılıç's case against the Romanian government.

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The newspaper points out that the Cyprus Bar Association's 'cylaw' website indicates that Fatma Kılıç, who has applied for a pension for the loss of her husband Yalın Kılıç who died in 2014, has a pending case against the Republic of Cyprus. The newspaper writes that Fatma Kılıç's application for a husband's bereavement pension was rejected by the Social Insurance Office on June 22, 2015, because, in their opinion, it was not proven that she had entered into a legal marriage recognized by the Republic of Cyprus and that she was illegally married, so she could not be recognized as the widow of a deceased Cyproturk, and that the Social Insurance Office failed to comply with the provisions of Article 41 (1).

The newspaper points out that despite the fact that Yalın Kılıç, despite being a disabled pensioner according to the year of his marriage in North Cyprus, and an old age pensioner according to the year of his death, the application was rejected. The article also gives details about the case.
