Property Abroad
'The rising value of real estate investment: northern Cyprus'

'The rising value of real estate investment: northern Cyprus'


Растущая стоимость инвестиций в недвижимость: северный Кипр

Can we get to know each other? I am Dr. Omer Sami Kaya. I am the co-founder of Rocs Homes and an expert in digital marketing. I have been actively involved in the industry for over 7 years now. At the same time, I work as a lecturer at Eastern Mediterranean University. I do academic research in educational technology, augmented reality, gamification and distance education. In addition, I consult many corporate companies in the field of digital marketing.

Why do real estate investors prefer to buy homes in North Cyprus?

There is a group of people who invest in North Cyprus for different purposes. Some of them buy homes with the purpose''to obtain a residence permit and permanent residence. Others purchase homes to use as summer residences and rent out their apartments to generate foreign currency income while they are away. Still other investors seek to sell their real estate after its value rises and make a profit.

Why do people choose to live in North Cyprus? Can you clarify this point a little bit.

Northern Cyprus has many advantages for those who want to live here. First of all, it has a wonderful climate with over 300 days of sunshine a year. In addition, there are golden beaches, natural beauty, cultural treasures, historical architecture and delicious cuisine that can win everyone's hearts. Wide''The use of Turkish and English languages facilitates communication between people. Rich entertainment infrastructure, luxurious residential areas and civilized lifestyle are also the reasons why people choose to live in North Cyprus. Here we would like to mention the quiet life on the island, respectful attitude to each other, lack of division of people by language, religion and race, low crime rate and lack of city bustle, such qualities are very important for those who want to live on the island.

Why should we invest in Northern Cyprus? What advantages does the island offer?

One of the main advantages of investing in real estate in North Cyprus is the return on investment (ROI) period.

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2 Bedrooms

1 Bathroom

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1 Bathroom

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Sale villa in Tala 2 160 919,00 $

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For example, in cities in Turkey such as''foreign currency. In North Cyprus especially in the project stage, repayment terms of up to 60 months are offered without bank, guarantor or credit. With a real estate investment it is possible to obtain a residence permit. If we look at the balance between price and quality, we can say that North Cyprus is more affordable than similar places and has low property taxes. In addition, luxury hotel projects with five stars are being developed on the island. Taking all these factors into consideration, you should invest in North Cyprus real estate before it is too late 

What countries do citizens in North Cyprus mainly invest in?

Turkey, Germany, Iran, Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Belarus, Norway, Sweden, Israel and many'. 'the buyer pays a tax of 0.5%. Thus, the contract becomes official and receives state registration. Usually the buyer will pay an additional utility fee when the home is transferred. This fee usually ranges from £1,500 to £4,000. In addition, especially when selling in projects, North Cyprus house prices do not include VAT. The buyer pays 5% VAT on the transfer of the property. Rental tax is paid by the owner of the property. In contracts concluded in Turkish Liras, this percentage is 10% and in contracts concluded in foreign currencies it is 13%.

Finally, tell us briefly about Rocs Homes.

Rocs Homes was founded with a mission to bring a professional and innovative perspective to the growing real estate market''Northern Cyprus. It is an organization that brings together the real estate and financial sectors, offering investors suitable properties, taking into account the investment parameters. It aims to give a new facet to the Cyprus real estate market within the trinity of "Right Location, Valuable Projects, Genius Investment Ideas".

What are the advantages and features of Rocs Homes?

Rocs Homes offers each investor customized investment plans according to their needs analysis. It has a multi-disciplinary structure with financial, digital marketing, travel and real estate professionals. It has a property management infrastructure that maximizes returns from'
